This sentence instantly made her heart rise high.

Ren Suya opened the first book and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the result. She was almost scared to death by her daughter. She thought she was not her daughter.

She opened the second book and was stunned when she saw the words [Confirmed no blood relationship].

"How is this possible?"

"I was obviously only with him..."

Ren Ran held his mother's hand, "Mom, what happened back then might not be that simple. You must have been set up by them, and the one who did it was not him."

When Ren Suya thought of herself being sent to the bed of an unknown man by them, her stomach churned, and she suddenly stood up and rushed to the bathroom.

Ren Ran followed and watched his mother retching by the sink, feeling both distressed and hateful.

He felt sorry for his mother's experience and hated the man with a wolfish heart.

His mother's heart and eyes were full of him, but he did such a beastly thing.

"Mom, everything is over." Ren Ran didn't know how to comfort his mother and hugged her gently.

"Of course, I can't get over it. I don't want to see him for a moment. I'm afraid I can't help but want to ask him why he treats me like this." Ren Suya cried and laughed, and finally collapsed on the cold floor powerlessly.

"It's not your fault. You can't think you are wrong because of their evil. The wrong person is always malicious."

The victim is the victim. She can't be not a victim just because the victim is not perfect.

They are the ones who should be condemned.

"Of course, don't believe in love. Even if you love, love, don't believe it completely." Ren Suya held her hand tightly with both hands, with a hint of paranoia in her eyes.

"Well. I will remember."

After getting her daughter's affirmative answer, Ren Suya let go of her hand with satisfaction.

That day, Ren Hongru sent Kong Liji on a business trip for three days. This time, he was very happy to give him a piece of meat bone, thinking that his good performance during this period made his father-in-law loosen up.

When Ren Suya received Kong Liji's text message, he was already at the airport.

She took a look, with hatred in her eyes.

That night, Ren Ran sent Ren Suya and her grandmother abroad and watched the plane take off.

After sending her relatives away safely, she wanted to go back to the battlefield and do what she had not done.

Three days later, Kong Liji came back from a business trip and brought back a lot of gifts.

Just as he was about to go upstairs, he heard the conversation of two maids from the stairwell.

"I thought the young lady was accompanying the old lady to play, but it turned out that she was going to see a doctor."

"I just saw that the young lady was crying, and it seemed that her condition was quite serious."

"No way?"

"I saw that the old lady was not in a good spirit before, how could she be so serious all of a sudden."

Hearing this, Kong Liji was happy in his heart, it seemed that the formation worked.

He didn't listen anymore and went upstairs directly.

Originally, he wanted to go to Ren Ran's room, but he turned his feet and came towards the direction of the study. When he was about to knock on the door, he noticed that the study door was ajar, and there was a conversation in the room.

"Grandpa, is grandma really okay?"

"Don't worry, she's fine."

Suddenly, Ren Ran's voice tightened, and he asked anxiously, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay, I just feel a little dizzy, maybe I'm too tired from the company's work these days."

"Don't be too tired, otherwise, you should transfer dad back to the head office." Ren Ran said.

Standing outside the door, Kong Liji was delighted, and he didn't rush to knock on the door, but continued to eavesdrop with his ears erect.

"Your dad still needs to hone himself outside. Ranran, after the college entrance examination this year, he will go to work in the company during the summer vacation and get familiar with his own company in advance." Ren Hongru ordered.


"You don't want to?"

"It's not that I don't want to, I just think it's too early."

"It's not too early, you will take over sooner or later."

Standing outside the door, Kong Liji's whole body was stiff, and his face gradually became gloomy.

"What about Dad?" Ren Ran asked in surprise.

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