"She accidentally fell it. What does it have to do with us?"

"You can't favor them just because they have money."

"Our children are so young, how can we have any bad intentions."

Kong Meixiang and his wife tried their best to defend their son.

"If you don't believe it, you can ask my eldest brother and second brother. They all saw that my son didn't push anyone, she fell down by herself."

But no matter how they defend themselves, they cannot change the facts in the face of irrefutable evidence.

Lawyer Zhou said to the two police officers: "I want to talk to them alone."

The two police officers had been quarreling with the Kong family for a long time, so they could go out to take a breather.

Before leaving, the police officer reminded: "Be careful when you speak and don't be too aggressive."


After the police officers left, the Kong family could not contact Kong Liji and could not see Ren Suya, so they had no choice but to capture him.

"What does Ren Suya mean? Does she really want to kill everyone?" The uncle's face was gloomy.

"You committed robbery and you committed intentional injury. If you don't want to go to jail, you might as well listen to my solution."

The Kong family calmed down and sat down to listen to what he said.

Lawyer Zhou calmly took out a document from the folder and sent the different documents to the hands of the people who should go there. "You have taken a lot of things from the Ren family over the years. Clothes, supplements, etc., I The parties involved will not pursue the case, but please return the jewelry and cash you took away within the specified time. If the jewelry is lost, you can pay the market price. "

Everyone in the Kong family looked at the list in their hands and became uneasy.

Having them spit out what they have eaten is even more uncomfortable than cutting their flesh.

"Don't even think about it!"

"Let us spit it out and dream. You should send us to jail. I want to see if Reitsugu will let her act like this."

Lawyer Zhou pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said in a calm tone: "The property you robbed belongs to Ms. Ren Suya and Ms. Ren Ran. As long as they insist on suing, Mr. Kong Liji has no right to interfere. You must think clearly. Well, who has the final say in the Ren family?"

The last sentence was to remind them, lest these weak-minded people could not figure it out.

"Do you have evidence? We are not afraid of going to court."

Lawyer Zhou was very straightforward and directly released a video, "This is the evidence. I have more evidence here. Once this evidence is put in court, the judge will definitely sentence him for robbery. You must think clearly."

The evidence was before their eyes, leaving the Kong family speechless.

When they didn't know what to do, Kong Yu rolled her eyes and whispered in her father's ear: "Dad, promise him that he will get the settlement letter from them first. When we get out, Uncle San will be with those things. It will definitely come to nothing in the end.”

Kong Liyu's eyes lit up, it was his daughter who reacted quickly.

"I agree."

Kong Liren and his wife stared blankly, "Second brother, are you crazy?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Kong Lin received a text message from Kong Yu, and she handed the text message to Kong Liren.

After Kong Liren read it, he understood.

"Okay, we agree. However, you have to sign a settlement agreement for us."

Lawyer Zhou noticed the little actions of the Kong family and did not tell them anything.

"Yes. However, before signing the letter of understanding, please sign this agreement and return it."

Lawyer Zhou looked at Kong Meixiang’s family and asked, “What are your thoughts?”

Naturally, they also received the text message from Kong Yu and nodded in agreement.

Lawyer Zhou took out the prepared documents from the document bag again, handed them to them respectively, and asked both husband and wife, as well as Kong Lin, Kong Yu and others to sign. They were all involved in the reasons given by Lawyer Zhou. , all must be signed.

The Kong family pretended to look at the document. The densely packed text and the thick pages gave them a headache.

"No problem, just sign it."

"Where's the settlement agreement?"

Attorney Zhou took out three settlement documents from the document bag, and the contents written on the first page were clear and concise.

He turned directly to the last page, "Ren Suya and Ms. Ren Ran have signed it. Now as long as you sign the agreement, this settlement document will be yours."

The three brothers and sisters looked at each other and took turns signing their names.

Five minutes later, Lawyer Zhou took away the documents and looked at the Kong family with a strange light in his eyes.

What a bunch of idiots!

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