What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 835: A Lifelong Job of Prosperity

Latest website: After Li Er quickly dealt with the casino dispute between Haitang and Ding Yao, he quickly returned to Hong Kong Island.

Mrs. Li's 20 million is still waiting for him.

On a trip to Macau, I handled a money laundering matter of 90 million US dollars, made a small profit of 21 million, and split the casino proceeds into 20% of dark stocks. It felt pretty good.

"I feel pretty good. I should come to Macau more often." Li Erle poured coffee for Tong Keren in a friendly manner.

Tong Keren's skills in driving a yacht were good. She did not hire anyone and drove the yacht by herself, making it easier for her and Li Er to spend time together.

"Honey, such a tiny baby is really cute. How about we give birth to one when I'm free?"

Tong Keren lowered his head and glanced at the sleeping baby in the baby basket, and suddenly fell into maternal love.

"She's just such a cute little girl! You won't like it if she gets into trouble when she grows up." Li Er decisively refused.

If Li Yi knew what Li Er said, he would definitely beat his brother again.

If Tong Keren had a child with Li Er, whether it was a boy or a girl, Li Er would definitely benefit.

"can you?"

Tong Keren looked at the baby in the baby basket hesitantly. On a whim, she asked her to take care of the baby, which would annoy her to death.

"Yes!" Li Er nodded with certainty.


Tong Keren actually didn't believe Li Er's words. If the child was annoying, she didn't have money to hire a nanny.

But Li Er didn't wear a condom. If she had one, she would have it, and if she didn't, she wouldn't have it. Anyway, she didn't use contraception, and she wouldn't study any secret recipe for having children like Judy Tang did.

Mrs. Li was as cheerful as ever in giving money.

The Hong Kong Island Police Force once again caused a stir.

Sir Li has been suspended from his job. If he goes to Macau to gamble, he will be rewarded with a reward of 20 million.

Moreover, Sir Li also settled the case smoothly.

The three of them, Baozigong, Flip Flop, and Baidu, once again entered Stanley for renovation.

The trio escaped from prison and engaged in child trafficking again, adding ten years to their sentences.


Inside Stanley Prison,

The charterer, Flip Flop and Baidu sighed together, it was time to reach the peak of their lives again.

He was beaten down with a stick by Li Laoer, the bastard who had no descendants.

The most unbalanced thing is that Li Er steps on them to make money every time.

The two amounts added up to 40 million.

Of course, the total sentences of the three of them were twenty years.

"Xie Jia Tuo, there are so many thunderstorms, why is there no lightning to kill Li Er?"

Li Er only arrested the charterer, Flip Flop and Bai Datong, but did not embarrass Hong Feng and his son.

On the one hand, people didn't offend him, but he ruined their good deeds time and time again.

On the other hand, Li Er also hoped that Hong Feng and his son would continue to send people to steal the children so that he could continue to make money.

If you do this job well, you will be rich and wealthy for the rest of your life.

The other side.

Gao Gang has good skills and has been spotted by Mr. Gao.

Gao Lao took his second-strongest fighting force Xiao Fu and found Gao Gang.

"Excuse me, what do you want?" Gao Gang asked cautiously.

He was worried that Mr. Gao was here to cause trouble.

Although Gao Gang was not afraid of Gao Lao, he was not willing to conflict with these locals.

Gao Lao didn't speak, but looked at Gao Gang's living environment. It was a small, dilapidated garment factory, and there were many rusty sewing machines lying on the ground.

"Fellow, this is my boss. You were in a hurry last time and didn't have time to get to know each other. My boss is a very nice person." Dandan said with a smile.

Mr. Gao was generous with the money, and Dandan's clothes had improved recently, and her small breasts were forced to squeeze out a gap.

"I know, you won more than 400,000 yuan in the boxing gym last time." Tian Li said enviously behind Gao Gang.

Gao Gang could only get 20,000 yuan for a boxing match, but this little mule bet 50,000 yuan and easily won 400,000 yuan.

"Bosses, we are with Ma Haoqiang and Brother Qiang. Please don't cause trouble!" A middle-aged man wearing a red vest said.

Gao Lao frowned: "You three live here, two men and one woman?"

In Gao Lao's eyes, Ma Haoqiang and so on are just trash.

The high hill is silent.

Tian Li smiled flatteringly and said, "Then I don't know what you have to take care of, boss."

Mr. Gao nodded. It seemed that among the trio, this woman was more assertive.

"If you want me to take care of you, I also want to see how your skills are."

Mr. Gao casually pulled up a chair and sat down.

"It's not like you have the skills to beat a gangster like you would in an underground boxing match."

Gao Gang had a straight face.

He said firmly: "We don't need your care. If nothing happens, please leave!"

The first impression of Gao Gangdi Gao Lao was not good.

Gao Lao turned to look at Xiao Fu: "Try his skills."

Xiao Fu took off his coat and hung it on a wooden board, raising his hand to signal Gao Gang to attack first.

Gao Gang gritted his teeth with a livid face. The local gangs were just arrogant. They would beat you up if they said they wanted to. He didn't even have the right to refuse.


Gao Gang decided to teach Xiaofu a lesson, so that these locals would raise their eyes and look at people carefully.

"Be careful!"

Gao Gang's quality is very good. He warned Xiao Fu before punching.

A decent middle punch hit Xiao Fu's chest.

Xiao Fu wanted to test Gao Gang's strength, and raised his palm without hesitation to block Gao Gang's fist.

The two exchanged fists.

‘Bang——! ' There was a sound.

Gao Gang took three steps back, and Xiao Fu took a small step back.

There are factors in this that Xiao Fu is stronger, and it is also true that Gao Gang underestimated the enemy.

‘Master. ’

After a brief exchange, Gao Gang immediately looked at Xiao Fu with a solemn expression, and Xiao Fu also roughly judged Gao Gang's strength.

"Boss, Brother Fu seems to be more powerful!"

Dandan stood behind Gao Lao and pressed Gao Lao's shoulders diligently.

A layman can watch the excitement, while an expert can watch the door.

Tian Li also feels that Xiao Fu, who looks ordinary, is difficult to deal with.

On the contrary, the middle-aged man in the red vest flashed his eyes. He saw that Xiao Fu had not tried his best. Of course, Gao Gang was also holding back.

"You'd better give it your all."

Xiao Fu said, taking the lead in attacking Gaogang.


When Gao Gang saw the speed of Xiao Fu's attack, he didn't dare to hold back, so he quickly turned sideways to receive the attack.


Xiao Fu and Gao Gang are both speed masters. Xiao Fu's burst of straight-line speed is faster, but Gao Gang's movement is more flexible.

The two exchanged dozens of moves in an instant.

The two rookies, Dandan and Tian Li, were stunned.

Mr. Gao also nodded with satisfaction, his vision was indeed good.

The man in the red vest swallowed subconsciously.

He felt that he had a high probability of beating Gao Gang.

But it would be difficult to fight against Xiao Fu.

Xiaofu is a typical fast and fierce type.

Xiao Fu just kicked Gao Gang, and Gao Gang took several steps back before he could get rid of the force.

"Come again!" Gao Gang shouted.

Masters are hard to find.

Gao Gang completely abandoned traditional martial arts and used killing moves that were despised by martial arts people.

Xiao Fuhui's moves were not as gorgeous as Gao Gang's, and he was suppressed by Gao Gang for a while. (End of chapter)

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