What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 815 How much does 90 million U.S. dollars weigh?

"Sir Li, this guy's name is Zhu Huabiao. He used to be a member of the serious crime team. Now he is assigned to the EU patrol team as a guard. He wants to join our Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department."

Chen Bailu bit the bullet and recommended Zhu Huabiao to Li Er.

"Ahem, what are you looking for? It's the stormtrooper squad leader!"

Zhu Huabiao gave Chen Bailu a sideways glance in a speechless manner. This guy was so awesome that he lowered his head like a quail when he saw Sir Li.

"Why should I use you? Are you handsome?"

Li Er looked at Liu Heizai carefully. This guy had thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a dark complexion. He knew at a glance that he was a good candidate to take the blame.

"Sir Li, this is my resume file. I used to be the leader of the anti-gang group, and the highest rank was inspector."

"The most important thing is that I know that there is a big case, an international case. Once I pass the case, I can make great contributions to the police department immediately."

Liu Heizai, no, Zhu Huabiao raised his head and chest confidently.

Li Er quickly flipped through Zhu Huabiao's personal file. Sure enough, a person's name would be wrong and his nickname would be wrong. This guy is really a black guy, a rival to Zhou Xingxing.

"Tell me about some major international case." Li Er had already roughly guessed what case Zhu Huabiao was talking about.

"Last night, an Interpol supervisor was shot to death. His palms were broken, but his severed palms were not found at the scene. I have information about that group of gangsters." Zhu Huabiao shrugged proudly. Big eyebrows.

"The leading gangster's nickname is: Professor."

"That's it?" Li Er glanced at Zhu Huabiao with disdain.

"Your information is too late! Do you know that I shot one of the gangsters you mentioned last night, and I shot the other one out of his pocket?"

Zhu Huabiao's eyes widened: "Sir Li, were you at the scene last night?"

Li Er didn't speak.

Zhu Huabiao was not discouraged, but he did not dare to show off any more, and expressed his judgment very carefully.

"The Interpol supervisor who was killed had previously solved a drug case involving a sum of up to 90 million U.S. dollars. This 90 million U.S. dollars is now placed at the Interpol headquarters in Central."

"And the group of gangsters last night were gangsters related to the drug case. I suspect that their purpose in coming to Hong Kong was for the US$90 million stored in the stolen goods room at the Interpol headquarters."

"I asked someone to check. The password lock in the stolen goods room at the Interpol headquarters is unlocked using palm prints. It is such a coincidence that the palm of the Interpol supervisor who was killed last night was broken. What a coincidence, no broken palm was found at the scene. ”

Zhu Huabiao looked like he was a detective.

Chen Bailu immediately denied Zhu Huabiao's judgment.

"This is simply impossible."

"Not to mention that no gangster would be so crazy as to rob the Interpol headquarters for 90 million US dollars! That's 900,000 pieces of paper, which weighs almost a ton. How many fucking people are needed to carry it?"

"Uh--!" Zhu Huabiao was stunned. This was indeed a flaw.

Li Er was also stunned for a moment, he had never thought about this problem.

A ton of cash cannot be moved by more than a dozen big men, except for a certain person. For a certain person, the fuller the vault, the better. He likes to be a porter the most.

"Did I guess wrong, but if they didn't spend $90 million on Interpol headquarters, what was the point of them taking the severed hand?"

Zhu Huabiao naturally received reliable information. The professor's group of international gangsters only had eight people in total. Li Er killed one, and now there are only seven left.

In fact, what Zhu Huabiao didn't know was that the bodyguards of Li's family killed two more, and now there were only five left.

"Since you are so interested in this international drug case, please check carefully for me. Where are the drugs worth 90 million US dollars belonging to American drug friends?" Li Er patted Zhu Huabiao's shoulder encouragingly. .

"Yes! Such a large amount of drugs seems to have disappeared out of thin air. This is so abnormal." Zhu Huabiao's eyes lit up.

However, he continued to insist that the gang would rob the Interpol headquarters.

