What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 778: It’s so straightforward for straight men to pick up girls.

Latest website: "You can talk now! What's going on?" After parking the van, the charterer asked Flip-Flop anxiously.

"We are in big trouble. The two of us met Li Er in Tsim Sha Tsui in the hospital." Flip Flop said with an anxious look on his face: "He even kicked Flip Flop."

"You two showed your face?" The charterer also became nervous. In their line of work, the most taboo thing is showing your face.

Flip-Flop didn't answer, but his expression as if he had eaten shit said it all.

In fact, even if Flip Flop and Baidu Tong hadn't met Li Er, the two of them would have been caught by the camera in the corridor by playing hide and seek with the security guard in the hospital so arrogantly.

In fact, Li Er ignored these two people at all. Someone from the hospital called the police and provided pictures of the two of them to the police.

"There is one thing I didn't tell you two." The charterer said with an ugly face.

"What's up?"

Baidatong asked weakly, and Li Er kicked him. He didn't feel it when he was busy running for his life before, but now when he was free, he realized that it really hurt.

"The hospital you two stole today is the private hospital of Judy Tang's family." The charterer subconsciously sat farther away from the flip-flops and Patek Philippe.

"." Flip Flop and Baidu looked at each other.

"Ouch! Don't slap me in the face!"

"Ouch! Baidu Tong, you idiot, how old are you, and you still play like a monkey and steal peaches."

The van began to vibrate wildly.

The other side.

Not long after Hong Jianbang was detained, he asked a lawyer to guaranty that this guy had not hurt anyone. Even without a lawyer's guaranty, the police would not be able to lock him up for long.

"Master, I want you to go home immediately. As long as you have money, what kind of woman doesn't." One of Hong Jianbang's followers said worriedly.

He already knew that the person who caused Hong Jianbang to be arrested was Li Er from Tsim Sha Tsui.

"If I don't go back, tell my dad that the son Min'er gave birth to is probably his grandson, and he will know what to do." Hong Jianbang waved his hand willfully.

This guy was well protected by his father. He was sent abroad to study early. He had never participated in any underworld activities and had no idea who Li Er was in Tsim Sha Tsui.

"What? That baby is the master's grandson?" Hong Jianbang's follower was overjoyed.

"Okay, okay, I'll go back and report it to the master." Hong Jianbang's follower gave his subordinates a wink and drove back to recover.

Li Erbai was sitting boredly in a cafe at the entrance of the shopping mall. The guy tilted his neck and looked at the second hand of the wall clock.

‘Time flies so slowly, why don’t you get off work yet? ’

"Sooner or later, this stupid nursery will be bombed. You need to be taught how to raise children like this." ’

Poor Li Er, this is the first time he has taken the initiative to chase a woman. He doesn't know what to do. The author has never given him any skills in this area.

Fortunately, he wasn't really stupid. He just bought two boxes of condoms when he passed by the convenience store in the mall.

"Hehe, you've been waiting for a long time!" The beautiful nurse patted Li Er's shoulder happily.

"If you get off work any later, I'll be rusty." Li Er stretched out a lot.

"Come on, I'll treat you to milk tea." The beautiful nurse said with a smile.

"Here, milk tea, still iced." Li Er stretched out his palm and handed a cup of milk tea to the beautiful nurse.

"Ah——! You are buying milk tea in this store!" The beautiful nurse rolled her eyes at Li Er: "Everything in this store is very expensive."

"You drink! I can't drink ice these days." The beautiful nurse shook her head.

Li Er looked stunned and rushed to the street. He bought condoms for nothing. He wanted to go home now.

Yes, it is so practical for straight men to chase women. You can't drink ice cream and waste your whole life. Go home and wash up and get some sleep.

"That's it!" The beautiful nurse didn't understand that the man in front of her was in a bad mood so suddenly.

"I want to go home!" Li Er cried sadly.

Beautiful nurse: "????"

"You can't be serious!"


Li Er shook his head. He suddenly remembered that he would most likely be squeezed dry by the two royal sisters Tang Zhudi and Tong Keren when he returned home. There was no need to rush back and die.

As expected, those who are unavailable are in commotion, and those who are favored are confident.

Li Er, a bitch, wants to be squeezed dry by the beautiful nurse, but he doesn't want to be squeezed by Judy Tang and Tong Ke.

I don't know if this beautiful nurse is willing to let Li Er take her home because she can't drink ice. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Women are always scheming.

"Let's go. I just borrowed a car from someone. I don't want to squeeze into the bus again."

Li Er took the beautiful nurse's little hand and walked out. It didn't matter whether the beautiful nurse was willing to let him hold her hand or not. Anyway, this is what the bosses in TV dramas do. We, Sir Li, can't be as good as those trash.

The beautiful nurse's face was slightly red, but when she heard that Li Er had borrowed a car, she forgot her shyness and let Li Er hold his little hand generously.

"This car is not cheap! Your friend is so generous and is willing to lend you the car to drive." The beautiful nurse looked at the silver-white car in front of her with some excitement.

"may be!"

Li Er rubbed his nose awkwardly. This car belonged to Ma Jun.

Li Er just called Ma Jun and asked Ma Jun to drive his car over. Then he gave Ma Jun ten yuan and asked Ma Jun to take the bus back. Although Ma Jun didn't understand why, he still did it habitually.

How could he have imagined that Sir Li would be reduced to borrowing his car to pick up girls? Sir Li's family doesn't have any cars to drive, and they have several fucking sports cars.

"Let's go, get in the car."


The beautiful nurse who got in the car looked at the decoration inside the car curiously.

What's so cool about Ma Jun's car?

"Hey——! What's so good about the car? You might as well look at me when you look at the car." Li Er glanced sideways at the beautiful nurse.

"Hehe, what is this?" The beautiful nurse looked at Li Er playfully.

Li Er's face turned green. It was really a mistake. That bastard Ma Jun put a lot of cards for massage and bathing shops in the armrest box of the car. Now the good impression he had accumulated was going to be reduced.

"What the hell, I don't understand! This is not my car." Li Er replied seriously. This guy usually goes to those bathing centers, but he just didn't call for special services.

The beautiful nurse rolled her eyes and did not expose Li Er. She usually chatted with her colleagues in the hospital and knew that most men in Hong Kong Island were lustful. Li Er must have learned bad things after being in Hong Kong Island for so long.

"By the way, when did you learn to drive? Is it expensive and difficult to get a driver's license in Hong Kong?" The beautiful nurse looked at Li Er seriously: "You have a driver's license and can drive. You can be a driver." Yeah, I heard that being a driver is quite profitable."

"Hmm -! I'll think about it." Li Er twitched his lips and answered seriously: "It's not expensive and easy to get a driver's license in Hong Kong. If you want to get a driver's license, I can help you contact the driving school. At least I can get a taxi." 60% off.”

The beautiful nurse shook her head: "I don't want it. I just asked casually. The transportation on Hong Kong Island is so convenient. There are buses everywhere. I can't afford a car, and even if I have a car, I won't drive it. I heard that the gas price here is not high." Cheap, not worth driving.”

Um--! A very pragmatic beauty.

Sir Li was even more satisfied, it was suitable for a stingy man like him.

Li Er drove the car and drove around for a long time before arriving at the downstairs of the industrial building where the beautiful nurse lived. The main reason was that the beautiful nurse usually took the bus at the bus stop in front of the building. She didn't know the way very well, so she asked Li Er to find it. A long time ago.

If other women behaved like this, Li Sir would have gone crazy a long time ago, but looking at Da Meiyuan's innocent and pretty face, Li Sir was miraculously not angry at all. (End of chapter)

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