What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 762: Hong Kong Version of Desert Island Survival

Latest website: "Hell, even if there is nothing, there must always be compressed biscuits that come standard on the lifeboat!"

On Meng Bo's lifeboat, Meng Bo searched every corner of the lifeboat, but couldn't find anything related to lifesaving.

"Could it be that someone from the cruise company was corrupt and didn't provide standard life-saving supplies for the lifeboat?" Nakamura Keiko said cautiously.

"These bastards are really willing to make any money." Meng Bo was so angry that his face turned red and his neck thickened.

The life-saving supplies on the Mengbo lifeboat are naturally not greedy by the cruise company. How much can these things be worth?

Everything is now being stored in Li Er's mustard space.

This is the consequences of offending Li Lao'er. Li Lao'er's stinginess is ranked among the best in China.

There was no missing life-saving supplies on the other two lifeboats.

"Yazi, can you convince that Sir Li to let the officers and soldiers in the sea get on their lifeboats? It's not possible to soak in the water like this!" Meng Bo said in a low voice.

Everyone now understands that the second wave of rescue will not arrive so quickly.

Meiko looked a little embarrassed. She was not sure whether to convince Li Er or not. The most important thing was that she was worried that these officers and soldiers in the sea would seize the lifeboats after being soaked in the sea for a long time. Not only Li Er's boat, but also the three people here. ship.

Meiko's worries are justified.

Because the sky quickly became dark, and the worst thing was that there was a heavy rain in the sky.

The storm on the sea is getting bigger and bigger.

Li Er started to feel seasick again.

"Sir Li, are you okay?"

Zhou Xingxing and the others desperately grabbed the handrails in the lifeboat.

Although these three guys are not landlubbers, they are not professional sailors either. At this time, they also showed some symptoms of seasickness, but not as serious as Li Er.

"No, if I stay in the cabin any longer, I will definitely vomit to death." Li Er pretended to put on a life jacket: "I would rather paddle in the sea."

He regrets it so much now. If he had known it, he would not have come back. At most, he would have suffered suspicion from some guys.

Now maybe it would be very warm to lie in the bedroom of the big yacht, hugging Liang Qiqi while sleeping, maybe her precious apprentice Matilda would also squeeze into the bed, hugging her left and right would not be very comfortable.

"Ah——! Sir Li, are you kidding me? If you go to sea in such a storm, you will die."

The three people in the cabin widened their eyes in disbelief.

The Japanese soldiers floating in the water, who just wanted to grab their lifeboats, had been scattered by the waves due to the strong wind and waves.

Li Er still dares to go into the sea. Isn't that suicide?


Sir Li was not joking. He disappeared into the dark sea in the next second.

Zhou Xingxing, Chen Bailu and Cao Dahua looked at each other in confusion.

"Hello! Sir Li, are you still here?"

"Are you there?"

"Are you there?"

"It's over, Sir Li wants to build the national flag." Cao Dahua's expression was as sad as if his parents had died, but he didn't know how happy he was in his heart.

From now on, I, Tsao Tat-wah, the tiger of the Wan Chai Crime Squad, will be the toughest policeman on Hong Kong Island.

"Huh! The mustard space is still comfortable."

In the Mustard Seed space, Sir Li was eating a sandwich worth ten yuan, paired with a bottle of red wine worth tens of thousands of yuan.

I got the red wine from Li Jiacheng's house in the past. He, Li Laoer, is diligent and thrifty, so he wouldn't spend money on such expensive foreign gadgets.

the next day.

After the rain, the sky clears up.


"Finally docked."

The victims in several lifeboats cried with joy.

"It's too early for you to be happy! Look around carefully! This is a fucking desert island." Chen Bailu sneered angrily.

He had just searched all around the lifeboat, and there was no trace of Li Er at all.

Li Sir is 90% going to be the son-in-law of the Sea Dragon King.

Of course, Li Er is more inclined to become Neptune himself.

"It really might be a desert island."

The lifeboats were pushed by the waves onto a row of beaches.

Meng Bo observed the island from a high place and directed everyone to work together to push the lifeboat to the beach, but they must not let it be washed away by the sea water.

"Hey——! Do you have anything to eat over there? Give me some!"

Meng Bo waved to Zhou Xingxing with trembling lips. This unfortunate guy had not eaten all day before boarding the cruise ship.

"No!" Cao Dahua and Zhou Xingxing answered Meng Bo.

"Didn't you notice that we've all lost weight from hunger? We've already eaten whatever was available."

Cao Dahua has a big belly, and he doesn't look like he has lost weight due to hunger.

"Sir Cao, where is Sir Li?" Yazi walked to Zhou Xingxing's lifeboat soaked all over. She didn't see Li Er get off the boat.

"Sir Li, Sir Li died in the line of duty." Cao Dahua rubbed his eyes desperately to squeeze out some tears.

"Ah? This, how is this possible? You are all in a lifeboat, and the lifeboat is intact."

