This guy with Ponytail is somewhat of an important supporting character.

His chest was stabbed from back to front by Laifu, but he still managed to swallow the beef in his mouth.

People in the restaurant looked at Ponytail as if they were seeing a ghost.

The next second, Ponytail ran away. This guy obviously had some knowledge. In his situation, pulling out the knife would mean death.

So people on the street were surprised to see a hairy guy running with a knife stuck in his back.

Mawei finally intercepted a taxi. The taxi driver was frightened by the murder weapon on Mawei's chest and ran away. Mawei had to drive the taxi to the fastest hospital.

This is Temple Street, and the nearest hospital may not be the fastest. Even if it is only a kilometer or two away, it may be blocked on the road.

At the entrance of the hospital.

Li Er originally wanted the beautiful nurse to take leave and rest for a day or two, but the beautiful nurse refused. She wanted to get the hospital's perfect attendance award, so she went to work despite being injured. This made Li Sir, who was late and early and absent from work, very upset. ashamed.

"Is this your car?" The beautiful nurse opened her mouth slightly and looked at Li Er in surprise.

Although she knew that her man was outstanding, but wasn't he a policeman? And he is also a high-ranking police official. Can he be very rich?

Of course, Li Er drove the Porsche given by Judy Tang. He had already slept in it, so of course Li Er would not hide it anymore.

In fact, he never thought of hiding anything from the beautiful nurse, but if he acted very rich from the beginning, it would be very detrimental to just pick up girls, at least girls like the beautiful nurse.

Li Er knows a little bit about the character of the beautiful nurse. It’s OK for a man to be rich, but not too rich, otherwise she will feel insecure. It’s OK for a man to be carefree, but not too much. It took a lot of effort for the beautiful nurse to let herself accept that there is a Bai Anni. .

If she knew now that there were Judy Tang, Tong Keren, He Min, Ma Danna, Qin Xilei, Zhu Wanfang, etc., Li Er was sure that he would have to sleep in the living room tonight.

"Did you buy the car with the reward money?"

The beautiful nurse pouted and got angry. She had promised to save money to buy a house. What was the use of a car? She knew that cars were getting cheaper every year.

"Uh--! The bonus can't be paid so quickly. This is an old car that has been driven for several months." Li Er took the initiative to hold the beautiful nurse's handbag.

"It's okay if it's not!"

The beautiful nurse breathed a sigh of relief, but she also forgot to ask how much the car cost.

"Get in the car quickly!" New girlfriend! Li Er very considerately opened the door for the beautiful nurse.

Otherwise, with the character of the beautiful nurse, knowing that this is her family's car, she would walk around the car a few times to take a good look.

"This car is nice to look at, but the space is too small and you can't put many things in it." The beautiful nurse complained while touching the interior of the car happily.

Why--! A duplicitous woman.

"Okay, okay, you are right, next time I will buy a large off-road vehicle."

Li Er said perfunctorily while fastening the seat belt of the beautiful nurse.


As the beautiful nurse spoke, she suddenly screamed: "Honey, be careful, a car is coming."

Li Er looked up and was startled. A taxi hit him without slowing down. He had some space to save himself and the beautiful nurse, but the Porsche was about to rush into the street.


Li Er quickly shifted into reverse gear and backed away, finally getting out of the way before the taxi hit him. The taxi violently knocked down the structural pillar of the hospital.

"Don't get out of the car."

Li Er got out of the car and walked to the driver's side of the taxi.

The ponytail in the cab was already dead. He had just crashed the car, and the entire handle of the short knife was pierced into his body. If this didn't kill him, then he would be destined to be pig's feet.

The security guards and ambulance personnel from the hospital ran out.

The beautiful nurse wanted to go out to see what was going on, but she still sat in the passenger seat obediently and did not go out. She knew that she could not help her man, so she should not make trouble.

"Sir Li, what's going on?" The hospital's security captain naturally knew Li Er.

"Call the police! You can't handle this." Li Er briefly checked the taxi and found nothing unusual.

