What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 803: When eating hot pot, sit against the wall.

Although Laifu is poor, he is definitely generous.

"Brother Fu, can you really be casual?"

Dandan looked at the prices on the menu and felt a little unhappy. It's not like she didn't know how much beef cost per pound. This hot pot restaurant was a scam.

"It's okay, you can order whatever you like, I'll treat you." Laifu filled the wine glasses for himself, Xiao Fu, and Gao Lao.

"Brother Fu, Boss Gao, I can't speak, but I know that without your care, I wouldn't be able to earn this money, and I might not even be able to save my life. I'd like to toast you, thank you!" Laifu picked up the wine glass and drank it down in one gulp.

"Easy to say, easy to say. If you follow me, your boss, I guarantee you will make a fortune." Mr. Gao was very satisfied with Laifu.

Although Laifu's skills and marksmanship are average, this guy is more able to endure hardships. As long as he doesn't die, he will get the upper hand sooner or later.

Of course, what Gao Lao admires most about Laifu is that Laifu is more down-to-earth, unlike Xiaofu, who seems to be honest and loyal, but in fact has eight hundred thoughts and his own little calculations.

Xiao Fu glanced at Gao Lao quickly, and he could probably guess what Gao Lao meant.

But this is a trivial matter. As long as he is strong enough, Gao Lao still has to let himself take action when there are difficult tasks. And like some low-level killer orders worth 100,000 or 80,000 yuan, Xiao Fu really doesn't bother to take action now.

He is a killer who has met both Notaro Yoshimura, who is ranked number one, and Gun King, who is ranked second.

"Brother Fu, I'd like to propose a toast to you and wish you fortune." After ordering a few plates of fat beef, Dandan raised his wine glass to toast Lai Fu.

"Thank you!" Laifu picked up the wine glass and nodded. He felt very sorry for Dandan. Such a beautiful girl could do nothing wrong.

"Brother Mawei, please use the stove. There is a seat over here."

A man wearing a green T-shirt with long hair tied into a ponytail walked in.

Xiaofu and others were eating hot pot.

As a mature killer agent, Gao Lao has excellent observation skills and is relatively accurate in making people. After a few more glances, Dead Short Boy recognized Mawei as a person with a reward of 100,000 yuan.

"San Cun Ding, what the hell are you looking at?"

A young man behind Ponytail with an earring on his lip gave Mr. Gao a vicious look.

Gao Lao shrugged his shoulders and didn't respond.

Mawei and his group walked to a large round table and sat down.

Laifu asked in a low voice: "Boss Gao, do you want me to——!"

"Hey——! It's a small thing, don't worry, eat, eat, the fat beef in this hot pot restaurant is good, Dandan, pour the wine." Gao Lao smiled kindly.

"Okay -!" Dandan poured the wine for Gao Lao enthusiastically.

Dandan is planning to go with Ding Gao.

Gao Lao gave him a lot of money but little work, so he paid the bill for one, two, three. Dandan had never tried how easy it was to make money. Sometimes she didn't even lie down, so she just lay on her stomach and got through it.

Xiao Fu glanced at Gao Lao doubtfully. He had known Gao Lao for a long time and knew that Gao Lao was not a generous person. Of course, if you are strong, Gao Lao would never hold grudges, but that guy just now This guy is just a yellow-haired little bastard.

As soon as the people in Mawei sat down, they stood up to change tables.

"Brother Mawei, what's going on?" The restaurant owner hurried over.

"Damn it, you didn't know the air conditioner at that table was leaking, I'll slap you twice." Mawei scolded with an unkind expression.

"I'm sorry, Brother Mawei, I'll change the table for you right away. The cost of today's meal will be mine." The boss said quickly.

This boss is also covered by a club. He is not afraid of ponytails, but the bald guy with ponytails is the boss of a club, and he can't afford to offend the bald guy.

It's just that the restaurant's business is good today, and the hall is full.

"Brother Mawei, why don't I arrange a private room for you."

As soon as the boss finished speaking, Ma Wei led his subordinates to Gao Lao's table.

Gao Lao and the others ignored Mawei and the others and continued to enjoy the beef. However, Dandan was a little nervous, so she quietly got closer to Gao Lao.

"Boss, these people seem to be hard to mess with."

Gao Lao didn't seem to hear Dandan's reminder and waved to Dandan to pour the wine.

"Damn it, you guys from mainland China, get over to that table, we want to sit at this table." The pony-tailed yellow-haired subordinate scolded.

Although Gao Lao doesn't seem to be from the mainland, the temperament of Laifu and Dandan should not be too obvious.

Laifu was about to stand up when Gao Lao glanced at him. Laifu lowered his head and continued to cook. Although he could be full by eating hot pot and meat, Laifu still felt that rice was the most practical. With a ceramic basin of rice, he One person killed two-thirds of them.

