police department.

High-rise conference room.

"These bastards are so rampant when there's a gunfight in the street."

"Don't say anything. Now the public opinion outside is in turmoil. Each of you must give me at least one response plan."

"Speak! Aren't you usually very good at speaking?"

Li Er sat boredly on the lounge chair outside the conference room.

This guy squinted his lustful eyes and looked at the beautiful policewomen coming and going in the corridor of the police station with a serious look on his face. He faintly heard someone saying in the conference room: We can't come up with a response plan today, and the meeting won't Finish.

Hey--! I'm really worried about those administrators.

Li Er had to confess that he was a little gloating about his misfortune.

The killers from the Killer Guild and Guohua's men fought in the street. Both sides suffered casualties, and they also killed four innocent unfortunates.

Two of the unlucky ones were foreign journalists, and the matter spread abroad all of a sudden, and the people in the public relations department couldn't cover it up even if they wanted to.

"Li Er, why don't we go to Ni Yongxiao's place to ambush those killers!" Chen Jiaju actively encouraged Li Er.

His calculation was quite good. Ni Yongxiao's reward amount was as high as 8 million. There would definitely be a large number of killers targeting Ni Yongxiao.

"If you want to go there, go yourself. The killer works for a bounty of eight million, so it's reasonable to give it a try."

"If we were to attack the street, in addition to issuing you a certificate of death in the line of duty, we would also disgustingly ask you to cover the ghost's Union Jack flag. I would be so angry that I would die and be resurrected."

Li Er's words were greatly praised by Cao Dahua.

Also sitting on the bench outside the conference room was Yuan Haoyun.

The four of them were not qualified to enter the high-level conference room of the police station. They all followed the chief of their own police station.

These four people are known as the ceiling of their own police department's combat capabilities.

Gan——! Cao Dahua should be embarrassed here.

It's a pity that Cao Ruofan doesn't know what embarrassment is. Who makes him famous enough?

Among the four people, except Li Er, the "Tsim Sha Tsui Gunslinger" is the most famous, Cao Tat-wah's "Tiger of Wan Chai Crime Squad" is ranked second.

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun are simply not enough to watch in front of Cao Dahua.

"Hey! Big Nose Ju, take me with you, I am willing." Yuan Haoyun glanced at Cao Dahua with disdain, and looked at Chen Jiaju excitedly: "Do you know where Ni Yongxiao is hiding?"

Naturally, Cao Dahua saw that Yuan Haoyun despised him. Unfortunately, he could not defeat Yuan Haoyun, and Yuan Haoyun did not belong to the Wan Chai Police Station. He could not give Yuan Haoyun small shoes to wear, so he could only curse Yuan Haoyun secretly in his heart.

"I don't know, do you know?" Chen Jiaju asked.

"." Yuan Haoyun was speechless.

If he knew where Ni Yongxiao was, he would have gone there to ambush him. Why are he still sitting here?

"Sir Li, your Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department has the best intelligence. Do you have any news about Ni Yongxiao?" Yuan Haoyun turned to look at Li Er and asked.

"No!" Li Er refused directly.

Damn it, these bastards don't necessarily share the credit for their meritorious service, so why should I help them?

To put it bluntly, even if there is news about Ni Yongxiao, he should change into his serious career, do tasks and collect bounties. The money he gets is substantial. Who the hell wants your credit?

‘Even if you become the first brother of the police force, you are still incompetent and furious in the conference room. ’

Li Er wanted to laugh just thinking about it.

"Do you think the information on this gang of killers is so confidential? We have tens of thousands of police officers in Hong Kong who can't get any information at all." Chen Jiaju complained softly.

Li Er was too lazy to pay attention to Chen Jiaju. He took out a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on, admiring the beautiful police officers passing by even more unscrupulously.

‘What the hell, does the police recruit female police officers based on their appearance? These heroic policewomen are almost as good-looking as the beautiful policewomen in their own major crime team. ’

"There may be no intelligence. As long as the big men at the Financial Secretary are willing to provide a sufficient budget, there will be many young police officers who want promotions and salary increases rushing to work as undercover agents."

Cao Dahua did give a reliable plan.

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun both nodded in agreement. As long as they gave enough money, let alone an undercover plan, it would be possible for the killers of the Killer Guild to betray their own people.

