"Speak nicely." Kong Liji sat in the office, looking at the stock market, frowning, and looking away from the screen.

"Mr. Kong, you must save me this time. That little bitch Yang Li in the sales department actually publicly reported me for sexual harassment in the workplace. Now the company has suspended me from work and asked me to hand over all the projects on hand to others. people."

Kong Liji knew this man's virtue and couldn't move his legs when he saw a beautiful woman.

"Have you ever done that?"

"Um..." Wen Xu hesitated, "I was just drunk and accidentally moved a few times."

Regarding his words, Kong Liji directly doubled the price.

"Okay, I'll only protect you this time. If you can't control your own hands next time, if the boss doesn't kick you, I'll kick you myself."

Wen Xu felt relieved and said, "Thank you, Mr. Kong."

After receiving Kong Liji's assurance, Wen Xu showed no sign of repentance on his face. He hummed a tune and thought about how to deal with that little bitch Yang Li after the matter was over.

After Kong Li agreed, he had nothing to do, so he took this opportunity to contact people at the headquarters to get a feel for the situation. He also wanted to see what attitude these people had towards him now.

Only when people are down can they test the human heart.

He dialed the phone to the director of the human resources department, "Mr. Xu, what's going on with Wen Xu?"

When Xu Yan heard Kong Liji's tone of questioning his subordinates, the corners of his lips raised with disdain on his face.

He is the chairman of the board, so he has to deal with pests recently, so naturally he is indispensable.

He probably guessed something about the chairman's actions.

Now hearing that Kong Liji was still putting on airs in front of him, he felt naturally disdainful.

"Mr. Kong, Wen Xu has engaged in sexual harassment and temporarily suspended him."

"Director Xu, I know Wen Xu very well. He is very talkative, but he is very timid and dare not take action. I think there must be some misunderstanding here. Do you want to have a good chat with the female employee? This It’s best to turn this matter into a trivial matter, so as not to affect the group’s image, don’t you think?”

Xu Yan rolled his eyes. Good guy, he didn't have any consciousness at all.

A non-staff member still wants to continue to give advice here.

"Mr. Kong, sexual harassment in the workplace is very bad behavior. The other party has provided conclusive evidence. This matter is not only an internal matter of the company, but also requires legal responsibility. If the company does not handle it well, it will not only affect the company Image. The company will determine according to the police. Once the police determine that he has committed a crime, the company will directly expel him and will never be hired by any company under the Yaxing Group.”

"It all depends on the police's decision. I can't help." Xu Yan declined politely but forcefully.

Kong Liji was not an idiot, so he naturally heard what he meant, "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, he looked gloomy and didn't care about anything else. Then he dialed other people's numbers and asked for information from them. The results he got shocked him.

These people are either busy or helpless.

A strong sense of crisis came to my mind.

Kong Liji dialed Pan Song's phone, "Pan Song, did something happen in the company? Is there any rumor?"

Pan Song naturally knew what he was asking, "Mr. Kong, something has indeed happened in the company. If Wen Xu comes to you to plead for mercy, don't agree to him."

"what's the situation?"

Pan Song lowered his voice and said, "Wen Xu has offended someone this time. Yang Li recently fell in love with Mr. Zhang of Yulin. Wen Xu, a brainless man, dared to provoke him. This is not just seeking death."

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