What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 746 Gambling Hall Storm

Gundam's eyes swept across the entire casino, refusing to look at Li Er.

That's right, Li Laoer's outfit is even smaller than that of the minion, and he stands a bit far away from Meiko.

Even if his Gundam were standing in that position, it would be impossible for Meiko to change cards.

There is only one possibility. The dealer who dealt the cards is Meazi's person, and he is the most likely person to change the cards.

Gundam looked at the dealer seriously.

Well--! The black dealer's eyes were dull, and he didn't look very smart at first glance. Gundam was a little doubtful about his life.

"Mr. Robber, I won this game, can I leave?" Meiko asked carefully.

McDonald's men didn't search her body just now, and Meazi had a pistol hidden on her body. However, there were so many robbers in the entire casino, so Meazi was not sure that he could escape unscathed. The dead man Li Er did not know where he died. .

Meazi regretted that she squeezed Li Er too hard. Who gave him six-pack abs? He seemed to be very powerful. Meazi felt that she could not help herself and was definitely not a pervert.

"I'm willing to admit defeat! The integrity of my big thief McDonald's in the world is well-known." McDonald's spread his hands and smiled very gracefully.

Li Er: "."

He remembered that the original plot was not like this. If anyone wins McDonald's, this guy will bet until you lose. Could it be that beauties are treated differently?

"That's it!" Yazi breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly walked off the gaming table. The main reason was that she was right in the middle of a group of gangsters, and there was no way to sneak attack.

"Next person!"

The next person is Mr. Gao. Mr. Gao likes to gamble, but he has no gambling skills at all and relies entirely on luck.

"Xiao Fu, let me tell you, it's hard to find a good agent. We have been working together for so long, and I have never delayed your money!" Gao Lao nervously brainwashed Xiao Fu.

"You keep delaying, but you still owe me more than 50,000 yuan in bounty and haven't paid it yet?" Xiao Fu directly exposed Gao Lao.

Gao Lao breathed a sigh of relief instead.

"That's good, that's good. Remember, if I'm killed by that ghost guy, your 50,000 bounty will be in vain." Gao Lao reminded in a low voice.

Xiaofu was originally very relaxed, but when he heard what Mr. Gao said, he suddenly became nervous. Although he has money now, if the 50,000 yuan is gone all at once, it will be more uncomfortable than killing him.

"I know, I will find an opportunity to sneak attack on that ghost guy. As long as we capture him as a hostage, our safety should be fine." Xiao Fu said quickly: "You wait and try to distract their attention."

Xiao Fu was mentally prepared to hold McDonald hostage even if he was shot several times.

"Hey! Matilda, what are you looking at?" Liang Qiqi saw Gao Lao on the gaming table and pushed Matilda nervously.

"I didn't see anything."

Matilda is looking at Li Er who is wearing a red minion outfit.

She always felt that this man's back looked familiar, especially his eyes.

Li Er naturally also noticed Matilda peeking at him, and screamed in his heart to rush to the street.

If he hadn't covered his face, Matilda wouldn't have recognized him so easily. Covering his face would have given Matilda room to imagine.

"You're in the stands, that's my dad. If my dad loses, I don't care what you do, you must save him." Liang Qiqi looked at Matilda seriously.

Although Mr. Gao had a lot of problems, he raised Liang Qiqi to be an adult after all.

"Oh! I know." Matilda nodded indifferently.

Liang Qiqi: "Oh what the hell, please be serious, I am very serious."

"Okay, I'm very serious too." Matilda pointed to Xiao Fu's position: "Who do you think that person is?"

"Xiao Fu, my father's killer."

"That's it, he will take action. When he attracts firepower, I will take the opportunity to hijack that McDonald's. Do you think we should take their place and snatch away these rich people?" Matilda rolled her eyes. Round and round.

"It's McDonald's." Liang Qiqi rolled her eyes: "They robbed all these rich people on the ship. You don't want to hang out on Hong Kong Island. These guys will become our customers in a minute."

Liang Qiqi was actually very tempted, but unfortunately she knew that Matilda alone could not rob a whole boatload of rich people.

McDonald's is really careless this time.

Among the group of people in the audience, not only Meiko had a gun, Xiao Fu had a gun, Matilda also had a gun, and several bombs. The national defense-level security inspection advertised by the luxury cruise was regarded as nothing by these guys.

That is to say, Li Er, a good and law-abiding citizen, passed the security check in a serious manner.


"Wait a minute, are there any chocolates?" Gao Lao suddenly wanted to play a game of gambling.

After this guy sat on the gaming table, he immediately saw his daughter Liang Qiqi and Matilda. Mr. Gao had long known how powerful Matilda was, and he was now more confident about his own safety. Confident.

"Chocolate?" McDonald looked at the dwarf certificate holder in front of him in confusion.

Gao Lao nodded.


McDonald slapped the pistol on the table.

"No, no, no, let's deal the cards!" Mr. Gao said quickly.

Little did McDonald know that Meazi, Xiaofu, and Matilda almost took advantage of his action of shooting the gun just now.

The croupier quickly slapped the cards for McDonald and Gao Lao.

McDonald revealed his cards.

Two fours, eight points, which is a huge number in Baccarat.

But McDonald's face was very gloomy. He had just lost two consecutive games with eight points and nine points. This damn short guy couldn't have won nine points, right?

Gao Lao turned over his cards.

An ace and a four.

McDonald smiled.

If Gao Lao wants to beat him at nine points, he must win a four, but there are already three fours on the table, and there are only four fours in a deck of cards. It is such a coincidence that they all come out together.

"I want to split the cards!" Mr. Gao demanded seriously.

"I'm going to kill you, you dwarf. This is baccarat, not blackjack. You can only play cards, but you can't play." McDonald scolded angrily.

"Then -!" Mr. Gao looked at Xiao Fu to delay.

"Well, then, give him a card." McDonald now wanted to shoot the short guy in front of him. He stood up, grabbed the poker card from the dealer's hand, and gave one to the tall guy. He even opened it himself.

"Four of Diamonds!"

"Hahaha! I'll kill eight out of nine at nine points." Gao Lao was happy.

McDonald's was also happy.

"You're cheating!"

"Who the hell is cheating? I hate cheaters the most, and cheaters will never have any descendants." Gao Lao cursed loudly.

Gundam, who was accidentally injured in the audience, touched his nose in embarrassment.

McDonald pointed at Gao Lao's playing cards.

"Your cards are a Four of Diamonds, an Ace of Diamonds, and now there's a Four of Diamonds. What do you say?"

"Ah this-!"

Only then did Gao Lao realize that he actually had two fours of diamonds. What a hell.

McDonald's didn't give Gao Lao a chance to explain, and reached out to grab the pistol on the gaming table.

Xiao Fu took the lead and rushed towards McDonald's in one stride.

Meiko was startled, she thought it was Li Er hiding in the crowd, but when she took a closer look, she saw that this man was half shorter than Li Er, so of course it couldn't be Li Er.

But this guy is really fast.

"Boom!" As soon as McDonald touched the pistol, Xiaofu rushed in front of him. McDonald didn't have time to pick up the pistol, so he directly pressed the pistol on the table and pulled the trigger.

Xiao Fu flashed sideways.

"Kill him!" McDonald shouted.

Xiao Fu suddenly knelt down unexpectedly.

"????" Zhou Xingxing, who was hiding in the crowd and pretending to be a dead dog, suddenly felt embarrassed.


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