Latest website: "Okay, I listen to you, we won't kick in the door."

Li Er turned to the beautiful nurse and smiled.

The beautiful nurse was breathing a sigh of relief.

Baidu Tong in the room was also laughing at Li Er for being a coward.

Li Er suddenly said something.

"Let's call the police!"

"Ah???" The beautiful nurse felt that she could not understand Li Er's brain circuit.

Bai Datong in the room was startled. He quickly gestured to the flip-flop: "How long will it take? There is a fool outside who wants to call the police!" ’

"Come on, you can take care of him. It's not like you have thousands of troops." Flip-Flop said without looking back.

This guy continued to crack the password lock with all his strength. He had entered the wrong password three times. If he entered the wrong password twice, the safe would automatically alarm.

"No problem!" After Baidatong said, he suddenly opened the door with force.

The beautiful nurse outside the door looked at Baidu in surprise with wide eyes.

Bai Datong's eyes flashed with surprise. There was such a beautiful woman in this ordinary hospital. It was a pity that he wanted to live a soft life and spend his limited time with rich girls.

"Come in you!"

Bai Datong reached out to grab Li Er, wanting to pull Li Er into the room and beat him unconscious.

Baidu Tong grabbed the clothes on Li Er's chest, but he couldn't pull Li Er away. His face turned red from suppressing it, and Li Er still stood there.

"What are you going to do?"

The beautiful nurse's reflex arc seemed to be a bit long. She didn't even understand what Baidu was going to do until her eyes widened to the point where she saw the flip-flops in the room, squatting on the ground to open the safe.

"Are you thieves?" the beautiful nurse shouted in panic.

Li Er was a little speechless. God, that old guy is quite fair. Women who are too beautiful are often not very smart.

Baidatong quickly reached out to cover the beautiful nurse's mouth. Li Er couldn't agree, so he immediately raised his feet.


The sole of Li Er's foot hit Baidu Tong's chest, and Baidu Tong flew backwards, hitting the flip-flop that was unlocking the door.

"Ah——! Damn it, he kicked the shit out of me." Baidu got up with a pale face.

He put down his flip-flops and turned to look at Li Er.

"Li Li Er?"

Flip Flop saw Li Er's face clearly and was so frightened that he stuttered. How could he have thought that just coming to the hospital to steal medicine would lead to him encountering the Death Detective.

"Run—!" The flip-flop threw the backpack on his back at Li Er, pulled Baidu Tong and ran away.

There was only one door in the whole pharmacy, so Flip Flop and Patek Tong naturally ran to the window, and the two guys jumped out of the window without any hesitation.

Li Er grabbed the backpack thrown by the flip-flop with one hand. This guy originally wanted to show off.

As a result, the zipper of the flip-flop backpack was not tightened, and the bottles and jars of medicines in the backpack flew out, hitting Li Er's face and body, and even the beautiful nurse next to him suffered.

Li Er was a little embarrassed when he failed to show off, so he had to throw down his backpack and chase towards the window. It was really frustrating. It turned out that there was a raised terrace under the window sill, and his flip-flops and Patek Philippe ran to the next floor.

After calling the police, the beautiful nurse ran to Li Er: "Are you okay?"

"Do I look like something's wrong?" Li Er raised his head and raised his chest to show off.

The beautiful nurse looked at Li Er with admiration: "Hmm! You are really powerful. You kicked the thief out in one go and scared them away."


Where is this? If Sir Li really wanted to kill Baidu Tong and Flip Flop, the two guys just now wouldn't even have a chance to jump out of the window.

"That's right! I think I'm quite powerful too."

Li Er is also a bitch. If other people praised him like this, they would have scolded him a long time ago. The beautiful nurse stared at her with big adoring eyes. This guy felt that his bones were a few kilograms lighter.

The security of Tang Zhudi Hospital is indeed worthy of the high fees. As soon as flip-flops and Blockus appeared in the corridor, they were immediately discovered by the hospital security.

"Stop, I'm talking about you two, stop immediately."

Of course, there was no way that Baidu and flip-flops would be caught just standing there, not to mention that Li Er was still one floor above and would be down in a minute.

"Run separately!"

The flip-flops took a figure-eight stride and ran faster than Baidu.

"Mrs. Li, congratulations, you have become a grandma so soon, and you have a little grandson!" Judy Tang looked enviously at a fashionable old woman holding a wrinkled baby.

"Haha, thank you, thank you!" Mrs. Li was obviously very familiar with Judy Tang. She didn't say who the child looked like or who he didn't, so she hurriedly handed the child over to the nanny nearby.

Mrs. Li knew that she couldn't talk too much about the children with Judy, as she might be hated by the other party.

Of course, this was Mrs. Li's own idea. Who let everyone in the circle know that Judy Tang wanted a child, but she couldn't get it.

"Have a good rest. I have already informed the dean. If you need anything, I will give priority to your family." Judy Tang patted the pregnant woman's shoulder.

"Thank you, Mrs. Wang." The pregnant woman quickly thanked her.

Judy Tang was about to play with the baby when she suddenly received news that someone was causing trouble in the hospital and the security department was dealing with it.

"Judy, is nothing going to happen?" Mrs. Li asked casually. She was very confident in the security of Judy Tang Hospital.

"Mommy, could it be Jianbang? He said he came back to the hospital to find me." Mrs. Li's daughter-in-law said nervously.

Only then did Mrs. Li and her son's expressions change.

They didn't know that the security department was talking about arresting flip-flops and Baidu.

Judy Tang couldn't understand what the family was talking about, but that didn't stop her from picking up the phone and notifying the security department: "Send two, no, five security guards to the delivery room immediately."

"Mrs. Li, it's okay. My damn guy happens to be in the hospital too. I'll call him right now to ask him to come over." Judy Tang comforted her.

"Sir Li is also in the hospital, that's great." Mrs. Li was delighted.

Everyone in Hong Kong Island doesn't know Li Lao Er's name, especially those in the upper class, who have a deeper understanding of Li Er's power.

On the other side, Li Er was chatting happily with a beautiful nurse when his wife called and asked him to leave.

"Oh! I understand. What can happen? I'm suffering from paranoia. I'll be there in a moment." Li Er hung up the phone perfunctorily.

"Female!" The beautiful nurse pricked up her ears and eavesdropped while Li Er was talking on the phone.

"It's my mother!" Li Er, a bastard, said something totally wrong just to pick up girls.

The beautiful nurse rolled her eyes angrily: "It's nonsense, it's obviously a very young voice."

"If you have something to do, go and get busy! Wait for the security guards to come, and I will explain the situation here to them. You don't have to accompany me." The beautiful nurse is not only beautiful, but also considerate.

Li Er was about to say that he was really fine. Of course, having something to do was not as important as picking up girls, when Judy Tang called again.

This time it was a nervous scream.

"Come here quickly, a madman suddenly appears and steals Mrs. Li's grandson." (End of Chapter)

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