Chen Bailu stepped on Zhu Huabiao hard.

Zhu Huabiao reacted immediately and smiled in surprise: "Sir Li, you mean that I can join the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Department."

"Well, since you are so destined to Chen Bailu, then you should follow him! You will be responsible for investigating this group of international gangsters. As for whether you can join the serious crime team in the future, it depends on your performance."

"Chen Bailu, take him through the formalities."


"thank you, sir"

Chen Bailu and Zhu Huabiao saluted together.

Zhu Huabiao had already expected that he would not be able to join the serious crime team directly.

However, the cid department is not bad either. The cid department of the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station has merged with the anti-gangster group and can also investigate major cases. For Zhu Huabiao, this is enough.

And the cid part is more free.

Who doesn’t know that the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad is full of talents, including Li Xianying and Instructor Hu in terms of investigation, Ma Jun and Zhou Xingxing in terms of shooting skills, Miao Zhishun in terms of marksmanship, Bai Anni’s Sky Eye Team in terms of intelligence, and even his mother can tell fortunes. There are both good and bad fortunes.

After sending Chen Bailu and Zhu Huabiao away, Li Er also had to do something.

He originally planned to let the professor's gang of thugs steal the money from the Interpol headquarters, and then he would rob the professor and his gang.

Now that it is discovered that the professor and his group may not be able to get all the US$90 million from the stolen goods house, Li Er cannot forgive him.

As we all know, Sir Li is a diligent and frugal person.

He must take action personally to solve this problem.

Interpol Headquarters.

It was Li Er's first time coming to this place, and he didn't know how many headquarters Interpol had. Anyway, this headquarters on Hong Kong Island looked quite tall, with twelve floors. It was so damn rich.


Li Er put on beautiful makeup and a peaked cap on his head, driving a delivery van into the underground parking lot of the Interpol headquarters.

It's only four o'clock in the afternoon, Interpol hasn't gotten off work yet, and the whole building is full of people.

Logically speaking, it would be safer to come at night, but Li Er wants to talk about life, ideals, etc. with the beautiful nurse at night, which may be very tiring. He usually doesn't have the energy to do anything else.

Interpol has surveillance cameras inside the elevator.

Li Er didn't care. He was now a South Asian with a very bad appearance. He was also wearing a pair of cheap sunglasses. The camera was focused on his face and he couldn't recognize who he was.

"Hey -! Water delivery man, why are you here just now? First give us water from the second floor." A blond beauty with a curvy front and back spoke to Li Er in broken Cantonese.

Li Er was wearing a distinctive water deliveryman uniform, holding a bucket of water in his hand and a bucket of water on his shoulder. He was indeed a glorious water deliveryman.

Damn it, Li Er was going to the second floor, because the stolen goods room of Interpol headquarters was on the second floor.

"Good, good! go, go, go" Li Er also replied in very poor English.

Blonde beauty: "."

"You can speak Cantonese, I understand it and I can speak it." The blonde beauty looked at Li Er with disdain, twisted her butt and left.

Li Er quickly followed.

I thought that I would just wait for the next palm to knock him out.

Unexpectedly, I met Meiko chatting and laughing with a pretty boy in the tea room.

‘Damn it, you won’t cuckold me! ’

"Miss Meiko, can we have a casual dinner together tonight?" The pretty girl had her intentions written all over her face.

"Sorry, I have a boyfriend." Meiko took a glass of water and said with a smile.

"But they said, you don't have a boyfriend yet?" The pretty girl didn't give up.

"That's because they are ignorant." Meiko still smiled.

"Then can you tell me who your boyfriend is?"

"Why should I tell you?" Meiko spread her hands and smiled.

The pretty boy wanted to say something else, but Meako finished the coffee and turned around to leave. The curvature of her butt was even more exaggerated than that of the blonde beauty.

Li Er felt like he was jumping on the edge of being green.

The office building of the Interpol headquarters is quite user-friendly. There are even signposts. Li Er easily found the stolen goods room with the sign.

"The Booty Room"

Li Er: "????"

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