"Why did it come so slowly?"

"Did you deliberately want us to freeze outside?" Kong Liyu's wife looked down on Ruan Fengru very much. Although she had a sweet mouth, she knew that she was trying to curry favor with her uncle. For a person like this, she could naturally do whatever she wanted.

Ruan Fengru was angry, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

She knew very well that to argue with these people was to ask for trouble.

"I live far away from here. You must have been waiting for a long time. Get in the car quickly and go to the hotel." She seemed not to hear their complaints and politely sent these people to the car.

Kong Liyu's family sat in the same car with her. As soon as they got in the car, Kong Xiao became unhappy.

"This car is so crowded. It's not as good as the one at Third Aunt's house. Dad, I like Third Aunt's car. When Third Uncle comes back, you tell Third Uncle that I want their car that can open its wings." "

Ruan Fengru snorted in her heart. She is young but has a big appetite. She wants a supercar worth five or six million as soon as she opens her mouth.

Kong Liyu doted on his younger son and coaxed him, "Okay, I'll let my third uncle give it to you to play with when the time comes."

Ruan Fengru asked tentatively, trying to find out what these people had done that caused Ren Suya not to let them in, let alone care about them.

I just hope these idiots won't delay their important event.

"Brother Kong, why are you at the police station? Did something happen?"

Before the adults could speak, Kong Xiao complained angrily, "It's not that bad woman who actually called the police on us and accused us of stealing things. Those things originally belonged to our Kong family, but now they are only temporarily used by them. How dare they It’s so abominable to call the police to arrest us. I will tell my third uncle later and ask him to beat them.”

Ruan Fengru's lips twitched slightly, not commenting on his words.

The money in the Ren family is not yours, but hers.

"Xiaoxiao, don't say this in front of them, they will be unhappy." Ruan Fengru reminded kindly.

Kong Xiao raised his chin, "What are you afraid of? I've already told you what they can do to me."

"Zi la"...

There was an emergency brake, and several people in the back seat hit the back of the seat.

Before the Kong family couple cursed, Ruan Fengru said with a gloomy face, "You said it? When did you say it?"

Kong Xiao was frightened by her eyes, and his voice lowered unconsciously, "It's just today."

Ruan Fengru mentioned it in one breath.

"What are you doing?" Kong Liyu's wife held her forehead and glared at her.

Ruan Fengru was not in the mood to care whether she was angry or not, and her voice deepened, "After Kong Xiao said this, they kicked you out? Did you do other things?"

"none of your business."

"Drive quickly."

Ruan Fengru ignored her and looked directly at Kong Liyu, "Second Brother Kong, this matter is related to whether Li Ji can inherit the Yaxing Group."

Mentioning this, Kong Liyu sighed, "Actually, it's not a big deal. It was just Zhang Yi's kid who accidentally pushed the woman downstairs. She was fine, too, but she just held on and yelled at us. What a big fire.”

She almost laughed out of anger. No wonder the good-tempered Ren Suya wanted to drive these people out.

Are their brains muddled by shit?

If you push someone downstairs, you may become disabled or die. It turned out to be so irrelevant when it came to their mouths. If she were Ren Suya, she would never let them go easily.

Now it seems that Ren Suya is really doing the right thing by driving them out of the Ren family.

This group of sluggish guys couldn't give Reiki any help, but instead often held him back.

Of this group, only Kong Liji could calm them down. It was thanks to his strength that he kept suppressing them, so they didn't get up and down in front of the Ren family all these years. Otherwise, with their brains, their good deeds will be ruined sooner or later.

In the end, Kong Liji had to wipe their butts for the trouble left by the Kong family.

She could imagine that Kong Liji had to humble himself in front of that woman again.

But that's fine. For him who has a strong self-esteem, the more this happens, the more he hates Ren Suya. This is a good thing for her.

When the car arrived at the hotel, Ruan Fengru was busy going through the check-in procedures and came over with the room card. She heard Kong Yu muttering dissatisfiedly.

"I don't want to live here. It's too bad!"

"I want to stay in a five-star hotel." Kong Lin continued, "Every time I come to Haishi, I always stay in a five-star hotel. When have I ever stayed in a four-star hotel?"

Kong Liyu's wife looked at Ruan Fengru, "How did you arrange it? Didn't you know that we all stay in five-star hotels? If there is no five-star hotel, we won't stay."

Ruan Fengru's eyes swept across the three families, without any rebuttal, they all acquiesced, and her blood couldn't help but surge up again.

She didn't want to quarrel with them, so she explained angrily, "I don't have enough money. You just have to settle for one night, and I will change the hotel for you after contacting Liji tomorrow."

"Don't think I don't know. Reiji gave you a lot of money. You can't even pay for a hotel night. If you don't want to spend money, just say so. Don't use this excuse to fool us." Kong Liyu's wife sneered.

Kong Liren's wife smiled and said: "Feng Ru, don't be angry. Your second sister-in-law is outspoken. However, she is right. Our requirements are not high, we just want to stay in a five-star hotel. You pay the money first Just put it on the mat and ask my uncle for it afterwards. He is a generous man and there is no way he won’t give it.”

Not demanding?

Five-star presidential room, isn’t it high?

Haishi is a first-tier city. A presidential suite costs hundreds of thousands per night, and four rooms costs four to five million.

They were really raised by Ren Suya and Kong Liji's appetite.

When Ren's family is dealt with in the future, Kong Liji must not be allowed to continue to indulge them like this. They must be made to understand who they are living under.

Kong Yu pouted, "You are too stingy, Ren Suya always arranges five-star suites for us."

Ren Suya spoils you, but she doesn't.

Ruan Fengru put the room card on the coffee table, "After contacting Liji, ask him to change your room. I have something else to do, so I won't disturb your rest."

After throwing the things down, she left without looking back.

The Kong family was dumbfounded.

"Hey, hey, hey, this woman has become too powerful, right!"

"No, contact my uncle tomorrow and tell her that this woman is very wild."

"It's really unreasonable."

The Kong family cursed, but they were reluctant to spend their own money to stay in a five-star hotel.

If you don't take advantage, you are a fool.

The Kong family went upstairs reluctantly.

Gao Ying, who had been following them, was amazed by the drama.

She walked out of the hotel lounge and got into the Maybach parked outside the door.

As soon as she got in the car, she called Ren Ran.

"Miss, as you expected, they really went to find Ruan Fengru. You didn't see that those people were so angry that they just left..."

Gao Ying vividly described the scene she saw to her.

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