In her previous life, when she was humiliated by Kong Lian and his men, he rushed into the crowd and took her away.

When she was cyberbullied by Kong Lian's fans, he obviously didn't like to waste words with others, but he was willing to fight against the trolls on the Internet for her for a day and a night.

When she was shunned by everyone, he stayed with her.

When she was pushed into the lake and was about to drown, he jumped into the water without hesitation and gave her hope of life.

And he slept forever, and there was no trace of him in the world.

She also lost her last support in this world forever.

In this life, she didn't dare to contact him too early.

Before the fate was resolved, she was afraid that the bad luck of the fate would affect him. She was even more afraid that she would not succeed and drag him into hell again.

Her brother just had to wait for her to clean up everything and return in glory.

When the boy bent down and straightened his back, suddenly a pair of hands pressed his shoulders and stopped him.

The young man slowly raised his head, and the warm light of winter shone into his clear eyes with broken light. His clear eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Ren Ran.

If you are not satisfied with this younger brother Luo Li, you can imagine it yourself.

He looked at the girl in front of him blankly, and his beautiful sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, as if he was puzzled and confused.

Ren Ran stood in front of him.

When the people in front of him saw Ren Ran, their expressions were slightly stunned.

They naturally recognized Ren Ran.

"Ren Ran, you want to stand up for this kid?" Fang Hui asked.

The others also frowned in dissatisfaction.

Rao Xueer, the girl in red, said, "Do you know who he is? Who is his mother?"

Before Ren Ran could speak, another girl, Du Xuan, spoke up, "His mother is a mistress, a shameless mistress who specializes in destroying other people's families, and he is a disgusting product of moral corruption. Are you sure you want to stand up for such a person? Do you know that when his mother came to the house, she almost caused Fang Hui's mother to have a miscarriage?"

Ren Ran noticed that the boy, who had been straight up to his back, now looked painful, as if he was trying his best to suppress his emotions.

"His mother is not a mistress." The resounding voice fell.

The boy who was protected by her suddenly raised his head, his clear and beautiful eyes were full of shock, and he just stared at her blankly, everything around him seemed to be blurred, only the girl in front of him was clear and bright.

Ren Ran didn't give them a chance to speak, and looked at Fang Hui, "You should know what kind of person your father is better than me. What happened back then? You might as well go back and ask your parents. Who is the most innocent in this matter. If there is anyone guilty, that person is not him and his mother."

"Your mother doesn't have the qualifications to do this to him, let alone you."

Ren Ran naturally took his hand and led him out of the crowd.

The boy was like a puppet, following her obediently.

Walking to a deserted place, Ren Ran finally stopped and looked at the juice on the boy's head and body. He was in a mess, but with a broken beauty.

Ren Ran took out a handkerchief from her pocket and gently wiped the juice between his eyebrows.

"You, why are you helping me?" There was a trace of doubt and confusion in her cold voice.

She reached out and rubbed the broken hair on his forehead, "Because you deserve it."

Ren Ran took out a card from her bag and stuffed it into his hand, "The password is your birthday."

That was also her birthday.

"Do we know each other?" The young man lowered his eyes, revealing his beautiful swan neck.

"Yes, I have known you since I was in my mother's womb."

While he was stunned, Ren Ran smiled sweetly at him, "Luo Li, Happy New Year."

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