What Should I Do If I Open The Wrong Plug-In?

Chapter 842: True prodigal woman

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"Miss Gao, Miss Tang asked you to go back to the company headquarters after get off work. If she has anything to do with you," Yang Baoling reminded her in a low voice when she saw the beautiful nurse reading the information carefully.


The beautiful nurse quickly looked at the watch on her hand. It was already time to get off work, and she couldn't let Judy wait for her.

"Then let's go there now!"

The beautiful nurse's watch was given by Wang Gangsheng. She checked the price and found it cost hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars. Of course, the price is not the most important thing. The important thing is that it means that the sister-in-law of the family recognizes her.

Yang Baoling followed the beautiful nurse out of the office. When taking the elevator, several hospital executives wanted to take the elevator, but Yang Baoling glared back with a cold face.

"Hello, Dr. Lin! Hello, Nurse Chen!" The beautiful nurse nodded with a smile.

The guys who knew the beautiful nurse nodded their heads in favour.

Yang Baoling had no choice but to approach the beautiful nurse and whisper: "Miss Gao, you don't need to pay attention to these guys. If you say hello to everyone, it will be a waste of your time."

"Oh! I understand." The beautiful nurse agreed, but she didn't agree in her heart. The head nurse, Sister Chen, had helped her a lot, and she felt that she wanted to repay her kindness.

Judy Tang had more than a dozen luxury cars in her name, and she randomly assigned one to the beautiful nurse.

The beautiful nurse found that she could refresh her knowledge every day after getting to know Judy. Judy was so wealthy. I heard that this car cost several million.

"Company headquarters!" Yang Baoling sat in the passenger seat and said to the driver.

Although she was sent by Judy Tang to help the beautiful nurse familiarize herself with the management of the hospital as soon as possible, she didn't think highly of the beautiful nurse. She felt that she was just good-looking and slow to learn.

It would be really unlucky to teach her by myself.

It is naturally impossible for the beautiful nurse to know what Yang Baoling is thinking, but she is very sensitive and has noticed that the other person looks down on her. However, the more this happens, the harder she has to work hard to not let the other person look down on her.

She never thought of venting her anger on Li Er's gang.

The car soon arrived at the headquarters building of Judy's company.

The beautiful nurse looked at the majestic building in front of her with a bit of a bumpkin expression.

"Secretary Yang, does this entire building belong to the company?" the beautiful nurse asked in a low voice.

Yang Baoling rolled her eyes inwardly. She now seriously doubted Li Er's taste.

"One, two, three, four, these four buildings all belong to the company."

Yang Baoling led the beautiful nurse into the headquarters building and used her ID card to open the elevator that led directly to Judy Tang's office.

"Sister Judy, you are still working overtime!" the beautiful nurse said against her will.

Judy Tang was clearly playing tarot cards on her desk and doing some crazy work.

Judy Tang's eyes lit up when she saw the beautiful nurse. It must be said that a good-looking face is popular. Whether the beautiful nurse is wearing a nurse's uniform or the blue lady's formal dress she is wearing now, she is very bright and attractive.

"Didn't I give you a lot of lipstick? Why are you using none?" Judy Tang threw the cards in her hand on the table casually.

"I forgot." The beautiful nurse said carefully.

In fact, she felt that the lipsticks given to her by Judy Tang were too bright and she was embarrassed to use them.

Judy Tang also gave her a lot of brand-name silk stockings, which are embarrassing to wear outside.

"Well——! Anyway, if you need anything, just tell Xiaoling and she will help you get it done."

Judy Tang walked around the beautiful nurse, secretly sighing at Li Er's vicious eyes. The beautiful nurse immediately transformed into a stunning urban beauty with just a little dressing up.

"Okay, thank you Sister Judy. Secretary Yang helped me a lot. My basic skills are very poor." The beautiful nurse said and nodded to Yang Baoling to express her gratitude.

Judy Tang was not a serious work person, so she changed the topic after a few words.

"By the way, this is for you." Judy Tang took out a bunch of keys from the drawer and put it into the hand of the beautiful nurse.

"Sister Judy, what is this?"

The beautiful nurse vaguely felt what it was, but she didn't want it. She already owed Judy too much, even though Li Er said there was no need to be polite to Judy.

"Cuihua Mansion, our company's own luxury house project, comes from a flat floor, has been renovated, and is unused. The most important thing is that it is close to the hospital where you work."

Judy Tang, a rich woman, gave away a house like giving away cabbage: "When the time comes, you can take a look at what needs to be changed, and tell Xiaoling that our company has an engineering team."

"Sister Judy, this is too valuable. I can't take it." The beautiful nurse was reluctant to part with it, but she still handed the key back to Judy.

She knows Judy Tang to some extent now. If Judy says it's a mansion, it's definitely a mansion.

"Here, when you are free, ask around when did I, Tang Judy, take back the things I sent out."

Judy Tang glared at the beautiful nurse angrily: "Li Er knows about this. You are now the leader of the hospital. How can you still live in the staff dormitory?"

"Cocoa, this is too expensive."

The beautiful nurse was relieved when she heard that her husband knew about it, but she still felt that the favor was too heavy and she could not afford to repay it.

"Are you sure you don't want it?" Judy Tang picked up the key and pretended to throw it to Yang Baoling aside.

The beautiful nurse was so frightened that she quickly grabbed the key. Are you kidding? You can't give it to anyone but Yang Baoling. Why should she be a little secretary?

The beautiful nurse knows how prodigal Judy Tang is and makes her angry

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