What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 752: 10 dwarfs and 9 bad guys

Li Erlian dropped the bomb without touching the ground, and he blew a big hole through the floor of the cruise ship.

Xiao Fu and Gao Lao were unable to withstand the first round of attacks, and these two guys who were good at changing the situation decisively ran away.

Not to be offended.

The two of them couldn't predict the situation on the opposite side, but based on their intuition, it was like a fucking army outputting firepower.

Slipping away.

The other side.

McDonald's people were shocked when they heard such a violent explosion.

"Is it true that pirates boarded the ship and wanted to blow it up and sink it?" McDonald looked at his deputy nervously.

Although McDonald's didn't mind whether the ship sank or not, the speedboat that came to pick them up hadn't arrived yet. The ship was sinking now and everyone had to go see Neptune.

"Probably not! What age has it been? This is not Somalia. How could there still be pirates?" McDonald's men shook their heads in disbelief.

"Meng Bo!"

McDonald was just relieved when suddenly Meng Bo barged in without thinking.

Meng Bo held Imamura Kiyoko in his hand. He looked at the dozen guns pointed at him with a bitter look on his face, wondering why he had been so unlucky recently.

"Oh——! Yes, yes." Meng Bo turned his eyes and gave McDonald a 90-degree bow in a serious manner.

"You are Major McDonald, a former U.S. field special forces force. I was so rude just now that I didn't knock on the door. Give me a chance. I'll knock on the door and come in again." Meng Bo said, pulling Kiyoko Imamura and retreating quickly. .

McDonald was wondering how Meng Bo knew his identity. When he came back to his senses, he suddenly found that Meng Bo had retreated to the door.

"A bunch of idiots, shot him dead." McDonald cursed angrily.

'Da da da da.'

Rows of bullets were fired at Meng Bo.

Meng Bo's luck was actually not bad. So many bullets were raining down on him, but none of them hit him. If it had been Zhou Xingxing or Chen Bailu, this would have been a sieve.

"Run left!"

"Run right!"

After Meng Bo and Imamura Kiyoko ran out of the door, they disagreed in a hurry. Meng Bo ran more than ten meters to the left corridor, and Imamura Kiyoko also ran eight or nine meters to the right.

"It's too late, don't look back, run in the direction, escape first." Meng Bo turned around and saw Imamura Kiyoko trying to run to him across the door, so he quickly waved to Imamura Kiyoko.

McDonald's men must have almost rushed to the door. Now they are turning back. Isn't this looking for death?

Imamura Kiyoko is a good person who runs away like a girl. Despite her dark skin, she is very athletic and can run not much slower than a man.

McDonald's men rushed out of the corridor, which was deserted.

"Meng Bo must be killed, as well as a few thorns. These people are all unrest."

The wounds on both sides of McDonald's head have been bandaged, but the ears that were blown off by the bullets will definitely not be reattached. What he hates most now is Matilda who shot his ears off. Meng Bo is ranked very high. Back.

Unfortunately, Matilda was really good at hiding and hiding. McDonald's men frantically searched the ship but found no trace of Matilda.

"Hey, Xiao Fu, look who is that running towards us?" Gao Lao looked at Kiyoko Imamura who was running toward him in surprise.

"It's the Japanese woman with one million dollars." Xiao Fu's face was filled with surprise.

These two guys had just escaped from Li Er's bombing range, and unexpectedly they met Imamura Kiyoko.

Gao Lao and Xiao Fu were now wearing the clothes of McDonald's red-clad minions, and their faces were covered with scarves. Naturally, Imamura Kiyoko couldn't recognize them.

But the little guy in red is also her enemy.

Imamura Kiyoko braked suddenly and wanted to turn around and run back, but she saw five or six red-clad minions chasing behind her, and there were even more people.

Imamura Kiyoko's heart skipped a beat.

‘I have learned a few tricks from Meng Bo, I think I can use them! ’

She turned around and glared at Gao Lao and Xiao Fu with wide eyes.


Gao Lao and Xiao Fu were stared at by Imamura Kiyoko in confusion. It wasn't until they saw Imamura Kiyoko clenching her fists and rushing towards them that they understood what the other party wanted to do.

"Don't take action, let me do it. I like to hit Japanese women the most."

Gao Lao stood in front of Xiao Fu in an awe-inspiring way. He couldn't deal with men, and he couldn't handle beating up a bitch.

He and Imamura Kiyoko had a deep hatred, and both of them had touched each other's crotch.

"No, there are a few terrorists following her."

Xiao Fu immediately understood why Imamura Kiyoko rushed towards him.

"Quick fight!" Xiaofu immediately decided to take action himself, knocked out Kiyoko Imamura and then ran away with others.

"Don't panic, we have the same clothes, we are our own people." Mr. Gao will not give up the good opportunity for revenge, and must personally deal with Imamura Kiyoko.

Xiao Fu finally remembered that he was also a terrorist's minion.

"Get out of your way, two idiots."

Imamura Kiyoko punched and rushed in front of Gao Lao and Xiao Fu, and suddenly realized that the two people were somewhat familiar.

"Get out of the way, let's go!"

Gao Lao seemed to be frightened by Imamura Kiyoko's fist and quickly moved out of the way.

Imamura Kiyoko was stunned for a moment, but she would not stop and continued running forward.

But just as she passed by Mr. Gao, she heard the sound of breaking through the air behind her.

Gao Lao's legs are a little short, which is not conducive to the power of swinging his legs in a powerful volley, but this also depends on his attack location. This damn dwarf's vaginal foot is aimed at Imamura Kiyoko's crotch.


Imamura Kiyoko's body twitched as if she had been electrocuted, and then she fell straight forward. Before she fell to the ground, her eyes turned white and she fainted.

Xiaofu was worried about breaking this million dollar woman, so he quickly hugged Kiyoko Imura and carried her on his shoulders.

"Hey——! Which group are you in?" The red-clothed minions rushed over and asked Gao Lao and Xiao Fu.

Xiao Fu couldn't speak and turned to look at Gao Lao.

"Which fucking group are you in? You want to take credit! We caught this woman." Mr. Gao cursed loudly and skillfully.

"We are Group A." A young man saw Gao Lao's great momentum and whispered quickly.

"Oh! Brothers from Group A, we are from Group B."

As he spoke, Gao Lao was still worried that the other party would be suspicious, so he quietly took a step back to make room for Xiao Fu to make a surprise attack.

As it turned out, these men of McDonald's seemed to have some unusual brain circuits. They didn't suspect anything at all, and even asked Gao and the other two if they had seen Meng Bo running away.

"Yes, Meng Bo's big nose ran in that direction, you should hurry up and chase him."

Mr. Gao pointed the direction in which Li Er had just thrown the bomb to these little men in red.


Gao Lao and Xiao Fu let out a long sigh of relief as they watched the little guy in red go away.

"What should we do now? Are we still going to rob those rich people?" Xiao Fu asked actively.

"Robbing, of course. If we don't rob, they will be robbed by others."

Gao Lao said matter-of-factly: "After we rob them all, others will naturally be unable to rob them. This is a fucking righteous act of mine."

Xiao Fu didn't understand Gao Lao's logic for a while. He just felt that he had misunderstood Gao Lao before, and Gao Lao was not that bad.

"What about this million dollars?" Xiao Fu shook Imamura Kiyoko who was carrying it on his shoulders, and emphasized the word "dollars" in his words.

"First find a room and hide this golden egg."

Of course, Mr. Gao will not give up the money he got, so he has to grab it with both hands! Otherwise, why would a woman have two breasts, while a man happens to have two hands. (End of chapter)

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