Meiko looked at Zhou Xingxing in disbelief. She knew something about the personal grudge between Cao Dahua and Li Er and didn't quite believe what Cao Dahua said.

"it is true!"

Zhou Xingxing naturally would not say that Li Er committed suicide.

"What the hell is going on?"

Meiko said and got into the cabin of the lifeboat to look for it.

She always felt that these guys were joking with her. You three losers are fine. Li Er is so strong, how could he die?

Naturally, it was impossible for Meazi to find Li Er.

"Everyone, let's take a rest under the shade of the trees. Gentlemen, let's all organize to see if there is anything edible on this deserted island."

Meng Bo was thirsty and hungry, but he still insisted on bringing everyone ashore. However, this guy was very selfish. After arranging all his Japanese compatriots under the shade of a tree, he didn't care about others.

"Meng Bo, here you go, this is what Mama Sang gave me." Huixiang secretly gave Meng Bo a piece of compressed biscuit.

Meng Bo was overjoyed, and he quickly stuffed the compressed biscuits into his mouth, regardless of whether he would become even thirstier.

He was so hungry that he was almost hallucinating.

There were many smart people among the victims. They had already noticed that Meng Bo was biased towards the Japanese, and hurriedly began to look for capable leaders on their side.

Everyone knows very well that due to the strong wind and waves last night, they don't know where they have drifted.

Who knows when the rescue team will find their location. At this time, they must stick together, otherwise they will starve to death in a few days.

"Husband, I recognize that person. We are a policeman from Hong Kong Island. Yes, his surname is Cao." A beautiful lady pointed at Cao Dahua and said.

Cao Tat-wah, a slut, often appears on police programs, so it's not surprising that he was recognized.

"Honey, are you serious? That's great. Let's go there quickly and don't make any noise first." The bald man quickly lowered his voice. These rich guys are so treacherous.

The couple walked quietly to Cao Dahua's place.

"Hi! Sir Cao, I am Pan Ming, the chairman of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. I am one of my own. This is my lover Su Li." The bald man held Cao Dahua's hand familiarly.

"You're a fool, what do you want to do?" Cao Dahua glanced sideways at Pan Ming.

Sir Cao is cunning. Pan Ming will definitely have to pay a price if he wants to take advantage of Sir Cao.

"Sir Cao, those bastards are all Japanese. We Hong Kong Islanders have to stick together." Pan Ming pointed to a dozen people under the shade of a tree.

The couple saw that Cao Dahua was carrying an AK47, and they felt more at ease.

Mengbo is organizing people to put out SOS distress signals with stones on the beach.

"Ale, give me a drink of water, I'm dying of thirst."

Cao Dahua said to Chen Bailu that the only bottle of drinking water they had was with Chen Bailu.

"Just take a sip, don't drink it to your fucking death." Chen Bailu cursed and handed the bottled water to Cao Dahua. He was not afraid of Cao Dahua in Hong Kong Island, let alone now living on a deserted island.

"Don't worry, I'm not brainless."

Cao Dahua opened his mouth, poured a sip of water, and quickly screwed the cap on the bottle and gave it to Chen Bailu for safekeeping.

Pan Ming and Su Li swallowed uncomfortably when they saw the water. They had been thirsty all day and night.

"Sir Cao, I have half a piece of compressed biscuit here. Damn it, the Japanese on that lifeboat were unfairly distributed. Our couple only got one piece of compressed biscuit, and they each got two pieces."

Pan Ming fawningly handed half of the compressed biscuit on his body to Cao Dahua.

"No, you two just take it. If there is no food on this deserted island, we will all rush to the streets." Cao Dahua waved his hand magnanimously. This guy also had two packs of compressed biscuits hidden on his body.

"Okay, thank you, Sir Cao." Pan Ming hurriedly put away the compressed biscuits, which were a scarce life-saving material.

"Yezi, do they have anything to eat here?" A busty girl with a great figure came over.

Chen Bailu had another nosebleed. He had seen this big-breasted girl several times on the cruise ship.

"Do you have anything to eat?" Meiko asked.

Chen Bailu immediately took out a pack of compressed biscuits, tore open the package and handed two pieces to the busty girl.

Pan Ming, his wife and the big-breasted girl looked at Chen Bailu in surprise.

Zhou Xingxing gave Chen Bailu a subtle kick.

"Thank you so much. My name is Wen Cuicui, and I am Meazi's friend." The busty girl quickly took the compressed biscuit from Chen Bailu's hand.

"The three of them are Hong Kong police. Let's work together to push the lifeboat onto the beach!" Meiko said in a low mood, and was not in the mood to introduce Cao Dahua and others to the busty girl.

Pan Ming and his wife were even more happy when they heard that Zhou Xingxing and Chen Bailu were also Hong Kong police officers.

At times like this, there is nothing that can make people feel safer than the police. (End of chapter)

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