What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 825 I don’t know when or what month I will get what I want

Latest website: Li Er was lying on Judy Tang's soft big bed, with tears streaking across the corners of his eyes, looking extremely miserable.

It's not that Li Er didn't use the 'physical strength enhancement liquid', it's just that Judy Tang called Tong Keren without any moral ethics.

Moreover, these two women had no idea what was going on, and they had an attitude of not giving up until they squeezed Li Er dry.

Li Er cried to death.

Of course, Li Sir attributed the reason to the fact that He Min and Qin Xilei squeezed him first, otherwise, hum -

Sir Li fantasizes about one day,

‘Physical Strength Enhancement Potion’ on the left hand,

On the right hand, "I love a piece of firewood\

,"The famous scene of killing everyone and making these old women kneel down and beg for mercy, I can't help but feel a little intoxicated.

I don’t know when or what month I will get my wish.

"Husband, what beautiful things are you thinking about?" Judy Tang interrupted Li Er's beautiful thoughts after taking a bath.

"Ah——! I, I'm thinking about having a boy or a girl."

Naturally, Li Er did not dare to expose his wolfish ambitions. He was not strong yet!

Sooner or later, one day all these women will kneel and sing: Men are tigers.

"Of course it's a boy." Judy Tang glared at Li Er angrily.

After she returned to bed, she did not sleep. Instead, she put her legs on the backrest of the bed and lay down.

"You don't have to be like this!" Li Er didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"What do you know? This is the secret recipe for giving birth to a baby. Go and sleep with you." Judy Tang was very realistic. After the injection, the man would be useless.

Li Er turned around speechlessly and hugged Tong Keren. Tong Keren was not as strong as Judy and had already fallen asleep.

She felt the man's body behind her, rubbed it, changed into a more comfortable position, and continued to sleep.

The other side.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun are still investigating the case of Ma Wei's murder.

Fei Sha's suspicion has been cleared, and the most likely people to kill Mawei are the three men and one woman at the other table.

Logically speaking, a combination of three men and one woman, including a very short middle-aged man, should be easy to find.

However, Li Xianying and Ma Jun searched almost the entire Yau Tsim Mong area and couldn't find anyone similar.

This has to be said that Gao Lao has rich experience. Li Xianying has informants in the underworld, and Gao Lao also has informants.

When Gao Lao realized that someone was checking their killer team, he immediately separated the team.

Although the police have no evidence that Laifu killed Mawei, it will make things very troublesome.

Xiaofu and Laifu are in a group, and the old man leads the newcomer.

Gao Lao brought Dandan himself, just in time to experience Dandan's mastery of killing men.

Li Xianying and Ma Jun both checked in groups of four. Only if he could find Mr. Gao could he find something wrong.

Moreover, Gao Lao lives in a high-end residential area. This damn dwarf will only go to a small hotel with a mixed bag of people to clean up his traces when he is getting information or when he is on a mission.

However, Li Xianying and Ma Jun stared at those cheap rental houses, making it even more impossible to find Gao Lao.

At this time, Dandan was lying in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling glass window.

Gao Lao stepped on a small stool and outputted from behind.

"Boss, this place is really beautiful. It turns out you are so rich."

Dandan looked at the night view outside the window excitedly. She felt that her level had suddenly improved.

If I had known earlier, I would have been taken advantage of.

It’s too low-cost to pick up individual customers, and you have to worry about being caught by the police.

"Be serious, turn your head and look at me, I like to see your little naughty face."

Mr. Gao cursed and reached out to pull Dandan's hair, but unfortunately he had short hands and feet and couldn't reach it.

"Okay, boss!"

No matter how perverted the customer is, Dandan has accepted it, but Gao Lao is nowhere to be seen.

Serve with all your heart.

the next day.

The loss of US$90 million in stolen money from Interpol headquarters was finally no longer a secret.

Not to mention the whole Hong Kong was shocked!

At least all the tens of thousands of police officers in Hong Kong Island's police force were shocked.

Who the hell did this? 90 million US dollars in cash, weighing a ton less, don't be the thief.

There are many people who have this idea. It is actually easy to judge. Even if a ton of cash is left on the street for you to move, it will take you an hour or two to move it.

