What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 769: Really accurate at judging people

Latest website: "Damn it, these beastly Japanese, they drained all the fresh water on the remaining two lifeboats.

Pan Ming cursed and picked up useful items discarded by the Japanese on the beach.

Chen Bailu glared at his Japanese horse with a dark expression.

The Japanese woman blinked and pretended to be pitiful. In order to report to Chen Bailu, she couldn't even get on the boat.

Chen Bailu sighed.

“It would be great if the ship of these Japanese grandsons sank.”

As soon as Chen Bailu finished speaking, the merchant ship in the distance was tilting its head at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Chen Bailu and others at the beach looked at each other in shock.

This scene is so damn familiar.

At that time, the cruise ship "Fuki Maru" just tilted its bow and threw it into the sea.

Everyone looked at Chen Bailu as if he was seeing a ghost.

Chen Bailu's Japanese friend even covered his mouth with his hands: "Jun Bailu, do you know how to curse?"

"Uh——!" Chen Bailu was also surprised that his mouth was so poisonous, he said whatever he said, he was like a male version of a broom star.

"These bastards will definitely swim back. Let's agree first that no one is allowed to help save people." Cao Dahua said loudly. He was also disgusted by these ungrateful Japanese.

"No, we must save him. It doesn't matter if we don't save him. I, Zhou Xingxing, am a man of great dignity and don't hold grudges. I can forget my grudges with a smile." Zhou Xingxing saw an entire merchant ship sinking into the sea, and he spoke generously and righteously.

Meiko looked at Zhou Xingxing gratefully.

She refreshed her negative view of Zhou Xingxing.

"." Cao Dahua and Chen Bailu looked at Zhou Xingxing's performance with disdain. They didn't believe a word of Zhou Xingxing's words.

Zhou Xingxing bent down to pick up stones on the beach.

"It's gone, it's all gone. Just leave the rescue to me alone. Everyone, please go back. I'll be at the beach to pick up our good Japanese brothers." Zhou Xingxing shouted while waving to everyone, while secretly calling Chen Bailu Wink with Cao Dahua.

"Yes, yes, everyone should leave! If you don't have professional training in rescuing people, you might be dragged into the water and drown yourself." Cao Dahua clapped his hands in agreement with Zhou Xingxing's suggestion.

The others returned to the cave three times at a time. There was no shade at the beach and the sun was very scorching.

"Zhou Xingxing, what are you doing?"

Chen Bailu asked Zhou Xingxing angrily when he saw everyone was gone.

"What are you doing? Of course it's revenge. I was about to be stabbed to death just now, and you didn't know how to help." Zhou Xingxing opened the clothes on his chest, and his heart was already covered in black bruises. It seemed that he was not seriously injured. light.

"Hurry and help pick up the rocks, pick the sharp ones. I won't smash these bastards to death. I, Zhou Xingxing, will read my name backwards." Zhou Xingxing cursed sadly and angrily while picking up the rocks.

"Why are you doing that? You lost your gun, but I still have one." Chen Bailu generously handed his pistol to Zhou Xingxing.

Zhou Xingxing looked at Chen Bailu angrily and did not reach out to pick up the gun.

Cao Dahua had no choice but to say: "You can't use a gun. If you could use a gun, when the other party boarded the ship just now, with Sir Li's marksmanship, he would have shot several bastards to death."

Seeing that Chen Bailu was still a little confused, Cao Dahua had no choice but to explain to him the stakes involved.

"You can't use a gun, just hit it with a stone?" Chen Bailu still didn't quite understand the difference.

"I didn't let you smash people to death." After Cao Dahua picked up a lot of stones for Zhou Xingxing, he suddenly heard a stomachache and escaped with a pee.

Zhou Xingxing was speechless. He turned to look at Chen Bailu.

"Don't look at me like that, am I that kind of person?" Chen Bailu said with dignity.

Suddenly his tone changed.

"You're really good at reading people. I'm that kind of person. There's still a fire burning in the pot. I'll go back and watch the fire." Chen Bailu slipped away with a roar.

Zhou Xingxing was the only one left on the beach.

Zhou Xingxing: "."

Of course, Zhou Xingxing couldn't leave. If he missed this opportunity for revenge, he might as well be a coward.

Meng Bo's group of people finally swam back from the sunken ship in the sea.

Suddenly pieces of rocks appeared in the sky.

"Ouch! What's going on?"

"Bagaya Road, someone on the beach is throwing stones at us."

"Ah——! It hurts so much. My head was hit."

"My head is about to burst. Hurry. Someone swim over and kill the boy who threw stones."

Zhou Xingxing did not intend to hide himself. He stood on a big rock and kept throwing stones into the crowd.

Meng Bo also had a headache when he saw that it was Zhou Xingxing. He knew how difficult Zhou Xingxing was, but it was difficult to leave the deserted island, and the merchant ship inexplicably leaked and sank.

"If you don't want to die, just soak in the sea water, and I'll hit whoever swims in front." Zhou Xingxing shouted loudly and cheerfully, regardless of whether the other party understood Chinese.

After a burst of howling ghosts and wolves on the beach.

Sitting in the cave, Li Er and others looked at Meng Bo and his group, who had been so proud just now, walking in with bruises and swollen faces.

These guys were all wet and helping each other to walk. They looked very miserable, but no one sympathized with them. No one would forget the scene on the beach just now.

"Sir Li, why don't we drive them out of the cave? We discovered this cave first." Pan Ming suggested.

"Forget it——!" Sir Li shook his hand openly.

Frustrated, Meng Bo and his party found a place to sit down. They crowded and sat down against the wall of the cave, far away from Li Er's group.

"Oh! It seems like someone drained all the drinking water on his lifeboat just now. Now it's fun." Chen Bailu walked in carrying a large bucket of fresh water with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"Brother La, where did you get such a big plastic bucket?" Pan Ming looked at Chen Bailu in surprise.

"Picked it up." Chen Bailu said proudly.

This was indeed what he picked up. Just now, a Japanese crew member was paddling in the sea holding this big empty bucket as a lifebuoy.

After the unlucky Japanese crew member was hit by Zhou Xingxing's rock, the empty barrel was washed away by the sea water, giving Chen Bailu a big advantage.

Chen Bailu cleaned the bucket specially and returned with a large bucket full of water on his lifeboat.

That night, a group of people in Mengbo were hungry and thirsty, and it was very difficult. One Japanese boy even hallucinated from thirst and called for his mother all night long.

"Yazi, please give us some drinking water. When the ship sank yesterday, the captain already sent us the location of the accident. The rescue ship will arrive soon. You can't use all the drinking water." Meng Bo had no choice but to Bite the bullet and ask Meiko for help.

Yazi didn't dare to help Meng Bo this time. She turned to look at Li Er.

Before Li Er could say anything, Pan Ming was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"We can't use up so much fresh water, why don't we dump it into the sea? That's what you grandsons do."

Meng Bo turned around and wanted to find out the guy who drained the fresh water from the lifeboat to come out and apologize to him. He found that the unlucky guy named Daxiang was exhausted and could not swim back. He was already dead in the sea.

"Stop fucking pretending, I don't believe you can die of thirst, unless you really die of thirst and show me one or two proofs." Sir Li spread his hands and said scientifically and objectively.

"Yes, if you're thirsty, you'll just feel uncomfortable at most, and you'll get over it after just one blow." Pan Ming quickly raised his hand to support Li Sir's opinion.

Meng Bo was tired and hungry. His head was opened by Zhou Xingxing's stone and he bled a lot. He was so dizzy that he had to sit down and sleep.

Only by sleeping can you feel less hungry and less thirsty. (End of chapter)

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