What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 749: Who is a serious person who can sail a ship?

What to do if you open the wrong plug-in Chapter 749: Who is a serious person who can sail a ship\u003cb\u003eLatest website:\u003c/b\u003e ‘Ding——! You have new assassin missions. ’

‘Target person: Gundam. ’

‘Time limit: twenty-four hours. ’

‘Task reward: ten bottles of physical strength enhancement liquid. ’

‘Penalty for mission failure: unknown. ’

Ah this——!

If this dog system wants to punish itself, just say so. It also made an excuse for a mission, which is so damn cheap.

Gundam is dead, and he simply cannot complete this task.

"Eh! This guy doesn't seem to be dead yet. Look, his middle finger seems to be still moving." Cao Dahua's words woke up Li Er, and also surprised him.

Li Er lowered his head and looked at Gundam. Gundam seemed to be alive and his eyelids were twitching.

After being hit by so many shots, the ball didn't die. It is indeed a pig's foot destiny.

"Quickly, give him artificial respiration." Li Er pressed Cao Dahua's head.

"Ah! Why me?" Cao Dahua resisted. Although he was a soft-boiled man, he still had principles. Ye Dexian had an ugly face, but it was better than kissing a man.

"And he's not drowning. Will artificial respiration help? I—!"

Before Cao Dahua could finish speaking, Li Er had already held down his neck and started mouth-to-mouth with Gao Dahua.

‘The Four Heavenly Kings have asked you to kiss me, what else do you want? I don’t know how many people hate you. ’

Li Er himself also pressed hard on Gundam's chest and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation randomly.

With a 'click' sound, Li Er seemed to have broken one of his ribs.

He didn't know whether it was because of pain or because he was angry with Li Er and Cao Dahua. Gao Gao said "Hey" and actually lived for a while, and slowly opened his eyes.

"Hey, he's really alive." Cao Dahua was overjoyed.

"Ah! Yes, yes!"

Li Er quickly escaped with his pistol and pointed it at Gundam's head.

"Ah this???"

Gundam was a little confused, and Cao Dahua was also confused.

If this guy wants to kill himself, what's the point of rescuing him?

As an excellent crook, Gundam's eyesight was naturally excellent. He recognized Li Er at a glance as the man in red in the casino just now.

Li Er took the time to pull the trigger.


Gundam's eyes widened and he lay down again in disbelief. His mind was full of question marks. He had died a good death, but now he was full of questions. He really didn't want to die in peace.

"Sir Li, why is this?" Cao Dahua's brain capacity is naturally unable to understand Li Er's mysterious operation. In fact, any normal person cannot understand what Li Er is doing.

"The gun went off!" Li Er's explanation was also as perfunctory as it was unreasonable.

The corners of Cao Dahua's eyes twitched, and the goddamn gun went off, and the muzzle of your gun hit the opponent's head.

‘When the gun was in your crotch, it didn’t go off. ’

Of course, Cao Dahua just thought about this in his heart, and he would not dare to say it in front of Li Er even if he had a hundred courages, so he had no choice but to believe Li Er's lies with a serious look on his face.

"It's okay, this person is dead anyway, what should we do now?" Cao Dahua changed the subject.

Li Er nodded with satisfaction, but the 'killing' of Gundam still aroused his vigilance, which showed that the situation was out of control. In the original plot, Gundam was safe and sound.

If Li Er was the only one on the cruise ship, Li Er could lie down and let Meng Bo and McDonald's men fight.

But now there are his lover Liang Qiqi and precious apprentice Matilda on board.

‘I will deal with these two women when I get home. ’ Li Er thought angrily.

'Ding--! The assassin's mission is completed and ten bottles of physical strength-enhancing potion are rewarded. ’

Li Er was overjoyed when he heard the news from the system. He quickly checked the direct mustard space, and sure enough, there were ten more bottles of physical strength-enhancing liquid. Now he could finally teach Meazi how to be a good person.

"There were gunshots."

"It's in the direction of the captain's cabin."

Li Er made a gesture to Cao Dahua.

"The corridors at both ends are connected. You go on the left and I go on the right."

Cao Dahua's face changed slightly: "No, there are only two of us, so there is no need to divide our forces. Let's go together. Maybe I can help you."

Cao Dahua is obviously worried that someone will do something to him if he is left alone.

"Come on, uncle, you are still wearing a bulletproof vest. It is so easy to get shot in the head and die on the left side." Li Er kicked Cao Dahua away.

While Cao Dahua moved forward cautiously, he cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, you bastard Li Laoer, I'm on the same level as you, and I'm not your fucking subordinate. If it weren't for your young age, I would kick you to death. "

It's good for Cao Dahua to be careful. As soon as he turned a corner, he saw a guy in red clothes leaning against the wall of the corridor. He was lifting the corner of his mask and putting cigarette holders in his mouth from time to time.

"What a fucking smoker."

Cao Dahua slowly approached, until he was less than one meter away from the opponent, and then the man in red discovered Cao Dahua.

If Cao Dahua could still fire his empty gun at this distance, then he should die.


Cao Dahua fired two shots and killed the smoker.

Cao Dahua cleverly picked up the mini-submachine gun of the little guy in red and inserted his pistol back into his waist. This kind of continuous-fire firearm is most suitable for people like him who have poor marksmanship.

Cao Dahua here is still moving forward slowly, while Li Er has already arrived at the captain's cabin.

"Boom boom——!"

As soon as Li Er entered the door, he was attacked by two bullets.

"." Li Er now carried ten bottles of physical strength-enhancing potions, and he glared at Meiko fiercely.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see clearly that it was you." Meiko quickly apologized.

"You fired when you didn't see clearly?" Li Er wanted to curse, but thinking about it, he just took off his mask and was still wearing red minion clothes. He really couldn't blame Meazi for being blind.

"Hehe, I was wrong!" Yazi walked towards Li Er with a smile.

Li Er glanced at the captain's room. Two crew members and two terrorists were lying on the ground. There was also a living crew member holding the bleeding abdomen of another guy in the captain's uniform.

"The captain is injured, can you sail the boat?" Meiko asked easily.

"I'm good at shooting, but not sailing." Li Er was really arrogant now that he was armed with a 'sharp weapon'.

"Speaking of which, cruise ships don't all sail automatically, do they still need to be driven manually?" Li Er looked at the living crew member strangely.

It turned out that the crew member suddenly took out a pistol from his arms and pointed it at himself.


Li Er fired cleanly and knocked the pistol out of the opponent's hand.

"Are you from McDonald's?" Meazi quickly turned around and controlled the man.

"He is an old employee of our cruise company. He must have been bribed by gangsters." The captain said with a grimace.

"McDonald's packed the cruise ship with bombs. He's going to blow up the entire cruise ship and you won't be able to escape." The crew members bribed by McDonald's shouted loudly.

Li Er raised his leg and kicked this guy unconscious.

"Oops! You're late, can't you help?" Cao Dahua finally arrived at the captain's room. This guy must have come late on purpose. If he came early, he would encounter a gunfight.

"Sir Cao, can you sail a boat?" Yazi looked at Cao Dahua expectantly.

Cao Dahua: "Uh-! This, this!"

Needless to say.

Cao Dahua's answer is the same as Li Er's: Cao Cao is good at eating soft food, and whoever is a serious person knows how to sail a boat.

"Stop worrying about the problem of sailing the ship. Let's solve the problem of the cruise ship being bombed and sunk first!"

Cao Dahua's heart tightened: "Blow up the cruise ship? Who wants to blow up the cruise ship? Are you crazy?"

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