What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 131 Two important pieces of information

Looking at the direction where the family of three left, there was a hint of obscure light in her clear eyes.

During the Chinese New Year, Ren Ran followed her grandfather to visit many elders in Hai City. When they heard that she had won the sixth place in the Mathematical Olympiad, they all praised her for being great.

In a family like theirs, grades do not necessarily represent ability, but having a good grade is also an advantage among the second generation of rich people, and one of the factors in choosing whether to marry in the future.

During this period, Kong Liji has been carefully accompanying Ren Suya, and Ren Suya's attitude has gradually "softened", which gave him hope.

He could clearly feel that the attitude of the old couple of the Ren family towards him had also eased a lot, and his daughter was willing to get close to him, and everything was moving in a good direction.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Ren Ran received a call from Xu Zhaoyin.

"Miss Ren, we will leave tomorrow, and the plane will land around 6pm. I brought Taoist Taixu and Taoist Qingxuan to you."

"Oh my god, I can finally leave that godforsaken place."

"You don't know that place is not a place for people to stay. Every day, I just look at the mountains. I can't even have a good meal. My stomach..."

Ren Ran listened quietly to Xu Zhaoyin's complaints, and the corners of her lips slightly raised. She was obviously in a good mood.

Of course, she was not crazy because she was happy to hear him miserable.

Rather, she was looking forward to finally getting rid of her fate.

"Three hundred thousand, will be credited tomorrow."

Xu Zhaoyin, who was complaining, suddenly smiled and didn't feel bitter at all. "Miss Ren is generous. If you have any dirty or tiring work in the future, just come to me."

God of Wealth!

Since hugging this God of Wealth, she has made ten years of money.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Aunt Wang came up to inform her that Gao Ying was here.

Gao Ying came back and brought back an important piece of information.

"Miss, this is the news from the people who are watching Ruan Fengru. The amount of money Ruan Fengru borrowed far exceeds the amount she invested at the beginning."

"I used some connections to find out that the extra money went to an overseas account."

"Overseas accounts are encrypted and transferred many times, so it is difficult to trace who it will flow into."

Ren Ran listened carefully and then asked, "Have Ruan Fengru and Kong Liji met each other afterwards?"

"After meeting once before the New Year, we have not met so far. The two are like two parallel lines, without any intersection."

Ren Ran's fingers gently turned the puppet toy in the palm of her hand.

"Keep watching, and pay attention to the people she has contacted recently, whether they are relatives, friends, or people in society."


After Gao Ying left, Ren Ran went to find Ren Hongru.

She told Ren Hongru the situation again, "Grandpa, with Ruan Fengru's miserly character, it is impossible for her to spend such a large sum of money. This money is very problematic."

"What do you think?" Ren Hongru did not respond, but asked back.

There were still two months left before the grandparents had a car accident in the previous life.

In the previous life, at the annual meeting of Yaxing Group, grandpa handed the baton of Yaxing Group to him. With the help of grandpa and the road paved by his scum father in his early years, he successfully established a foothold in the group two months later.

After attending the Qingxi Mountain cocktail party as the chairman of Yaxing Group for the last time, grandpa and grandma were ready to leave and start their global travel. On the way down the mountain to the airport, they had a car accident.

Grandpa and grandma died on the spot. Although the driver, Uncle Wang, survived, his legs were amputated and he was seriously injured and comatose, becoming a vegetable.

Since this car accident, Ren Ran's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. It was also from this time that his scum father finally revealed his hypocritical true face.

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