Then he waved to the security captain: "Call a few more people over and seal off the scene. Don't let anyone destroy these things."

"Okay! Sir Li!" the security captain said loudly and respectfully.

He had just secretly glanced at the taxi cab and saw the tip of a knife exposed in front of Mawei's chest. He knew that this was not a simple traffic accident, but a criminal case of murder.

"Let's go! Take you to a nice place to eat."

Li Er doesn't know what fun and delicious places there are in Hong Kong Island, but Judy Tang and Tong Keren both know how to enjoy and love to eat.

They had taken Li Er to enjoy wherever there was delicious food and fun. Therefore, Li Er, a shameless guy, actually planned to use soup, Judy and Tong Keren to take him to enjoy, and invite beautiful nurses to go with them, and even It is also possible to use the cards of the two rich women to spend money.

Well--! The word ‘maybe’ should be removed.

"Honey, what's going on with that taxi?" the beautiful nurse asked curiously.

"As you can see, it was a crash."

Li Er didn't want to tell the beautiful nurse about the dead person, lest it affect his appetite. Anyway, she would know about it when she goes to work tomorrow.


On the other side, the hospital's security captain had called Li Xianying's personal phone to call the police.

This hospital is run by Judy Tang, so it is naturally covered by Li Er. Li Er is indifferent, and Bai Anni is also lazy. Therefore, all the companies under Judy Tang have to go to the police for matters that need to be dealt with. Li Xianying is responsible for following up.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun were eating. After receiving the call, the two guys packed the food into lunch boxes and brought them to the scene to eat.

"Hey——! This idiot's hair is quite long."

Ma Jun didn't say that he couldn't eat after seeing the dead body. He carefully looked at Ma Wei's death state and ate it with relish while holding the box lunch.

"Is he the only one in the car?" Li Xianying asked the hospital's security captain.

"Yes, our hospital has surveillance. I have intercepted the content. At that time, this guy's car did not slow down and hit Sir Li's Porsche. If Sir Li hadn't reacted quickly and reversed the car in time, he would have been killed. Hit."

The security captain had already watched the surveillance video, and he gestured to the situation at that time.

"Okay -!" Li Xianying nodded, took out his mobile phone and called the traffic team to get information, trying to find out where the taxi came from.

Most intersections in the business district of Hong Kong Island have surveillance cameras.

"Ma Jun, do you know this guy? Does he look familiar?" Li Xianying checked the inside of the taxi and then looked at Mawei carefully.

"Mawei, the bald son of Boss Fu Ji." Ma Jun clicked his tongue and looked at Mawei's wound.

Only then did Li Xianying remember who Mawei was. He was currently taking on big cases, these low-life gangsters and gangsters. Li Xianying couldn't remember who they were for a moment.

"Bald man is from Hunmiao Street, right! Call Achang and ask Achang to contact Bald man and tell Bald man that his son is dead and ask him to come over and leave the corpse." Li Xianying took a bottle of mineral water handed over by the security captain and turned Said the head to Ma Jun.

"Okay!" Ma Jun put his chopsticks in his mouth and took out his cell phone.

These are all routine operations. When a gangster is killed, usually the people around him will have more or less information. Like Ma Wei, even a bald man can directly know who the murderer is. It depends on whether he is worthy of cooperating with the police investigation.

"Hey——! Brother Dachang, I, Ma Jun! I need your help again. Hey, hey, don't hang up on me!"

"I can tell you, Sir Eagle asked me to find you. You try to hang up the phone and have fun."

"Why did I lie to you? Besides, this also involves Sir Li. The bald man and the ponytail are from your temple street, right?"

"Mawei, a street bastard, dared to hit Sir Li's car with his car."

"Hey Hey hey--!"

‘Dudududu——! ’

Before Ma Jun could finish his words, 'Brother Dachang' on the other end of the phone hung up.

Thirty minutes later,

'Brother Dachang' trotted over with an old guy who wasn't very bald either.

