The two people in front stopped, Luo Li turned around and looked at her in confusion.

Yao Qingyin frowned, with some displeasure in her eyes.

"Luo Li, I just remembered something." Ren Ran walked forward.

Luo Li noticed her expression and turned to look at Yao Qingyin, "Qingyin, you go first, I'll come to you later."

Yao Qingyin pouted her lips, a little unhappy.

"Sorry, I have to borrow your boyfriend for a while."

Yao Qingyin shrugged helplessly, "Okay! Then I'll go to the mall first, you can't keep me waiting too long."

After she left, Luo Li hesitated, opened her mouth, and the word "sister" was still unable to come out, and her voice was cold, "What's the matter?"

When she called him, Ren Ran realized that she was a little reckless.

She couldn't tell him that Yao Qingyin would be betrayed by him, and would be pressed on the pillar of shame by her, becoming a domestic violence man and a soft rice man that everyone shouted and killed.

He is not a grandfather, a grandmother, or even a mother.

Grandpa and the others have been with her for more than ten years, and the affection and trust between them have been accumulated little by little over time.

Although Luo Li is her biological brother, the time they have spent together is short, not as long as the time he has spent with Yao Qingyin. If she rashly says those words, she is afraid that he will not believe it, but will hate her.

After all, those words are suspected of sowing discord, not to mention that it was the first time she met Yao Qingyin, and it would be unbelievable to say them rashly.

She lost control just now because of the unbearable scenes and experiences in her previous life, which made her anxious to get rid of him.

From the moment she just remembered that gigolo, combined with the information Luo Li revealed several times in her previous life, and what happened to Yun Yinyin in the following years, she knew the truth about her brother's experience in her previous life.

In the previous life, when Luo Li appeared, his situation was not good. He had been struggling to support his mother, who only had love in his mind, and endured his mother's scolding and beating him every time.

She scolded him that even if he was a boy, he couldn't tie his father down and couldn't get his father to come here.

Luo Li started to think about and teach himself how to compose music and write lyrics since high school, hoping to make money to support his family by composing songs.

He was very talented in this area, and he supported himself and his unproductive mother by selling songs in high school.

He should have been shining, but when he met her, he was very poor, moving bricks on the construction site, and his wages were often deducted by the contractor. Sometimes he worked for half a year and didn't get a penny.

Once, because of the overload of work for days, he was weak and fell from a height accidentally, and almost died. Although his life was saved, his left leg was penetrated by the steel bar and became lame.

Because of that accident, he lost half his life and left many sequelae.

Whenever it was rainy and the weather changed, he would be tortured by the pain and felt worse than death. Every time he had to take a lot of painkillers, he could feel comfortable for a moment.

At that time, he was only 22 years old, but he looked as old as a man in his 30s or 40s, and there were clumps of white hair in his thick hair.

Even so, when she encountered misfortune, he would always use his calloused hands to wipe away the tears in her eyes bit by bit.

Although he was already very unfortunate, he still smiled brightly when facing her, and tried to hold an umbrella for her to protect her from the wind and rain.

But at that time, he was also shaky in the wind and rain.

He should have stood on the dazzling art stage with his talent, but he became so miserable, and the person who caused his misfortune was his ex-girlfriend.

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