When Matilda rushed to the road, more than a dozen killers were already fighting with Guohua's men.

The quality of Guohua's men varies from good to bad, but the advantage lies in their large numbers.

The killers from the Killer Guild really had nothing to do with Guohua for a while, and if it took a long time, the police would arrive. The killers became anxious and started fighting with all their strength.

‘Bang bang bang’

‘Boom boom boom boom—! ’

Yoshimura Notaro was leaning against a telephone pole with a headache. It wasn't like he couldn't kill the target person hidden in the crowd with one shot.

But if you release a dirty gun like this, no one can say for sure who fired it, and you will definitely not receive the reward from the Killers Guild.

'It would be great if this fool would take the initiative to run towards me. ’ Yoshimura Notaro murmured to himself.

"Look, this is a bomb."

Matilda took a grenade out of her backpack and threw it, politely reminding the other person.


Both sides were stunned by Matilda's bomb. Not only did Matilda's grenade contain rusty iron pieces, but also chili powder. She didn't know who taught her how to do it.

"Ah! I'm so confused! Which Yan family threw the chili powder bomb?"

The chili powder was spread rapidly in the air by the shock wave of the bomb, and everyone within a few dozen meters was hit. Even Taro Yoshimura accidentally inhaled a little, and he quickly covered his nose and retreated.

He was very familiar with this technique.

Guohua also covered his nose. He took off his coat and gave it to one of his subordinates, then took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

"Hehe! I saw you." Matilda's sharp eyes immediately spotted the target person who took the opportunity to escape.

After Guohua ran sideways across the street, he successfully got on a bus that happened to stop.

Buses run with closed doors.

"It's so easy for a bunch of villains to kill me." Guohua curled his lips and muttered disdainfully.

He didn't notice a little white girl slowly approaching him.


The muzzle of Matilda's gun was pressed against Guohua's waist through her small wallet. Her gun was equipped with a silencer, so it would not make much noise when fired in a noisy car.

Guohua turned his head with an ugly expression.

‘Goal check completed. ’

'Puff puff--'

Matilda fired three times, and Guohua squatted on the floor of the carriage before he even had time to scream.

"Ride a Pig on the Highway"

Matilda skillfully leaves her own killer mark on Guohua's body.

"Ah——! Someone is dead, someone is dead!"

Passengers in the carriage discovered the murdered Guohua and screamed, causing the driver to stop the car quickly.

"Open the door, open the door quickly." The clever passenger patted the door vigorously.

The door opened and Matilda got off among the crowd of panicked passengers.

"Wow, not bad!"

Matilda was walking briskly home in a good mood, when suddenly a teasing voice came from behind her.

"." Matilda stiffened and rolled her eyes in frustration. She already knew whose voice it was.

"Master——!" Matilda turned around.

Yoshimura Notaro was standing behind her with a smile.

"Master, I'll treat you to dinner." Matilda rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to be so kind. I just had enough instant noodles. Remember Wuwu!" Yoshimura Notaro stretched out a palm.

"You're not fair. I was the one doing the whole thing, so I'm still paying for it." Matilda gritted her teeth with a look of pain on her face: "Okay! If you say it's five-for-five, it's five-for-five. Who made you my master? This The reward is 5 million, let’s give it 250 each!”

Matilda's acting skills are excellent, but it's a pity that Notaro Yoshimura is also an actor and doesn't like her at all.

"You are only two hundred and five. My five and a half is that the mission is yours. If you become famous, I will receive the bounty. Each of you will have one. There is no objection. That's it."

After speaking, Yoshimura Notaro turned around and left without giving Matilda a chance to object.

Matilda hurried after him to plead for mercy.

Yoshimura Notaro's heart was as solid as stone and he was unmoved.

The news of Guohua's murder soon spread throughout the underworld.

""Ride a Pig on the Highway"? Pay attention, this is a potential stock worth cultivating."

