Latest website: Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

Crime Unit.

meeting table.

Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun sat on chairs with solemn expressions.

"Please take out all the communication equipment on your body!" Li Er said seriously.

Instructor Hu took out a mobile phone from his body, Hui Yinghong had a pager, and Chen Yalun had a pager in addition to a mobile phone.

Li Er frowned. It's not that Chen Yalun can't afford a mobile phone. Different people in Hong Kong Island have different views on consumption. Some people are willing to pay in advance. If you use a credit card to pay for your mobile phone in installments, Chen Yalun can certainly afford it. rise.

Bai Anni also took out her mobile phone and put it on the conference table.

Li Er quickly gave Bai Anni a sideways glance, what kind of trouble is this precious apprentice doing.

"This joint operation between us and the Central District Serious Crime Squad, there was an accident when the net was about to be closed, and the target person canceled the transaction." Seeing that Instructor Hu wanted to speak, Li Er stretched out his hand and pressed down: " I agree with Sir Chen of the Central District Crime Squad that this accident happened because the guys involved in the operation leaked important information."

Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun all turned pale. They were not novice police officers who knew nothing. What Li Er meant was that there was an inner ghost among the police officers involved in the operation.

"I believe in the quality of my subordinates. You will never do anything against police discipline." Li Er said seriously.

Instructor Hu and the three breathed a sigh of relief, and Bo Anni looked relaxed. Of course, she knew that Li Er would never doubt herself.

Li Er continued: "But since the case is jointly handled, for the sake of fairness, every police officer involved in the operation must be investigated according to the procedures. I hope everyone understands that Li Xianying and Ma Jun must also be investigated."

"It should be!" Instructor Hu nodded.

Hui Yinghong and Chen Yalun also nodded seriously.

Li Er's stern face suddenly collapsed, and he said with a relaxed smile: "You don't have to be so serious, I believe that people on our side didn't leak the secret, but this matter can't just be thoroughly investigated by the serious crime team in the home district. Someone wrote a report to me, recalling every detail from the time I received the task.


"Okay! Thank you, Sir Li!"

Several people in the office were relieved, and no one thought that such a thing would happen for the first time on a mission.

"Master, hasn't our monitoring system found out who the ghost is?" Bai Anni asked in a low voice after catching up with Li Er.

Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun hurriedly pricked up their ears to eavesdrop.

Li Er lowered his voice, but suppressed his voice within a range that could be heard by the three instructors Hu.

"I can't monitor it. The insider must have notified the target person just before the transaction. The insider must be someone from Chen Jiaju's side. I believe in the professional ethics of our own people."

Instructor Hu, Hui Yinghong, and Chen Yalun all looked happy, and looked behind Li Er gratefully.

Sometimes you swear a hundred words of truth in front of the other party, but it is not as good as an unintentional casual sentence behind your back. Li sir's little trick of buying people's hearts has been used without any trace.

Li Er devoted himself to studying "Actor's Self-Cultivation", originally in order not to be seen through by Director Liu and Li Xin'er, but he unexpectedly trained himself to be more and more slick. This kind of thing, I am afraid that in the future, he will be really lucky, Lin Haiying You can't believe everything you say, but you can't believe it either.

On the other hand, Chen Jiaju is also thoroughly investigating his subordinates. In this operation, a total of 12 police officers from the Central Crime Squad A, including Chen Jiaju, participated in the operation. Chen Jiaju believes that there is nothing wrong with Zhang Dazui, Li Wenbin and Wu Feifei. But for other police officers, Chen Jiaju couldn't guarantee it.

Chen Jiaju has not been transferred to the Central District Serious Crime Squad for a short time, and it is impossible to have a heart-to-heart relationship with every police officer.

"Chen sir, you must be very cautious about investigating the inner ghost, otherwise it will easily chill the guys!" Li Wenbin reminded very carefully, after all, he is also in the ranks of being investigated. If you remind too much, it is easy to be suspected of ulterior motives .

"I know!" Chen Jiaju said gratefully: "Wen Bin, please help me draft a survey form, so that everyone can record every word they said in detail during the operation. I believe that my buddy will not be an insider. They Maybe it’s not necessarily a slip of the tongue.”

Li Wenbin's face turned dark, this is a super offending thing.

Chen Jiaju knew what Li Wenbin was thinking when he saw Li Wenbin's face.

"Don't worry, you are only in charge of drafting the survey form. I will send it out to everyone who is surveyed. After the matter is clarified, I will apologize to everyone one by one." Chen Jiaju said seriously.

While Li Wenbin breathed a sigh of relief, he said with some guilt: "Chen sir, why don't you let me be the black face this time! If the matter is not clear, it will be difficult for you to lead the team in the future."

Chen Jiaju shook his head affirmatively: "There is no need to argue, I am the head of Team A of the Serious Crime Division, and this matter is my responsibility."

"Understood!" Li Wenbin and Wu Feifei looked at Chen Jiaju in admiration.

Chen Jiaju's style of doing things is completely different from Li Er's, but the results are unanimously recognized by his subordinates.

Chen Jiaju meticulously investigated the police officers one by one, and he really found out the clues.

"Ah Dong, do you mean that Sir Wen asked you about this case?" Chen Jiaju asked cautiously.

Liu Dong shook his head and said, "Sir Wen didn't take the initiative to ask me, it was when Sir Wen called me and said why all the people in our group A are not in the office, and everything is going to the B group. I went, I said casually, there is a big case to follow up, and now the whole team is in Tsim Sha Tsui, there is no way to rush back immediately."

"Then how will Sir Wen answer?" Li Wenbin asked quickly.

Liu Dong replied: "Wen sir seemed to say that it was all right, and then hung up the phone!"

Chen Jiaju nodded solemnly.

"Ah Dong, don't mention today's matter to anyone." Chen Jiaju patted Liu Dong on the shoulder and said.

"I understand, Boss, did I spoil our team's actions?" Liu Dong asked guiltily.

"It's none of your business. Sir Wen may not have a problem. You can just do things as usual. I will take care of this matter." Chen Jiaju said.

"Yes, thank you boss."

After Liu Dong left, Chen Jiaju turned to Li Wenbin and said, "Wenbin, check if our serious crime team is really busy today, and try to help me find Sir Wen's private mobile phone number."

Li Wenbin: "Understood!"

This guy Li Wenbin has very strong business ability. It only took him an hour to find out that there are only seven cases in the case handling hall of the serious crime team today, which is not busy at all. At the same time, he found out that Sir Wen has two mobile phones, and the phone numbers are also checked. out.


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