He raised his head, his eyes were cold, "You, you just signed it like that?"

Kong Liyu was puzzled, "Third brother, just sign it, what's the big deal. Aren't you here? Just tell your sister-in-law and Ranran, they will definitely listen to you."

"Yes! We are all family, if you say it, they will definitely listen, this is just a piece of waste paper." Kong Liren also said it as a matter of course, not thinking there is any big problem.

Kong Meixiang noticed that the third brother's expression was not right, "Third brother, is there any problem?"

Kong Liji was almost laughed out of anger, they still have the nerve to have any problem.

Do these idiots really think that he has the final say in the Ren family now, and dare to be so presumptuous in front of them, mother and daughter.

"What's the problem?" Kong Liji looked at the three people, "Go back today and return all the things you took from them before."


The Kong family stared in disbelief.

"Brother, what did you say?" Kong Meixiang asked blankly.

"Since you have signed this agreement, return the things."


"We won't return them! Since they have been given to us, they are ours. Why should we return them?"

"Third brother, what are you doing? Just go and talk to them. They are your wife and daughter."

"That's right. Brother-in-law, we have lost many things. Where can you ask us to find them? Isn't this embarrassing for us?"

"I don't want to return them to her. She has so many things. Why should she take ours?" Kong Lin muttered dissatisfiedly, "Third uncle, you are sister Ranran's father. As long as you speak, she will listen to you."


A group of people chattered non-stop, giving him a headache.

"Shut up!"

Everyone quieted down again.

"Third brother, do you really have no way?"

Kong Liji had a cold face. For the first time, he felt that these people were very irritable and wished they would disappear.

"Who the hell told you to push Ren Suya?" He roared.

Kong Meixiang subconsciously took her son behind her.

"Brother, Xiao Yi didn't mean it. He's so young, how could he..."

Under Kong Liji's cold eyes, he was too scared to say the rest of the words.

He looked at Kong Liyu and the others again, "She went to the hospital, why didn't you follow her? Why didn't you even call her? Why are you still making excuses for this little bastard?"

He pointed at Zhang Yi, and his fierce eyes seemed to want to skin him alive.

This expression scared all the Kong family members present, especially Zhang Yi.

He cried out "wow".

"Shut up!"

Zhang Yi's tears stopped in his eyes, and Kong Meixiang covered her son's mouth.

Everyone was trembling with fear.

He was humble in the Ren family, and he was always friendly there, but in front of them, he didn't need to pretend and could show his true nature.

In the Ren family, anyone can be offended, but Ren Suya must not be offended.

The daughter is on her side, and Ren Hongru and his wife also spoil her.

If they hadn't done such a stupid thing, he could still coax Ren Suya, and it would be easy to deal with his daughter, and Ren Suya would deal with the old man.

In the end, as long as Ren Suya was dealt with, it would be fine.

But this time, he knew very well that Ren Suya was disappointed in him.

If he didn't say anything, but sided with them, he might never be able to enter the board of directors again.

He had worked hard for so many years and was about to succeed, but was ruined by these idiots.

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