"We also need to focus on the previous "Jing Ke Assassins the King of Qin". If our Asian Killer Guild wants to stabilize the Killer Guild in Europe and the United States, we must cultivate more backbones. We cannot only have one or two top killers."

Gold always shines, and the new accounts of Yoshimura Notaro and Matilda, the master and apprentice, have once again attracted attention.

It’s just that people in the Asian Killer Guild would not have thought that Matilda not only had a killer number with them, but also registered a killer number with the European Killer Guild in order to have both ends.

Codename: Killer 008.

Ni Yongxiao also received the news of Guohua's murder as soon as possible.

The high-efficiency action ability of the Killer Guild made Ni Yongxiao even more chilling. At this time, he had left the Ni family's old house and stood on a hillside by the sea looking into the distance.

"Brother Xiao, we can't contact the Assassin's Guild, let alone negotiate with them to cancel the reward list." Luo Ji hurried over and whispered.

"Yeah! I understand."

Ni Yongxiao nodded clearly. He had been mentally prepared for this. If the Killer Guild could get on the line so easily, the billionaires in Hong Kong would have spent money to buy insurance for themselves.

Luo Ji suppressed the doubts in his heart, silently stepped aside and stopped talking.

Usually the third uncle is responsible for this kind of thing. Today, the third uncle was not with Ni Yongxiao. Luo Ji felt that there was something wrong here and something might have happened.

Ni Yongxiao felt that it was meaningless for his third uncle to follow him. He sent his third uncle to protect Chen Yongren. There were some things that happened. If his third uncle didn't come forward, Chen Yongren would not be able to fully control the Ni family's underworld forces.

A black business car drove up from the bottom of the mountain.

The car door opened, and the three guys who were tied into rice dumplings were kicked out of the car.

"Mr. Ni, what happened? Is there some misunderstanding? You arrested the wrong person." A zongzi in the middle said nervously.

Ni Yongxiao took a deep breath.

"The day my father was killed, all three of you who were responsible for protecting him were not around. I don't know which one of you has the problem, or if all three of you have the problem."

"Now I will give you one last chance to tell who is behind the scenes, and I will let you go." Ni Yongxiao tried hard to suppress his anger. His original plan was to deal with these guys in a few years, but now he has no time.

"Mr. Ni, you are really mistaken. I had a stomachache at the time, so I left for a while to go to the toilet. Who knew something would happen to Uncle Kun." Another Zongzi hurriedly defended.

Ni Yongxiao didn't even look at the three guys kneeling on the ground. He turned around and waved to the younger brother beside him.

The younger brother put a black suitcase into Ni Yongxiao's hands.

Ni Yongxiao opened the suitcase. In addition to the suitcase full of banknotes, there was also a pistol filled with bullets.

Ni Yongxiao reached out and took out the pistol and held it in his hand.

"This is the last chance. Whoever says it first, the five million here is his. Take the money and get out of Hong Kong Island. I never want to see him again, and the remaining two people are useless. Consider yourself unlucky!"

As soon as Ni Yongxiao finished speaking, the three rice dumplings looked at each other nervously. Their eyes were full of wariness of each other.

The veins on Ni Yongxiao's forehead flashed. With his IQ, he could tell that all three bastards had been bribed.

He wanted to kill these three guys right now, but he had to hold back.

"Go ahead, let me count to three." Ni Yongxiao raised his finger: "One"

"It's Mary, Mr. Ni, it's Mary. She gave each of us one million and asked us to find a reason to leave when the killer came."

As soon as Ni Yongxiao counted to one, a smart person spoke first.

When Ni Yongxiao heard that Mary had ordered Ni Kun to be killed, his whole body froze immediately, and a large amount of cold sweat instantly soaked his back.

His entire plan for Chen Yongren to take office smoothly was leak-proof, but he only missed Han Chen and Mary.

Ni Yongxiao thought of many things in a frightened moment.

He didn't know whether it was Mary's idea to kill his father, or whether Han Chen was also involved. It didn't matter. He wanted to avenge his father and clear the way for the Ni family.

Han Chen must die. (End of chapter)

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