"The classmate who claimed to be my daughter of Kong Mingcheng, I think you must have recognized the wrong father."

The resounding voice spread through the loud speakers to the ears of everyone in the venue.

This sentence can be said to have nailed Kong Lian to the pillar of shame, the kind that can't be pulled down no matter what.

"Kong Lian, why did you lie to us?" Hu Xiyue's voice trembled, with a deceived and hurt expression on her face.

"So disgusting! She's actually a liar."

"Oh my god, what white, rich and beautiful, it turns out to be fake."

"This fake dares to compare with Ren Ran, it's too bold."

"No wonder she wanted to pass off inferior goods as good ones on Mingshan Island that time, it turned out to be a fat face."

"No, no, no, you're wrong. In my opinion, she didn't want to treat us at all. She thought she could trick Ren Ran, but she didn't expect Ren Ran to fall into the trap, and she ended up having to fill the pit herself."


Countless ridicule, contempt, and ridicule came from all directions.

Kong Lian couldn't bear the contempt of everyone, so she lowered her head, walked through the crowd, and hurriedly left the auditorium.

After this incident, Kong Mingcheng lost interest in continuing his speech. He said a few words hastily and stepped down.

The school leaders also felt embarrassed and a little ashamed, and the dean went over to apologize.

Kong Mingcheng didn't embarrass them, and this matter couldn't be blamed on them.

When walking out of the venue, Kong Mingcheng's secretary walked towards Ren Ran.

"Miss Ren, Mr. Kong is waiting for you."

Ren Ran said to Zhao Yi and others, "You go first."

"Okay." Zhao Yi and others glanced at the secretary and left with a look back.

Ren Ran followed the secretary to the faculty parking lot, where a business car was parked, and the secretary opened the car door for her. Kong Mingcheng was already sitting in the back seat, and Ren Ran got on.

"Uncle Kong, I'm sorry." Ren Ran was very conscious and apologized first.

After all, what he did was a bit unkind.

Kong Mingcheng looked at her with a smile, "Do you have a grudge against that girl?"

Be honest in front of Kong Mingcheng.

After all, the person who invited him here had his own participation. If he still can't guess what happened today, he doesn't deserve to sit in that position.

Ren Ran nodded, "This girl is a transfer student. She came here and said she was your daughter. I felt strange at the time. She and her mother told me and my mother that she was your illegitimate daughter."

"I should tell you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared."

Kong Mingcheng chuckled, "illegitimate daughter."

When he said these three words, he looked at Ren Ran meaningfully.

"Uncle Kong, my grandfather has a good project. I wonder if you are interested in participating? I'll ask my assistant to send you a copy of the project information later."

This project was done by Kong Liji and Ruan Fengru after he seized power. I don't know if it was because of taking away her luck that they happened to meet the wind and directly let their careers take off.

It was because of the success of this project that all the directors who were dissatisfied with Kong Liji before turned against him.

Ruan Fengru successfully squeezed into the upper class circle with this opportunity.

Since the showdown with her grandfather, Ren Ran would naturally not miss this project. If her grandfather cooperated with Kong Mingcheng, with the strength of the two families, they could go further than Kong Liji and others and gain greater benefits.

Kong Mingcheng understood immediately that this was compensation, but not entirely compensation, "Okay. I won't disturb your studies. If you have time, come to Handong Province to play."


Ren Ran got out of the car and watched the car leave. As soon as the car left, she stretched her muscles comfortably.

"The weather is so good today!" She raised her head slightly and enjoyed the warm winter sun.

"Ren Ran!"

Suddenly, a voice full of anger came from behind.

Ren Ran slowly turned around and met a pair of eyes that seemed to be poisoned.

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