"Sir Eagle, this is the bald man with ponytail. I have found him for you. I just came back from Macau yesterday and I don't know anything."

As soon as Brother Dachang saw Li Xianying, he quickly defended himself. He was just a temple street gangster, and he definitely couldn't afford to offend Sir Li, who was powerful, rich and free.

"Sir Eagle, Sir Ma, I'm sorry to cause you any trouble." Bald Man finished with a smile on his face.

He turned around and cursed loudly, "Where's that idiot Ponytail!"

Brother Chang hung up Ma Jun's phone too quickly. The bald old guy didn't even know that his son was dead.

Ma Jun pointed to the taxi compartment: "See for yourself!"

"Ponytail, Ponytail!" The bald man realized that his son was completely dead.

"We have checked. An hour ago, Mawei and a few boys were cooking side dishes at "Rong Kee Satay Hot Pot". He must have been stabbed by someone in a sneak attack, and then he grabbed a taxi and drove there. The hospital tried to save lives but ended up hitting a pillar.”

Li Xianying handed the bald man a cigarette and asked the old man to express his condolences. Naturally, he had understood that the bald man only had one son, Mawei, and the old man had no one to send him to his death.

"Sir Eagle, we have contacted the driver of the taxi that was robbed. It is true that Ponytail was stabbed with a knife, and his taxi was robbed while the knife was stuck in his body." Ma Jun reported after hanging up the phone.

The two guys, Li Xianying and Ma Jun, did not follow the rules of the police force, but they were extremely efficient. This no-brainer case suddenly became clear.

"Tell me, you should know who wants to kill your son." Li Xianying said to the bald man.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I don't know anything."

The bald man's only son was dead, and he no longer held the two policemen in front of him.

"Hey——! Baldhead, if you have information, it's best to tell it to Sir Eagle, don't carry it to your death!"

Brother Dachang quickly reminded Baldhead that of course, this guy mainly wanted to show that this was Baldhead’s own decision and had nothing to do with him.

"Hey-! Take it away!"

Li Xianying could probably guess that the bald man wanted to avenge his son himself, which of course the police could not allow.

"Bald man, I think I need to remind you in a friendly way that I will imprison you for a long time. By the time you come out, your enemies may have already gone to South Korea, Singapore, and Malaysia." Li Xianying asked Ma Jun to put Bald Man in prison Cuff him.

The bald man didn't scream why Li Xianying should arrest him. For someone like him who has been a gangster for decades, it would not be easy for Li Xianying to find a reason to arrest him.

"Sir Eagle, Baldhead has been having quite a quarrel with Big Eye, Chen Yao, and Baipi from Yau Ma Tei recently."

Brother Dachang whispered to Li Xianying in a low voice. He had just asked the security guard that the ponytail had indeed almost hit Li Er. He didn't even want to offend Li Xianying, let alone Li Er.

"Okay! Thanks! You go first. A reporter will come over later. You don't want to be photographed." Li Xianying put the remaining half pack of cigarettes into Brother Dachang's hand.

Of course a pack or half a pack of cigarettes is not worth much, but it depends on who gives it. Brother Dachang immediately understood that this matter really had nothing to do with him.

"Thank you, Sir Eagle, I dodge." Brother Dachang ran away quickly, he didn't want to stay here any longer.

The other side.

Fei Sha shouted with blood on his face: "Yes! I just fell and got injured. Can't I just make myself look like a pig's head?"

"Would you like me to call an ambulance for you?"

"No need, it's a small thing, just drink two bottles of cough water." Fei Sha said arrogantly, and then vomited a mouthful of blood.

Several PTU police officers at the scene were wearing a black line.

"He said it was okay! No one complained, so there was no case. He was treated as an accidental injury." The PTU sergeant obviously knew Fei Sha, and he waved his team members to withdraw.

"It's okay, I'm leaving then!" Fei Sha was about to leave proudly.

The PTU sergeant behind him suddenly asked: "Feisha, where is your police gun?"

Fei Sha's hand touched the holster on his waist.

"I'm on the street." (End of chapter)

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