What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 744 Li 2 is the real terrorist


Li Er was sleeping soundly when he suddenly felt someone entering his room.

"Hey, brother, do you have anything to eat?"

The people who broke into the room were a man and a woman, and it was the man who spoke. As he spoke, the man had already reached out to touch the pastries on the coffee table.

Li Er glanced at the door behind the two guys and saw that the lock had been broken.

"Meng Bo?" Li Er rubbed his temples with a headache.

Although Meng Bo was beaten black and blue by Li Xianying and Ma Jun, Li Er still recognized him from his classic big nose and hairstyle.

"Eh! You know me. That's great. I owe you a favor by eating something from you. If you need help from me in the future, I'll give you half the price." Meng Bo had already finished fucking Li Er on the coffee table. a whole plate of pastries.

"Oops! What time has it been? If you are still in the mood to eat, quickly find a way to call the police." The dark-skinned woman glared at Meng Bo and turned to look at Li Er.

"Hey! Do you have a mobile phone here? Why are you still lying in bed? Get up quickly and call the police. There are terrorists on this ship who want to hijack it."

"Imamura Kiyoko?" Li Er looked at this impolite woman with an unkind expression. She was dark-skinned and far worse than Meiko.

"Hmph——! You also want to take me back to Japan."

Imamura Kiyoko immediately put on a serious face, but she was not surprised at all that the other party recognized her. After all, she was so famous and cute.

"Brother, what she said is true. There are terrorists on this ship who want to take hostages. Get up and find a place to hide." Meng Bo wiped his mouth carelessly after finishing his food.

It was Imamura Kiyoko who accidentally discovered the terrorists. She met Meng Bo during her escape, so the two teamed up to escape.

Li Er: “I’ll give you two one second, get out—!”

"Ah???" Meng Bo thought he heard wrongly.

"I'm damn rich and don't mind being a hostage." Li Er took out a pistol from under the quilt.

Having said that, Sir Li has never played a role like a hostage.

Meng Bo and Imamura Kiyoko both rolled their eyes. The texture of the pistol in the other's hand was like a toy. Could it be real?

‘Puff-! ’

Two dull gunshots sounded.

Meng Bo and Imamura Kiyoko knelt down instantly, and Li Er told them to get out of the room. As expected, creatures like the Japanese boy couldn't be too kind to them.

"There, stop for me."

Meng Bo and Imamura Kiyoko had just rolled out of the room into the corridor when they were discovered by a group of three terrorists.

Meng Bo picked up Imamura Kiyoko and ran away.

"Hey! There is someone in this room, he is very rich." Imamura Kiyoko, a black girl, has a strong desire for revenge. While running away, she did not forget to betray Li Er.


Li Er's door was kicked open.

Two masked terrorist minions in red clothes walked in.

"You have been kidnapped." A red-coated terrorist shouted loudly.

The corner of Li Er's mouth twitched: "Is kidnapping so easy? You should just get a nylon rope or handcuffs or something!"

"Huh???" The two red-clothed terrorists looked at each other. This guy must be crazy.

"No? No get out, not even necessary for kidnapping. It doesn't reflect your professionalism at all. Close the door, I'm going to sleep." Li Er said and already covered the cup on his head.

"Hey——! Sleep with your ancestor."

The two red-clad terrorists laughed angrily.

"Bang bang bang bang bang"

Li Er and his wife were beaten into a sieve together.

"You two idiots, you asked them to kidnap people, but you didn't ask them to kill them." The leader of the terrorist team who walked in outside the door cursed.

"It's none of our business. That guy begged us to kill him. If you don't believe me, Tanaka-kun." A red-coated terrorist explained.

"???" The team leader glared at the two of them with murderous eyes. Do these two idiots think they are idiots?

"Forget it this time, it won't happen next time."

The team leader turned around and left. There were many wealthy businessmen and tycoons on this cruise ship, and it wouldn't matter if one of them died.


A red-clothed terrorist suddenly stopped.

"After being shot so many times, why is there no blood on the quilt?"