"Fuck you." Huang Mao could tell at a glance that Gao Lao was the leader, and he reached out to grab Gao Lao.

"Ah——! It hurts, it hurts!"

Xiao Fu next to Mr. Gao suddenly took action. He grabbed Huang Mao's hair with one hand and pressed Huang Mao's head on the table.

Huang Mao wanted to beat Xiao Fu to death with his fists, but Xiao Fu's palms were so hard that Huang Mao's head was so painful that it almost split. He suddenly lost all strength and could only moan loudly.

Xiao Fu continued to scoop up the fat beef in the hot pot with his other hand.

Gao Lao also cooked the beef without any influence.

This forced him to pretend to be Han Chen.

Then Laifu and Mawei were all shocked by Xiao Fu.

Laifu knew that Xiao Fu was very powerful, but he never expected that Xiao Fu was so powerful. He could almost hear the cracking sound of Xiao Fu's fingers pressing Huang Mao's skull just now.

"It's a fucking miracle that you trash can survive today without being killed."

Gao Lao saw Fei Sha coming in and signaled Xiao Fu to let Huang Mao go.

At this time, the idiots like Mawei also realized that the three men and one woman in front of them were not easy to mess with, and they returned to the table where their air conditioner was leaking and sat down.

"Sir Sha, I'm sorry, there are no seats downstairs today. I'll arrange a private room upstairs for you." The boss was overjoyed to see Fei Sha come in. At least the two groups couldn't fight.

"No, isn't there a seat here?" Fei Sha picked up a chair arrogantly and sat down opposite Ma Wei.

These two guys obviously knew each other.

Fei Sha is not only a policeman, but also a member of the anti-gang group, and Ponytail cannot be offended.

"Get out——!"

Poor Brother Mawei suddenly found that he, who had always been so majestic, had become the weakest at the bottom. Naturally, he couldn't accept this. He got up and pulled up the unlucky guy at another table who was waiting for the soup to boil.

The unlucky man was startled. He had originally picked up An Hua to kill Mawei, but Mawei suddenly slapped him on the shoulder and pulled him up.

He thought he had been exposed and ran away without looking back.

Seeing that he was so intimidating, Mawei sat down with satisfaction and said, "Cut ten plates of fat beef, ten plates of tripe, and ten plates of beef intestines for me."

Gao Lao's table had finished eating, and Laifu happily paid for the meal and left.

"Boss, wait for me, you were so majestic just now!"

Dandan quickly picked up her small bag and chased her out. She also wanted to pack away the uneaten food.

Ma Wei winked at one of his men and walked out calmly. After all, he still couldn't swallow this breath and wanted to secretly retaliate against Gao Lao.

Of course Gao Lao had a car, Xiao Fu drove the car, Laifu took the passenger seat, Gao Lao and Dandan sat in the back seat, and Dandan hugged Gao Lao's arm coquettishly as soon as she got in the car.

Most women are Mu Qiang, and Dandan is the only one who works in the industry. She usually takes on bad clients. How have she ever seen really awesome people like Gao Lao and Xiao Fu? She can't count on Xiao Fu, but Gao Lao can do it, and Gao Lao is Xiaofu's boss, so she is determined to follow Ding Gao Lao.

After Mawei's men memorized Gao Lao's license plate number, they returned to the restaurant.

Mawei nodded with satisfaction and gave some instructions to his men. All four of his men left the restaurant, leaving Mawei alone to eat ten plates of fat beef, ten plates of tripe, and ten plates of beef intestines.

Fei Sha raised his head and glanced at Mawei, feeling something was wrong.

Mawei rinsed the beef with an expressionless expression.

Fei Sha had just eaten a few mouthfuls of food when he received an emergency call from the police station, so he had to pay the bill in advance and leave.

When this guy walked out of the restaurant, he happened to encounter one of Mawei's men using the key to pull the private car he bought with a loan.

"Xianjia Tuo, stop here." Fei Sha roared angrily and chased after him.

Mawei's men ran away.

Ponytail in the restaurant heard the roar of Feisha, and the tripe in his mouth became even more fragrant.

At the same time, Gao Lao's car made a circle and stopped in a small alley.

"Laifu, that ponytail just now has a reward of 100,000 yuan. You can get 70,000 yuan."

Gao Lao handed Laifu a short knife: "You can enter the back kitchen of the restaurant just by walking to the end of this alley. I'll give you five minutes. Be quick."

"Okay -!" Laifu took the dagger without hesitation and got out of the car. When he was walking on the road, he had already put on the mask.

Inside the restaurant.

Ponytail was licking the beef happily when he suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He lowered his head in a daze, just in time to see a bloody knife tip piercing his chest.

"Throw into the street, you're hit!" (End of this chapter)

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