What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 817: The officers of the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Unit are on a break

Li Er made a small fortune and was in a good mood. He performed very well tonight.

He didn't even use the pills, but he had already killed the beautiful nurse to the point of losing her armor.

"Husband, I have two weekends off this Saturday. How about I buy some gifts to visit my elder brothers and sisters? Oh! And Shiya, what do they like?"

The beautiful nurse lay on Li Er's chest and rubbed circles, with a few strands of hair stuck to her flushed face.

"Is this Saturday?" Li Er thought for a moment. There are still two days left, enough for him to deal with the perverted Huang group.


"You don't need to bring any gifts, they will buy whatever they like."

Li Er actually didn't care that the beautiful nurse brought some small items. He was just worried that the beautiful nurse wanted him to accompany her to buy them. He already had them, so who would be willing to go shopping with a woman.

"That won't work. It's your first time coming to the door. How can you be empty-handed?" The beautiful nurse nudged Li Er's chest angrily.

"Hey——! Don't stir up trouble! I have to go to work tomorrow."

It's not that Li Sir has no strength to fight again, but how to put it, Li Sir is not a lustful person.

"Oh! Where did you think you were?"

The beautiful nurse was so angry that she hit this guy with her head.

"Hey, are you a pig?"

Li Er quickly put his hands on the beautiful nurse's head and pulled it up.

If she were allowed to continue to push down, she would hit her own Dinghai Shen stick.

"You are the Pig!"

The beautiful nurse was considerate and rested her head on Li Er's chest: "You've been here with me these past few days, will Sister Anni be angry?"

"She doesn't dare to be angry with me." Li Er said pretending to be awesome.

"Oh! Sister Annie is not angry with you, but what if she is angry with me?"

The beautiful nurse was so angry that she wanted to hump Li Er again. She didn't know what kind of skill she had. Everyone likes to humiliate others.

"What do you mean, I'll come back in a few days?" Li Er asked probingly. He would rather believe that a sow can climb a tree than a woman can be generous.


The beautiful nurse nodded unexpectedly, and she fiercely washed away Li Er's outlook on life.

But the beautiful nurse's next sentence revealed her true intention.

"After all, Sister Anni is relatively familiar with your family! I'm worried that she will be angry and say bad things about me in front of my elder brothers and sisters-in-law and little sister Shiya."

Li Er: "."

This worry about Chun Chun is a bit unnecessary.


"Ouch! You're kicking your nose in the face!"

Turn off the lights and serve the little pills.

"Husband, you said no! Ah——!~"

"I regret it! I don't recognize what I said."

When Li Er was so busy that he was sweating profusely.

The professor and his group were also sweating profusely and breathing heavily.

"Evacuate——! Evacuate quickly! Everyone disperse and gather at the second meeting point."

“Bang bang bang bang—!”

Rows of bullets chased the professor and his gang. The professor and the bird hunched their necks and ran away, showing no trace of the demeanor of international gangsters.

The firepower of these policemen is too damn fierce. Isn't it said that the Hong Kong Island police use .38?

Hey--! The professors and others underestimated the Hong Kong police and Li Xianying too much.

They thought it would be safe to bribe a local snake with money and find a hiding place. After all, the police couldn't have that much money to get the other party to betray them.

Li Xianying does not necessarily need money to do things. Over the years, many underworld figures have owed Li Xianying favors.

Li Xianying released the news that he was going to take down the professor and a group of international gangsters. It took only half a day for many people who had been favored by Li Xianying to send in the information.

But now Li Xianying also regrets it very much.

"Damn, you're careless. These bastards are indeed international gangsters. They have too much firepower." Li Xianying grinned in annoyance. He should have called Yuan Haoyun and Chen Jiaju to participate in the operation.

Li Xianying was shot twice in the chest, and his bulletproof vest was still smoking.

Ma Jun charged the hardest, and now he was lying on the ground. His bulletproof vest was useless. The Professor and his group of international gangsters used their AK47s the most.

Ma Jun's bulletproof vest could only block the bullets, but the impact of the bullets made Ma Jun vomit blood in pain.

"Zhou Xingxing, I asked you to block the corner of the stairs on the third floor. Where did you die?" Li Xianying cursed loudly into the microphone.

"Boss Ying, I'm not a coward. These bastards threw grenades in all directions. I was so blown away that I jumped from the window on the third floor." Zhou Xingxing screamed in pain as he spoke.

This guy was really unlucky. He had been well ambush and was planning a sneak attack. Miao Zhishun was usually responsible for this position, and Zhou Xingxing had to fight for it with great difficulty.

But as soon as Zhou Xingxing and the professor's group met, he didn't even have time to shoot, and two grenades rolled by Pervert Huang at Zhou Xingxing's feet.

Zhou Xingxing had no choice but to jump from the window at the corner of the stairs to escape. Not to mention, there was a sewer manhole cover under the window. The manhole cover was not closed properly, so Zhou Xingxing fell directly into the sewer.

"Sir Eagle, they have retreated, let's chase them quickly." Miao Zhishun said happily.

The two sides exchanged fire just now, and Miao Zhishun contributed the greatest combat effectiveness.

Miao Zhishun has rich fighting experience. He knows that he must make the opponent timid in one go, otherwise whoever retreats first will die first, and whoever chases him will take advantage in the gunfight.

Of course, Li Xianying deliberately loudly called for support, which was also the main reason why the professor and his group retreated. They had been exposed, and if they didn't run away, they would be surrounded by the police force.

"Don't chase too closely. These gangs are all desperadoes. Only as many as can be left behind." Li Xianying reminded Miao Zhishun while helping Ma Jun up.

Miao Zhishun didn't need Li Xianying's reminder at all. This guy cherished his life. He saw that Li Xianying and the horse army were lagging behind, so he quickly slowed down.

Li Xianying: "."

Ma Jun also looked at Miao Zhishun speechlessly. He knew that with Miao Zhishun's shooting skills, if he bit the professor's group, the professor's group would definitely want to cry.

"You should go after it!"

"No! There are four more of them?" Miao Zhishun shook his head desperately.

This battle,

Three of the professor's accomplices were shot dead and one was seriously injured and arrested.

As for the police,

Zhou Xingxing's right leg was broken. This bad luck forced him to jump off the building.

Ma Jun also lost his combat effectiveness. AK47 bullets broke several of his ribs.

Compared with Zhou Xingxing and Ma Jun, Li Xianying's injuries were not too serious, just a broken bone, but his wife forced him to be hospitalized, and the hospital also recommended this.

The only one who was fine was Miao Zhishun, but Miao Zhishun was determined not to act alone.

Miao Zhishun planned to take leave or accompany Lin Haiying on duty in the serious crime team.

‘Thank you so fucking much! ’

Lin Haiying looked at Miao Zhishun and wanted to die.

Because Li Xianying was furious and sent Lin Haiying and Miao Zhishun out together.

In a ward,

Lying on the three hospital beds were all Sirs from the Tsim Sha Tsui Crime Squad. (End of chapter)

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