"Boss, something's wrong. Someone wants to rob our yacht."

"how many people?"

"one person."

"one person?"

McDonald felt like he was going to explode.

"You idiots, there are no less than twenty people on two yachts, and you were robbed by one person." McDonald angrily picked up a light machine gun and walked to the window.

As a result, he saw that his two yachts had separated from the cruise ship and were retreating rapidly.


‘Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-! ’

McDonald was so angry that he opened fire, but the distance was too far and all the bullets hit the sea.

In fact, Matilda didn't sail at all. She just slowed down the engines of the two yachts to widen the speed difference, which naturally increased the distance between them and the cruise ship.

"Matilda, how are you? Which of these two yachts is better?" Liang Qiqi asked excitedly.

"Then I still have a question. Of course the big one is better."

Matilda kicked a robber who wanted to resist into the sea. In this vast sea, falling into the sea was no different from committing suicide.

"Okay, then we want this big yacht." Liang Qiqi raised her hands.

Yoshimura Notaro drove all the robbers who were lucky enough to survive to the small yacht. These guys thought they were going to escape.

Matilda raised the microflush in her hand.

‘Da da da da—! ’

All the engines of the small yacht were shot by Matilda.

"Hey——! It's too much. Please forgive others."

Yoshimura Notaro gave his precious apprentice a critical look.

"With the strong winds and waves, the ship has no power and can easily capsize." It's rare for this guy to be so upright.

Matilda and Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura strangely.

Yoshimura Notaro's face turned slightly red and he waved quickly: "Let's go, let's go."

Matilda sailed away full of questions.

Their yacht was not far away.

There was a loud "boom" on the small yacht.

A big hole was blown out of the cabin of the small yacht. Seawater poured into the cabin crazily, and the small yacht was about to sink to the bottom of the sea.

Matilda and Liang Qiqi looked at Notaro Yoshimura with contempt.

Needless to say, this guy must have planted the bomb.

‘Is this what you mean by showing mercy to others? ’

Yoshimura Notaro: 'The Paradise brand umbrella I bought for more than ten yuan was shot and broken by these bastards. I forgive you. ’

"Qiqi, have you forgotten something?" Yoshimura Notaro quickly changed the subject.

"The jewelry is all there, haven't you forgotten anything?" Liang Qiqi touched the cloth bag she held in her arms.

"you sure?"

"Very sure." Liang Qiqi replied confidently.

Matilda couldn't help it anymore. She reminded Liang Qiqi in a low voice: "Sister Qiqi, your father seems to be still on the cruise ship. If the cruise ship really explodes, you will be like me."

Matilda is an orphan, and if Liang Qiqi is like her, she will naturally be an orphan as well.

"Oh! Yes, yes, hurry up and chase the cruise ship." Liang Qiqi finally remembered her father.

Yoshimura Notaro and Matilda shook their heads together, confirming that it was impossible for a short person to give birth to a long-legged beauty, and the tall one was designated to be green.

Liang Qiqi didn't know that the master and apprentice in front of her were secretly slandering her father-daughter relationship, and nervously urged Matilda to sail.

"Don't worry, just hang it far behind the cruise ship. There's still a melee above. Mr. Gao can swim. Even if it really explodes, we can just use the net to catch people."

Notaro Yoshimura lay comfortably on the lounge chair and asked Matilda to make him a cold drink.

"Let's get closer! What if that McDonald's bomb is too powerful and kills all the people on the cruise ship?" Liang Qiqi, a military blind person, said worriedly.

Yoshimura Notaro was too lazy to answer.

Matilda had no choice but to explain speechlessly: "There is no such a powerful bomb. McDonald's could at most smash a few holes in the cruise ship and let seawater pour into the cabin."

"That's right. If the McDonald's bomb is really that powerful, wouldn't it be dangerous for our yacht to get too close? Think about your brand-name bags and brand-name high-heeled shoes. If you die, you will have to give them to Haitang. Go use it." Yoshimura Notaro drank a cold drink without forgetting to squeeze Liang Qiqi.

When Liang Qiqi thought that her treasured limited edition bag would be taken away by Haitang, her eyes immediately gleamed.

"Then let's stay farther away, safety first." Liang Qiqi said seriously.

"??????" Yoshimura Notaro and Matilda looked at each other, and neither the master nor the disciple wanted to speak.

The other side.

Yoshimura Notaro's guess was correct, the battle was fierce.

Zhou Xingxing, Chen Bailu and Cao Dahua are very fierce. In addition, there are Xiao Fu and Gao Lao who are causing trouble. The pressure of Meng Bobi's original plot is much reduced.

But these guys didn't work together at all. While dealing with McDonald's men, the rich man and the high man robbed the rich people, causing many rich people to become mentally weak. They had just been rescued by the young rich man and the high man. Overjoyed, Xiao Fu and Gao Lao snatched them away until they were left with only their underwear, regardless of whether they were men or women.

Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu are even more cheap.

These two bastards deliberately moved slowly. After McDonald's red-clothed minions robbed all the rich people, they ambush and picked off all the red-clad minions.

Chen Bailu now only hates that he has too few pockets, and secretly scolds those fashion designers for being fucking idiots. They only designed four pockets on a jacket, and they must have at least ten pockets.

Cao Dahua sneered in a dignified manner: "What are these two idiots doing to rob these things? They are all subject to confiscation." ’

At the same time, Meng Bo and Imamura Kiyoko were lost. He searched for a long time but failed to find Imamura Kiyoko, but found Nakamura Keixiang in a luxurious suite.

"Fat nanny, what do you want to do?" Meng Bo couldn't help but cursed loudly when he saw a ghost guy with long braids in the room.

The braided ghost guy raised his fist, making Meng Bo a little scared.

He really lost his confidence due to Zhou Xingxing and Xiao Fu. Everyone he met recently was very capable of beating.

"Meng Bo, hit him quickly."

Meng Bo was still thinking about what to do, but Nakamura Keixiang had already hugged the braided ghost man's waist, allowing Meng Bo to sneak attack.

Meng Bo had no choice but to rush forward and fight with the long-braided ghost guy. He soon discovered that the opponent's big guy was slow and he could easily deal with it.

"Hey, Huixiang, look at my performance, I'll take care of him in twenty rounds." Meng Bo shouted arrogantly at the top of his voice.


As soon as Meng Bo was distracted, the braided ghost guy punched him on the bridge of his nose, which made his whole face look happy.

"Ouch! Fatty grandma's." Meng Bo covered his neck and squatted on the ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the ghost guy with long braids walking towards him.

He used the next three moves he had secretly learned and thrust his head into the braided ghost guy's crotch.


One hit and it hits.

"Ouch——! Fuck!" Maybe the braided ghost guy's bird was bigger and the impact from Meng Bo was heavier. He lay on the floor and couldn't breathe, and actually fainted from the pain.

Meng Bo was dumbfounded that this trick was so easy to use. (End of chapter)

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