The causal relationship here is completely wrong.

When Ren Ran thought of this, others also thought of this.

If they don't have opposite fates, it would make no sense at all.

Taoist Master Taixu shook his head, "Girl, things are not that simple."

Gao Ying thought of a possibility, "Could it be that even Ruan Fengru and the others don't know about this matter, and the person who exchanges fate with them is not a young lady."

Xu Zhaoyin nodded in agreement, "It's possible. Maybe the person who changed their lives made a mistake."

"It's impossible to make a mistake." Qingxuan directly denied this possibility. "The matter of changing lives is very cumbersome, and everything you have to do must be done correctly, otherwise all your efforts will be wasted. It is impossible to make a mistake unintentionally, unless That person did it on purpose. As for why the other party didn’t tell them, I can’t figure it out.”

Taoist Master Taixu obviously thought more than them. He looked solemn and said to Qingxuan: "You stay here and take care of Miss Ren. I will go back to Mount Taihe tomorrow."

"Taoist Master, you just vomited blood. Is it too early to set off tomorrow?" Ren Ran persuaded.

Taoist priest Taixu shook his head, "It's old bruises, it's not a problem."

Several other people also took turns to persuade, but no one was successful.

The next day, Taoist Master Taixu ran away without even saying hello.

After several people found out, they were all shocked.

Xu Zhaoyin couldn't help but joke, "Isn't it that Taoist Taixu was afraid that we would kidnap him today, so he ran away without saying a word?"

Gao Ying rolled her eyes at him.

Ren Ran looked at Qingxuan, "Your master has always been like this..."

For a moment, I couldn't think of a suitable adjective.

Qingxuan laughed twice and said, "My master is like that. He has a stubborn temper and no one can stop him from doing what he believes in. As for the behavior of leaving without saying a word, you just get used to it."

Taoist Master Taixu is an old man, and they all have more experience in traveling in society. Instead of worrying about him, they should worry about themselves.

"Do you live here, or the same flat floor you lived in before?" Ren Ran asked Qingxuan.

He thought for a while and said, "Come back with you."

It's not easy to order takeout here, you can't eat anything you want.

Although the air in the city is turbid, it is more convenient.

The four of them went down the mountain and returned to the city.

Gao Ying followed the route and first sent Xu Zhaoyin back to the detective station, then sent Priest Qingxuan back to the flat floor in the city center, and finally went to the mountainside villa.

On the way back to the mountainside villa, Ren Ran opened his eyes and looked at Gao Ying, "Go to the Fourth Hospital."

Gao Ying immediately transferred to the Fourth Hospital.

Fourth Hospital

Ruan Fengru's face was sallow, her hair was dry, she had lost her former elegance, and she looked extremely haggard. At this time, he was locked in the corner of the room, looking at the other three people in the room with frightened eyes.

The fat patient was playing around, his eyes turned to Ruan Fengru, and he smiled at him.

"come over."

Ruan Fengru didn't want to move, but past experience told her that if she didn't move, the fate waiting for her would only be worse.

She stood up and limped towards the short, fat patient.

The fat patient took the chalk and began to draw on her face. He drew a turtle on the left and a poop on the right.

After finishing the painting, ask the two people beside you, "Does it look good?"

The short and fat patient frowned, "It doesn't look good. She's too dark. She needs to be painted white to look better."

When the fat patient heard this, he thought it made sense.

Ruan Fengru's hair was roughly pulled, and Ruan Fengru screamed in pain.

The delicate patient raised his eyebrows, and Ruan Fengru was so frightened that she immediately shut her mouth.

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