"You said the police department doesn't care about dinner. I'm so damn hungry."

Li Er noticed that Cao Dahua, Chen Jiaju, and Yuan Haoyun were looking at him, waiting for his opinion. This guy immediately changed the subject incorrectly.

‘Ni Yongxiao, the reward is eight million. ’

‘Han Chen, there is a financial reward of 10 million. ’

Li Sir's mind has already flown to the mission target. This meeting is too late to make money.

The other side.

Han Chen has already led people to kill Ni Yongxiao.

Mary's death undoubtedly touched Han Chen's bottom line.

Even though Han Chen already understood that those killers were coming for him and Mary was just taking the blame for him, it did not prevent Han Chen from blaming Ni Yongxiao for everything.

Han Chen was also cunning enough. He did not directly fight Ni Yongxiao, but revealed Ni Yongxiao's location and led all his men to kill the Ni family villa.

Han Chen has known Ni Yongxiao for so many years, and he knows very well that his family is Ni Yongxiao's weakness. As long as he gets hold of Ni Yongxiao's family, he will take over Ni Yongxiao.

‘Bang bang bang’

Intensive gunshots rang out in the Ni family villa.

The bodyguards of the Ni family were unable to stop Han Chen's men, and they were all knocked to the ground in just one round of firefight.

Han Chen rushed into the villa with his men.

Ni Yongxiao's family has all left Hong Kong Island, and Han Chen's face is very ugly.

"Get out—! Burn this house to me, burn it all." Han Chen shouted angrily.

At the same time,

The killers from the Killers' Guild had already arrived at the address revealed by Han Chen, but unfortunately they also failed. Ni Yongxiao was not there at all.

"Mr. Ni, the latest news is that Han Chen's wife Mary was killed in the bombing. Han Chen led people into your house and set the whole house on fire."

After one of Ni Yongxiao's men hung up the phone, he hurried over to report to Ni Yongxiao.

"Mary was killed? Who did it?"

Ni Yongxiao said as he put down the telescope in his hand. This guy stood on the top of another mountain, watching from a distance the killers from the Killer Guild searching the mountain on the opposite side.

"It was a killer from the Killer Guild. Mary was accidentally killed while riding in Han Chen's car." Ni Yongxiao's men whispered.

Ni Yongxiao nodded clearly.

"Send someone to keep an eye on Han Chen and reveal his whereabouts to the Killer Guild killer."

Ni Yongxiao's strategy is the same as Han Chen's. They both want to use the killers from the killer union to hunt down the other party. Now it depends on who has worse luck.

"It has been revealed, and many killers are rushing there now." Ni Yongxiao's subordinate said ably.

Ni Yongxiao patted the other party's shoulder with satisfaction: "A Sheng, after this matter is over, you can go and follow your third uncle. The Ni family will rely on you young people in the future."


Ah Sheng nodded solemnly, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Ni, will I listen to Brother Ren in the future?"

"Yes!" Ni Yongxiao said in a cold voice.

The third uncle already had enough men. Ni Yongxiao sent him to follow the third uncle. Naturally, he would not really only work for the third uncle. If the third uncle had second thoughts, Ah Sheng could use them.

Ni Yongxiao was really worried about Chen Yongren taking over the baton smoothly.

It's a pity that Chen Yongren now only wants to get the ledger of evidence of the Ni family's crimes so that he can bring down the Ni family.

The other side.

Han Chen stayed too long at the Ni family villa. When he left, he was blocked by a killer.

"Brother Chen, someone is blocking the road." The man in the car in front immediately reported it to Han Chen.

"Kill him directly!" Han Chen cursed angrily.

The speed of Han Chen’s motorcade continued unabated.

The killer in the middle of the road slowly spread his hands with his palms facing forward.

Han Chen’s men: “????”

I'm afraid this person is mentally ill.

‘Are you ready. ’

Matilda, who was hiding in the grass on the right side of the road, twitched her lips.

As expected of his marksmanship coach, the way he appeared was even more coquettish than his master, Yoshimura Notaro.

‘I have a headache. Master is not around. I snatched his task list in front of him. I’m afraid I won’t be able to escape. ’

Matilda quietly put away her sniper rifle. (End of chapter)

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