The guards at Interpol headquarters are not dead.

Moreover, there are surveillance cameras in every corridor and stairway corner.

In fact, it was precisely because of the existence of surveillance cameras that otherwise the people at the Interpol headquarters would have framed the theft of the stolen money on the professor and Xiaoniao's group.

It just so happened that these two guys were already dead, with no evidence to back them up.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

CID Department.

Gu Dezhao and other guys watched the big TV in the case handling lobby.

TV is broadcasting that the Interpol headquarters has been attacked by terrorists, and the target is the vault of the Interpol headquarters.

Fortunately, the Interpol detectives fought bravely and drove away the terrorists.

The terrorists failed to steal a single penny from the vault at Interpol headquarters.

Gu Dezhao frowned and looked at the Interpol supervisor Gui Lao who was chatting on the TV.

He muttered in a low voice: "Isn't that 90 million yuan worth of drugs stolen by this ghost guy?"

Gu Dezhao knew that this ghost guy was the direct boss of Officer Chen, the fat pig king.

"Fat Niu, what did you say? Is this big-nosed ghost a bad guy?" the broom star suddenly asked.

"Ah—! madam!"

Gu Dezhao was startled by the broom star.

A well-informed person like him, even though he has only been on the job for a day, has already figured out the unlucky attributes of the broom star.

Brother La is cheating!

Gu Dezhao naturally believed in science, but his girlfriend wanted to break up with him in the afternoon for no reason.

Also, when I clocked in at work this morning, when it was my turn to clock in, the clock-in machine suddenly failed.

When the time reached exactly 9:01, the time clock machine returned to normal for no apparent reason, making me exactly one minute late.

"Hey——! Let me ask you a question. What drug case did you just talk about? Was this ghost guy responsible for it?" the broom star asked curiously.

"I don't know." Gu Dezhao said and an idea came to him. The broom star has a crow's mouth, so he couldn't have been fooled by what she said!

"Oh——! Okay, anyway, if you need anything, you can go to Senior Sister. Senior Sister is in our police station and can take good care of her." Broom Star patted his chest loyally.

Now that she has the rank of inspector, she feels obligated to take care of the new police officer, not to mention that she likes this little fat guy.

"Haha——!" Gu De smiled awkwardly: "Then I would like to thank senior sister first."

Naturally, Gu Dezhao didn't dare to ask the broom star for help, but he still thanked him cheerfully.

The broom star was very happy to hear this and insisted on treating Gu Dezhao to dinner at noon.

"Madam, isn't this bad!" Gu Dezhao said with a bitter face: "If you want to invite me, it should be me who invites you."

"Okay -! Then it's settled, please." The broom star was not a pretentious person and readily agreed.

"Uh-!" Gu Dezhao suddenly felt thunder rolling from the sky.

No, he has to share this 'good luck' with Zhu Huabiao and Chen Bailu to rejoice together.

"Hey, hey, fat cow, stop. If you have something to say, don't come over." Chen Bailu was so frightened that he jumped up from the chair.

"Do you have any information?" Zhu Huabiao was quite normal.

"Brother La, you killed me." Gu Dezhao looked at Chen Bailu with a wry smile.

"Why did I harm you? That position was indeed occupied by Sir Li. After sitting in that position, Sir Li rose through the ranks and became a senior superintendent."

"What's the situation? Isn't it said that there is information? Fat Niu, can we talk about business first?" Zhu Huabiao said unhappily.

"I checked with my friends at Interpol. The ghost spokesman at their Interpol headquarters is the direct boss of the Fat Pig King. He may know something." Gu Dezhao said in a low voice.

Fei Niu was just guessing at first, but after being challenged by Broom Star just now, he felt that it was 99% true, because he was so confident in Broom Star.

"Checking the senior managers of Interpol? You two are sick, I won't play with you!" Chen Bailu raised his hands first and exited.

This matter was too big. He had just promised his cousin not to cause trouble for Li Er in the near future.

Gu De rolled his eyes.

"I also think that such a big case, if our CID is not good enough, it should be reported to the crime squad. Isn't Apple in the crime squad?" (End of Chapter)

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