"We have to pick up your father tomorrow."

"Okay." Kong Lian was very excited.

She had already started to imagine going back to Hai City to take back her castle, status, and title.

Ren Ran, you bitch, just wait for me!

I want you to lick my shoes.

That night, the mother and daughter slept very well. Even though they slept very late yesterday and got up very early today, they were very energetic.

The two took the high-speed rail to Handong Province, and they already knew the police station where Kong Liji was temporarily detained.

When they arrived at the police station, it was already around one o'clock in the afternoon.

The mother and daughter did not eat, but prepared to wait for Kong Liji to come out and celebrate together and have a big meal.

Kong Liji, who was in the detention center at this time, had a scruffy beard, wrinkled clothes, and looked haggard. He had no elite aristocratic temperament at all.

This is Handong Province, and the news from Hai City has not spread here so quickly, not to mention that he is still in the detention center.

"Kong Liji, someone is here to pick you up."

Kong Liji immediately stood up from the stool and asked impatiently, "Who is here to pick me up?"

The police officer replied truthfully, "Your wife and daughter."

Hearing the words wife and daughter, the light in Kong Liji's eyes suddenly went out.

Didn't it work?

The police officer saw that he was still standing there, and urged him impatiently, "Are you going to leave?"

Kong Liji followed him out weakly.

"Sign it and you can leave."

Kong Liji signed and followed to the hall.

When he saw Ruan Fengru and her daughter standing in the hall, his dim eyes instantly burst into light, the decadent atmosphere dissipated, and the whole person became energetic.

"Fengru." Kong Liji shouted excitedly.

"Dad." Kong Lian shouted excitedly.

Kong Liji rushed forward and wanted to hug Ruan Fengru, but was slapped away by Ruan Fengru.

"Too eye-catching."

Kong Liji knew she was cautious, so he didn't force her and took her hand to leave.

After leaving the police station, Kong Liji couldn't help hugging his wife and daughter.

Success, they finally succeeded.

After more than 20 years of planning, they finally succeeded.

Ruan Fengru struggled for a while, trying to make him restrain himself.

"What are you afraid of? That old guy is dead."

The mountain that weighed on him was finally gone, and he could finally be a man with dignity and hold his head high.

"There is still an old guy here!" Ruan Fengru reminded.

Although this is Handong Province, far from Haishi, it is a good thing to keep a low profile.

"I have already arranged her script. She is too sad and falls into the water. What do you think?" Kong Liji asked with a smile.

"I think it is very good."

Kong Lian nodded.

They always considered the two old ones. As for Ren Suya, she was a naive person who posed no threat at all. Ren Ran, a high school student who had never even entered the company's gate and didn't know how many products the company was involved in, was even less to be feared.

"Let's go celebrate."

"It stinks. Go wash up first."

The family of three checked into a local five-star hotel and directly booked a presidential suite.

Ruan Fengru handed him a new mobile phone, "The card has been reissued for you. It's still the old number. The previous data backup is also in it. Later, you can turn on the phone and contact them."

After Kong Liji washed up, the family of three went directly to the restaurant on the top floor of the hotel.

The three of them talked and laughed, and it was very lively.

At this time, several people in police uniforms walked into the restaurant.

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