What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 80 Be the most handsome cowboy

"Master, the target is confirmed, these Thais are going to trade with people tonight!" Bai Anne reported excitedly.

"Annie, do you understand Thai?" Li Er asked in surprise.

Bai Anni smiled proudly: "Master, I know some Thai, Malay, and Spanish."

"It's on the street! The laxatives may be off early, did they say what time the deal is?" Li Er lowered his head and glanced at his watch.

"It seems that the buyer is already on his way." Bai Anni said suspiciously: "Master, these Thais seem to be planning to join Tan Cheng and sell their goods to another buyer with a higher bid."

Li Er frowned: "Did they say anyone?"

Bai Anni: "I don't know. The conversations of Thai people only say what Boss Zhu is."


Serena looked strangely at a small vendor across the road, who was this person, and how did he look familiar.

"Phoenix feet, you char siu bun, you're in trouble!" Li Er cursed inwardly.

Serena stepped on high heels and walked towards Li Er.

"Hi! Do we know each other?" Serena asked Li Er.

"What did the mud say, is it medicinal beef offal? The night before ten yuan!" Li Er said in his well-boiled Cantonese and Cantonese Mandarin.

Serena frowned, is this guy smuggled in? Dare to come out and set up a stall before learning Cantonese.

Bai Annie and the others in the van had their stomachs twitching when they heard Li Er's strange Mandarin accent.

"No, no!" Serena quickly shook her hand.

Li Er breathed a sigh of relief.

After Serena turned around, her face suddenly changed, and she quickly turned to look at Li Er carefully.

Serena pointed at Li Er and stammered, "You, you, you are not that—!"

Li Er had robbed Serena's BMW before, and Serena was very impressed by him. Just now, she just didn't associate a bullshit with a policeman for a while.

Li Er's dull eyes sharpened.

"Don't move! The police are handling the case, lean over!" Li Er shouted in a low voice.

Serena's face turned pale.

Li Er suddenly thought about the whole case, and the boss Zhu who the Thais wanted to trade should not be Zhu Tao! The police story begins?

Serena took a step back, and Li Er stretched out her palm, revealing the barrel of the gun inside her sleeve.

"If you resist arrest, I have the right to shoot! Don't doubt my marksmanship. At this distance, I promise to shoot you to death." Li Er said sadly, looking at Serena's face, he was shocked. Know that the other party recognizes you.

"You... what are you doing? I didn't do anything!" Serena came over and whispered.

"Everyone pay attention, buyers have appeared, pay attention to everyone on the street." Li Er whispered to himself, waving to Serena with a smile on his face.

"Would you like a bowl of beef offal?" Li Er retracted the pistol to his sleeve, and spun the scissors twice in his hands.

Serena: "I...I don't eat roadside stalls!"

"Press—!" Li Er smiled and inserted the scissors on the booth table.

Serena looked at the sharp scissors on Li's second hand and swallowed: "Then...then I want a bowl."

"Know the goods!" Li Er smiled.

This guy quickly cut out a bowl of beef offal. This time, he has experience. Most of the beef offal is white radish. Only the thin layer on the outside is real beef offal, and most of it is beef lungs.

Serena: "..."

'If this guy really sells offal, he must be a profiteer. ' Serena thought to herself.

"Your actions today have been monitored by our police for a long time. You'd better cooperate obediently and strive for leniency." Li Er said with a smile, this guy's way of scaring people is very slippery.

Serena's eyes flickered, not knowing what she was thinking.

At the same time, Zhu Tao and his men also arrived at the scene. Zhu Tao saw Serena eating beef offal in front of a small street vendor from a distance.

"Boss, do you want to call Serena with you?" Zhu Tao's subordinate asked.

Zhu Tao shook his head: "No, Serena can't help you with tonight's deal!"

"Is it time to trade?" Zhu Tao asked casually looking at his surroundings.

Zhu Tao's subordinate looked at his watch: "It's fifteen minutes away."

"Okay! Let's try beef offal too!" Zhu Tao suddenly laughed with interest.

"Young-born son, he has a promising future. He started to set up a stall at a young age and become a boss. I'm optimistic about you! In the future, you will definitely be more promising than those working part-timers." Zhu Tao looked at Li Er with admiration and smiled.

Li Er squinted at Zhu Tao: "Boss, don't make such a joke, I'm just a mediocre bullshit, ten yuan a bowl, no credit, no matter how nice it is."

Gently, Zhu Tao took out a thousand Hong Kong dollars and put it on Li Er's stall.

"I don't have the eyesight, you can buy your stall car!" Zhu Tao laughed sarcastically.

"Yes, yes!" Li Eryan quickly took away Zhu Tao's one thousand yuan, and then gave Zhu Tao a bowl full of pure beef offal.

Li Er found that he really had the talent to sell beef offal. In just a few fucking minutes, he made more than 1,000 yuan, or he would quit his job and sell beef offal.

Zhu Tao found that Li Er had taken away his own money, and glanced at Li Er in disgust. Of course he would not eat these things, but it was rather strange that Serena, who is usually so clean, would eat roadside stalls. .

"Young son, how much money can you make a day selling offal?" Zhu Tao asked a little boringly.

Li Er smiled shyly: "Usually it can sell for about 100 yuan a day, but I'm not sure. If I encounter some weird customers, it's not impossible to make 10,000 yuan a day."

Zhu Tao smiled.

"You are quite greedy, that's good, greed is the mother of success."

Zhu Tao beckoned his subordinates to come and eat beef offal together.

Li Er smiled in agreement. He expected Zhu Tao to give him another thousand yuan as a reward, but unfortunately his wish came to nothing, and Zhu Tao was not a fool with money and no land to spend.

Li Er silently counted how many people Zhu Tao had.

Serena looked at Li Er's eyes, and felt anxious in her heart. Zhu Tao also said that Li Er had no eyesight, and his eyesight was average. How could there be such a young and handsome bully.

Li Er tapped the scissors on the table with his fingers warningly, Serena didn't dare to speak, she could only bow her head and eat beef offal.

"Master is not good! The time is not right. I heard Thai people start rushing for the toilet. I'm afraid the laxatives are working." Bai Anni heard the movement in the room and quickly reported to Li Er.

"Wait—!" Li Er had no choice, and he couldn't use a beer bottle to block the Thai's anus.

"Let's go, work!" Zhu Tao waved to his subordinates, and the group walked towards the building.

"Salena, why are you still eating, is this stuff so delicious?" Zhu Tao turned his head and snorted coldly.

"Hehe, boss, you paid me anyway, I'll eat a little more." Serena smiled bitterly, she knew that Li Er would never let herself out of his sight.

Zhu Tao shook his head and walked upstairs.

Serena actually has her little abacus. If she doesn't go up for today's transaction, the police will never have enough evidence to prosecute her.

"Everyone, pay attention, the buyer has gone upstairs, pay attention, the buyer has gone upstairs, and the transaction starts to be arrested immediately." Li Er whispered into the microphone.




Ma Jun, Li Xianying, and Lin Haiying also got out of the van and walked towards Li Er.

Li Er took out the handcuffs and put Serena's handcuffs on the cart of the cattle stall.

"Ma Jun, you play striker with Lin Haiying." Li Er said habitually.

Ma Jun was very excited, and Lin Haiying was very melancholy.

"Confirm again, the transaction can only be started!" Li Er reminded.

The police officers of the action team replied in unison: "Understood!"

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