
"Ah——! It stinks so much. Go wash up quickly. I bought new toiletries and put them on the sink for you." Meiko quickly pushed Li Er away.

"what time is it?"

Li Er was already awake, but he didn't want to open his eyes.

"Eight thirty!" Meako said and ignored Li Er. She walked to the closet, changed clothes and put on makeup quickly.

"It's only half past eight, why did you wake me up so early?"

Li Er sat upright with a snap and lay back on the bed.

Yaozi was a little stunned.

‘Eight thirty, that’s very early? ’

"Oh, I don't care about you anymore. Breakfast is on the table in the dining room. Let me remind you, this is Central. You have to cross the harbor to go back to Tsim Sha Tsui."

Meazi most likely thought that Li Er would be late anyway.

She put on her high heels and went to work. Officer Chen was killed last night, and the Interpol Department would definitely make a scene today.

It was already half past nine when Li Er woke up again, and then he slowly walked to the bathroom to drain the water.


Sir Li was washing up when a graceful body came up behind him, with the front bulged and the back curved softly.

It's a busty girl.

"Hey, I'm brushing my teeth. Get out quickly." Li Er slapped the busty girl on the butt with his backhand without looking back.

"Oh——!" The big-breasted girl turned around and left aggrievedly.

She was wearing a very see-through black suspender pajamas this morning, and she didn't seem to be wearing anything underneath. Anyway, Li Er got very angry just by looking at her.

This is not possible, Li Er still wants to keep his frail body so that he can continue the family lineage.

Gotta exercise restraint.

Li Er had already experienced how difficult it was to deal with big-breasted girls on a desert island.

Very moist, ahem, typo, very tired.

Thirty minutes later.

Li Er made a mistake that most men make.

He left Meako's house holding his waist.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

cid department.

"Isn't Sir Li back yet?"

This is the tenth time Zhu Huabiao asked Chen Bailu.

Zhu Huabiao came over to block Chen Bailu before he got to work. Chen Bailu just wanted to die, so he shouldn't show off.

"No, won't I take you to the crime squad when you get back?" Chen Bailu said frantically.

"How about you call Sir Li again and find out when he will return to the police station." Zhu Huabiao urged.

"I called, but Sir Li didn't answer."

Chen Bailu said and changed the subject: "You don't have to go to work today?"

"I'm not a fucking iron man. I worked the night shift last night. Of course I rested during the day. Don't change the subject." After Zhu Huabiao finished speaking, he realized that his tone was not good. He licked his face quickly and said, "Why don't you ask more questions? Other senior brothers in the case team.”

Chen Bailu wanted to die.

If it hadn't been for the big case last night, he would have left long ago before he finished writing the report. I hope Sir Li doesn't like Zhu Fat, or else working with this guy in the future will annoy him to death.

"Hey——! apple"

Chen Bailu waved to Apple, who had excitement written on his face: "How about it? Ma Guoying said that their team should need to know computer technology."

"Brother La, you're in such a miserable state, you call me Adam's full name."

Apple happily made a 'yes' gesture.

"Passed?" Zhu Huabiao was happy for Apple, even though they had only known each other for a few days.

"Hehe, yes, Brother La, thank you. I'll treat you to lunch." Apple still knows how to be grateful. It wasn't Chen Bailu's recommendation. She didn't know anyone from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit at all.

"I was interviewed by Boss Anne. She is very talkative and beautiful. Boss Anne only asked me to intercept a communication conversation on the computer, and then she decided to hire me. I will be working with ADA Ma in the future."

"Oh, I get excited just thinking about it. Brother Biao, let me tell you, the environment of the Major Crime Team is very good, especially our intelligence team. Everyone has their own big desk." Apple gestured exaggeratedly, She is already thinking about her wonderful future job.

'It's just that Adama's face doesn't seem to be very good. She won't be difficult to get along with, right? ’

Apple joined the intelligence team halfway, and her computer skills are better than Ma Guoying's. It's strange that Ma Guoying has a good face.

Zhu Huabiao quickly interrupted Apple's thoughts: "Apple, congratulations first. Did you see Sir Li when you came down from the crime team?"

"Sir Li?"

Apple scratched her head in embarrassment: "Brother Biao, I'm sorry! I was chatting so happily with Boss Annie that I even forgot to help you pay attention to this matter."

Zhu Huabiao: "."

"Find a fucking place to sleep. Your eyes are bloodshot, so don't die suddenly." Chen Bailu pointed to the row of seats at the back.

"Okay! Let me squint and remember to pay attention to Sir Li." Zhu Huabiao was also too sleepy and fell asleep leaning on the chair.

"Okay, Apple, you should go home and catch up on some sleep! Look at the dark circles under your eyes. Lack of sleep is a woman's biggest enemy."

Chen Bailu patted Apple on the shoulder in a pretense of intimacy: "Don't invite us to dinner at noon. Wait until you are familiar with the work of the crime team and wait until everyone is free."

Even if Apple joins the crime squad, Bai Anni is actually responsible for her. What a piece of luck. This flattery needs to be done well.

"Oh! Thank you, Brother La. I'll write down your phone number. Also, this is my phone number." Apple didn't think much about it. After exchanging contact information with Chen Bailu, Apple left happily.

She wanted to complete the transfer as soon as possible. There was no problem here. The original unit still had to complete the handover procedures. Fortunately, she was a small police officer and had nothing to hand over.

Crime Unit.

"Zhou Xingxing, aren't your team investigating the case of some gangster being stabbed to death? How did it turn into a major arms case?"

Chen Yalun and Hui Yinghong looked at Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun curiously.

"Hehe, I'm so lucky. I can't even stop him. It's too prosperous and I can't help it." Zhou Xingxing spread his hands and smiled proudly.

"Xingzi, it's not a good thing to have too many people." Lin Haiying poured cold water on Zhou Xingxing in a very destructive manner.

Zhou Xingxing failed to pretend, so he had to tell Chen Yalun and Hui Yinghong honestly that they happened to meet this group of arms dealers during the horsetail investigation case.

"Uh--! You guys are so lucky!" Hui Yinghong was envious and jealous.

Chen Yalun was also jealous: "Yes, last time you happened to solve such a big drug case in a small hotel."

"The credit for the drug case has not yet been calculated. This time it is an arms case. Zhou Xingxing, you are going to be promoted to inspector again!"

Zhou Xingxing: "."

If it goes up, it will go up. Why the hell do you add the word "also"?

"Where is this? Mrs. Li's 20 million bounty is still being reconciled by the people in the administration department. Zhou Xingxing has been promoted and made a fortune." Ma Guoying couldn't help but interject.

"Hey -! Don't flatter me! Everyone will have a share of the 20 million bonus."

Zhou Xingxing hurriedly retreated and quarreled with a group of women. He won and lost, but the key is that he couldn't win either.

Li Xianying was asking Ma Jun about the case last night. He didn't ask Zhou Xingxing. Zhou Xingxing was too exaggerated.

"Are there any photos of the gangsters? Why do I feel that what you encountered is the arms case that Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju have been working on for half a year." Li Xianying's eyes flashed.

"It's in the newspaper, right? A lot of reporters came last night to take pictures. Boss Ying, please wait."

Ma Jun quickly brought a copy of this morning's newspaper. On the front page of the newspaper, there was a large photo of the four gangsters who attacked the street last night.

"Ha——! It's really the arms case that Dabiju, Yuan Haoyun and the others were following, and we intercepted it." Li Xianying grinned so hard.

On the other side,

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun also saw the newspaper, and their lungs were about to explode.

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