"Woo woo woo..." Ruan Fengru looked at the other party expectantly with hope in her eyes.

The delicate woman smiled sweetly at him, and she slowly stretched out her hand. A thin needle appeared in her hand. The silver light made Ruan Fengru's pupils shrink and her whole body began to tremble.

"No, woo woo... no..."

The needle was inserted into her fingertips under the delicate woman's smile.

The pain of the ten fingers connecting the heart made Ruan Fengru tremble all over, her face turned pale, and her forehead was covered with fine and dense cold sweat.

When the short and fat patient let go of his hand, he heard a shrill scream, which came from the ward and went out of the corridor, and finally disappeared at the end of the corridor.

An hour later, Ruan Fengru's hair was messy, one person held her hands, and the other held her legs. The delicate woman held a knife and gestured on her body.

"Patient, where do you hurt today?"

The delicate woman asked with a smile.

As soon as she said this, Ruan Fengru's body trembled subconsciously.

"I'm not sick, I'm really not sick."

The delicate woman seemed to have not heard it, and she talked to herself, "Ah, it turns out that my abdomen hurts! It must be appendicitis, just cut it off."

"No, don't... Help, help..." Ruan Fengru cried for help shrilly.

"So noisy!" The delicate woman frowned and looked at the short and fat patient.

The short and fat patient was so scared when he met her sight that he immediately stuffed a rag into her mouth.

Without the noise, the delicate woman was very satisfied. She gently stroked her belly with her fingers, "Don't move, just cut it off."


The sound of the skin being cut open, Ruan Fengru fainted in pain, and soon she would be awakened by the pain, and bright red blood flowed out.

When she was dying, the door of the ward was pushed open.

Several security guards controlled the three mentally ill patients and rescued Ruan Fengru from their hands.

After seeing that everything was normal, Ruan Fengru shed tears of surviving a disaster.

This was their first day at the Fourth Hospital, and this day left an indelible memory for the couple.

When Ruan Fengru woke up, she saw a person lying on the bed next to her. That person was none other than Kong Liji.

At this time, Kong Liji's hands and feet were wrapped, and his head was also bandaged. The whole person was wrapped like an Egyptian mummy.

Kong Liji also woke up at this time and saw his lover on the bed next to him.

The two looked at each other, and tears of pain flowed from their eyes.

"Wuwuwu, Liji, this is not a place for people to stay. We must leave here."

Kong Liji nodded with tears in his eyes.

Can't stay here, absolutely can't stay here any longer.

They have become like this on the first day they came. If they continue to stay, I dare not imagine what will happen next.

"Let's find a way out together."

"As long as Lianlian comes, there is a way." Ruan Fengru said.

"Well, wait for her. We are here to recover." Kong Liji tried to make the best of a bad situation.

The two had a good plan, but unfortunately... their dream was soon shattered.

Several nurses came in, saw that the two had woken up, and brought them medicine.

"Did anyone come to visit us today?" Ruan Fengru asked.

"No. If someone comes to visit, we will arrange it as soon as possible." The nurse said expressionlessly, "Take the medicine quickly."

After the two took the medicine, they saw the nurses start to push the bed.

Kong Liji had a bad feeling.

"What are you doing?"

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