Another terrorist nodded in agreement: "Yes, this quilt is too absorbent."

He quickly walked to the bed and lifted the quilt.

There was nothing under the quilt.

Where are people?

"Here it is!"

Li Er's voice sounded in the corner of the room, followed by three gunshots.

"Puff puff--!"

The three terrorists fell to the ground.

Li Er walked to the body of a tall terrorist.

The body shape is almost the same.

"Sir Li, Sir Li, it's bad, there are really terrorists on the ship. I changed several mobile phones, but the signals are all blocked, and there is no way to call for support."

Li Er was taking off his clothes when Cao Dahua ran in in a hurry.

"You've already fought." Cao Dahua held two pistols in his hands. He originally planned to give one to him, but now that he saw the three short-range pistols left by the three terrorists on the floor, he immediately picked up one. Hang it in front of your chest.

"What should we do now? We need to call for support quickly! The Japanese girl's information is not accurate at all. Where are the three or five terrorists? I suspect there are at least fifty people." Cao Dahua looked at Li Er taking off his clothes strangely.

"The ship has already sailed into the high seas. Why don't you call for support? Our police coast guard boat is afraid of strong waves even if it is thirty nautical miles away from the port." Li Er cursed angrily.

"Then what should we do? Let's find a place to hide?" Cao Dahua said nervously: "If the terrorists find out that we are policemen, we will be dead."

"Aren't you going to run?" Li Er had already changed into the clothes of the red-clad terrorist, and even put on the other person's mask.

"How can we run away in the vast sea?" Cao Dahua immediately understood when he saw Li Er disguised as a terrorist in red.

"Yeah, yeah, put on their clothes and pretend to be a terrorist." Cao Dahua was so happy that he took off his clothes.

Li Er raised his leg and aimed at Cao Dahua's big butt.

"Look at your figure, you're not afraid of tearing the terrorist's clothes."

Li Er reached out and snatched the mini submachine gun from Cao Dahua's hand.

Cao Dahua lowered his head and glanced at his pot-bellied figure. He couldn't squeeze into the clothes of the two skinny terrorists on the floor.

"Then what should I do?"

Cao Dahua looked at Li Er nervously. Although Cao Dahua often badmouthed Li Er in front of his subordinates, he still believed that Li Er's marksmanship was the best in the world.

"Be a hostage!" Li Er said matter-of-factly: "Come on, come closer."

"Bang——!" Li Er punched Cao Dahua in the eye. He had been wanting to hit this soft rice king for a long time.

"Ah——! Li Er, you lunatic, why did you hit me?" Cao Dahua cursed.

"Let me make you look more realistic. If I don't beat you, you'll be happy if the other party beats you up later." Li Ergong was very happy to take revenge.

Cao Dahua: "."

"Let's go! Those terrorists are most likely gathering at the casino."

Li Er put one hand in his pocket and held a mini-submachine gun on his shoulder with the other hand. He looked even more terrifying than a real terrorist.

"Sir Li, do you still have a bulletproof vest? Give me one and I'll give you ten back later." Cao Dahua asked in a low voice. He just saw that Li Er was wearing a bulletproof vest when he was changing clothes.

"Twenty pieces." Li Er gestured with two fingers.

"Deal! Give it to me quickly." Cao Dahua nodded desperately.

After Cao Dahua put on a bulletproof vest under his clothes, his belly became bigger and he looked more and more like a rich man with a fat head.

"Show off your acting skills and give me the mask of pain."

"Okay -!" Cao Dahua is really a talented actor, and the expression on his face immediately looked as painful as if he was dead.

Li Er escorted Cao Dahua out of the room with satisfaction.

"Ah——! Help! Don't kill me, my husband is rich, I will ask him to give you money."

Not long after Li Er escorted Cao Dahua, he met a busty woman in the corridor.

"Stop—! Don't shake your breasts, I'm going to feel dizzy." Li Er quickly stopped.

If they continue to be shaken like this by a big-breasted woman, Li Er and Cao Dahua will become seasick and vomit.

"Turn around and be my hostage."


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