Ruan Fengru was also shocked, but she covered it up well and didn't show it.


How could Ren Hongru still be alive?

Are the police deceiving them?

She couldn't help but look at Kong Liji, and her eyes met his.

Kong Liji had anger in his eyes, but more disappointment.

The police officer looked at him trying to cover up his crime and sneered in his heart.

"You two are suspected of murder."

"You made a mistake. How could we be suspected of murder?" Ruan Fengru argued.

"Whether it is a mistake or not, we will investigate it clearly. Please go!"

The two got on the police car to Hai City.

They were not worried about the charge of murder. What shocked them most was that the old man Ren Hongru was fine.

Ruan Fengru secretly hated that the other party had clearly told her that the mission had been completed, so why did such a mistake occur?

She had many questions in her heart, but no one could answer them now.

Now she could only pray, praying that although Ren Hongru and Ren Ran were not dead, it was not much better than death.

When they returned to Haishi, the two were taken to the interrogation room.

"Tell me about the murder of Ren Hongru and Ren Ran."

How could Kong Liji admit it? "Police comrade, Ren Hongru is my father-in-law and treats me very well. How could I kill him? You must have made a mistake."

"Since we called you here, it is not for no reason. Give you a chance. Tell the truth. If you behave well, you can strive for a reduced sentence." A police officer kindly reminded.

"You must have made a mistake. I have a good relationship with my father-in-law, so I can't do that."

"Good relationship?" The police officer sneered, "According to the information we have received, you have been kicked out of the Yaxing Group, and all the confidants you cultivated before have been arrested or dismissed by Ren Hongru. This relationship is not as good as you say."

Kong Liji didn't want to get entangled in this matter, "Since that's the case, I can't kill him."

"Wouldn't you? In the past, Ren Hongru had been training you and intended to make you his successor. Seeing that he was about to retire, he kicked you away and replaced you with his granddaughter Ren Ran. You were unwilling to accept it, so you hired someone to kill Ren Hongru and Ren Ran together. In this way, you can take over the Yaxing Group naturally?"

Kong Liji didn't panic when he was hit on the heart, and his expression remained calm.

No matter how well they talked, it was in vain.

No one could convict him without evidence.

"Everything you are saying now is just your guess. When did you police solve cases based on guesses? If you can't produce evidence, I don't have time to chat with you here."

"Do you really think we can't produce evidence?" One of the police officers said.

Kong Liji was not panicked. He did not participate in this matter at all. It was all done by Ruan Fengru alone. Even if they produce evidence, it can't prove that he did it.

Unless Ruan Fengru betrays him.

Kong Liji is very confident about this.

"What is this?"

A police officer stood up and handed him a document.

"Tell me, what is this?"

Kong Liji was shocked when he saw the transfer between him and Ruan Fengru, but he quickly returned to normal, "It's just an ordinary transfer, what does this mean?"

"You really won't cry until you see the coffin."

The police officer took out the second thing again.

"Take a good look."

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