Since these things cannot be kept, it is better to give them to others than to the bitch Ren Ran.

With this mentality, Kong Lian smiled maliciously at her, as if she was a victorious warrior.

Lawyer Zhou quietly handed the transfer information to her and winked at her.

Kong Lian looked at the documents, her lips twitched, and she was still unwilling to hand over the things.

"Oh! Isn't it signed yet? Since there is no contract, it is mine. Send the transfer agreement to Miss Kong."

Kong Lian no longer hesitated, signed her name on the agreement in a few seconds, and finally smiled triumphantly at Ren Ran.

Zhou Xun happily accepted the transfer agreement, stood up, walked towards Ren Ran, and handed the transfer agreement to her.

"Miss, the things you asked have been successfully completed."

Kong Lian widened her eyes in shock, looking at this scene in disbelief, her mind was blank.

"You, you, you..."

The look in her eyes changed from shock to anger, and her expression turned pale.

"You lied to me, you are hers."

Kong Lian could not accept such a result.

Kong Lian could not accept being betrayed by someone she trusted.

Ren Ran looked at her indifferently, sneering in his heart.

Can't you bear it like this?

In her previous life, she tried her best to gain his trust, and at the last moment, she stabbed herself hard, and every knife blew blood.

Now she is just letting her taste a little bit of what she tasted back then. If she can't bear it like this, she will have to bear it in the days to come.

Zhou Xun smiled and said, "How can this be considered cheating? I can be employed by you, and of course I can be employed by Miss Ren."

Kong Lian still couldn't accept this result.

At this time, with the cooperation of the bodyguards, all the valuable things in the house were counted, including the high-end clothes in the closet, which will be sold for the second time to pay off the debt.

The moving company came quickly and started moving the things.

Seeing the furniture being moved out of the house one by one, Kong Lian could no longer control her emotions. She hugged her piano tightly and cried loudly.

"This is mine, it's mine."

"You can't move it away."

Someone stepped forward to control Kong Lian, and the movers quickly carried the things away.

The room became empty little by little, and Kong Lian's eyes gradually became blurred. When she saw Ren Ran, the hatred in her eyes was like substance.

"What are you still doing here? Go away."

"I won't go. Even if I die, I will die here. If you dare to force me, I will jump from here. Believe it or not, the headline news tomorrow will be that the daughter of Asia Star Group forced her classmates to death, causing your group's stock price to plummet, ruining your reputation, and making this house a haunted house."

Ren Ran clicked his tongue twice, "If you have the guts, just jump."

Zhou Xun advised, "Ms. Kong, don't be impulsive. It's meaningless for you to do this. The public doesn't know about your parents' affairs yet. Once you jump, it will be exposed. Do you think anyone will sympathize with a pair of Phoenix men and women who are deliberately plotting to seize the daughter of a rich girl? By that time, someone will dig up the fact that you opposed Miss Ren during your school years. I'm afraid that public opinion will not only not stand on your side, but will make your family of three socially dead."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Kong Lian didn't dare to move.

Ren Ran winked, and two bodyguards rushed forward, one of them grabbed her arm, dragged her out of the house like a dead dog, and threw her directly outside.

The door lock was changed, the worker closed the door, and Ren Ran walked into the elevator to go downstairs.

Zhou Xun followed and took a step in, but suddenly took it back, turned around and walked towards Kong Lian who was sitting on the ground with a dejected look.

"Ms. Kong, there is something I need to tell you. After all, you have the right to know."

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