What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 18 Kong Lian transfers to another school

"She didn't fall into the trap of Pei Ming and escaped. Relying on others is not so reliable, so mom will handle the transfer procedures for you." Ruan Fengru gave the order directly.


Kong Lian nodded obediently, hating in her heart.

Xu Ying, that waste, wasted so much time on her, gave her advice openly and secretly, but in the end, she didn't hurt Ren Ran at all, but lost Pei Ming, the chess piece.

"Put aside the matter of studying for the time being. After going to No. 1 Middle School, your only task is to make everyone isolate and hate her. Only when the Ren family falls can Dad be with us, we can enter the upper class, and you will be the little princess of Yaxing Group." Ruan Fengru caressed her daughter's head lovingly.

She knew that her father was taken away from her since she was a child. Only by defeating the mother and daughter can her father return to them and protect them.

"Mom, I understand everything." Kong Lian hugged her mother.

She felt sorry for her mother.

Mom is obviously my father's beloved, and they fell in love first, but because of that powerful woman, she stole their love, and the three of them could not be reunited.

Even if there was no fate, she would trample the eldest daughter of the Ren family under her feet.

If not for anything else, just for her parents, for her incomplete childhood, Ren Ran and her mother should atone for this.

Qingya Garden

Qing Xuan drank a sip of water and then spoke, "It's her. She has a similar smell to you. How to say it, it's the smell of being tied up by the fate line."

Ren Ran was not surprised at this result.

"If we want to change the fate, we have to find a way to get the other party's birth date from them. After getting the birth date, we can proceed to the next step." Qing Xuan thought of the other party's vigilance, and then said: "They are very vigilant and will not be fooled at all."

"Based on my observation today, the mother and daughter will never easily reveal the birth date."

No one except the family knows about private matters such as the birth date.

The birth date and time must be accurate. If there is a minute difference before or after, the fate will be completely different.

"I have asked others to get her birth date and time. Taoist priest, has your master been contacted?"

The last sentence is the key.

Qingxuan is a half-baked person. He cannot crack the rare method of changing the fate. Only his master can solve it.

When mentioning this, Qingxuan looked embarrassed, "Well, that... my master's mobile phone is turned off. I guess he hasn't turned it on since he left. When he misses me, he will definitely call me."

What if he never misses you?

Ren Ran wanted to say it, but after thinking about it, she decided not to discourage Master Qingxuan.

"Do you have a photo of your master?"

If it doesn't work, she can only spend a lot of money to find someone. Although this cycle is also long, it is better than doing nothing.


Ren Ran received the photo. The old man in the photo had a long beard and wore a worn-out Taoist robe. His eyes were wise. He didn't have fancy clothes, but he had a Taoist charm.

"Master, do you have any direction for your wandering? Or did you tell you where you would go?"

"Wandering means walking at will without a clear destination."

┭┮﹏┭┮This means having no goal.

"I remember it."

Ren Ran's eyes lit up and he looked at him expectantly.

Qing Xuan said happily: "Master likes to go deep into the mountains and old forests. If he sees a place with abundant spiritual energy (not spiritual energy for cultivating immortals), he will practice there for a while. You can ask someone to look for him in the deep mountains and old forests."

Ren Ran was stunned. ( ̄△ ̄;)

Forget it, the chance of finding someone is even lower.

Don't think it's easy to find someone with a photo. If it's really that easy to find someone, there wouldn't be so many wanted criminals.

The government has a huge eye in the sky, but it can't easily find people in the vast sea of ​​people, let alone the private workshop she commissioned.

But no matter what, the money should be spent, and the people should be found.

The next day, Ren Ran went to school as usual. Just after the morning self-study, the head teacher led someone into the classroom. After the other person entered the classroom, many people exclaimed.

"Wow, so beautiful."

"Her skin is so good."

"Is she a transfer student?"

The students below talked a lot, and their curious eyes looked at the girl on the podium wearing a white dress, long black hair, dimples on the corners of her lips, fair skin, and quiet temperament, which made her not-so-outstanding facial features become beautiful.

It must be said that matching is very important. Among the plain high school students, a different figure suddenly appeared, which was naturally dazzling.

Ren Ran looked at Kong Lian on the podium calmly.

She finally came, earlier than in her previous life.

She didn't fall into the trap in this life, so she had to come early.

In her previous life, Kong Lian transferred to the school at the end of this semester. At that time, she was slandered by rumors, and her personality became silent and withdrawn, and she was particularly sensitive to the voices of the outside world.

Kong Lian transferred to the school, she was enthusiastic to everyone, everyone in the class liked her, and even people from other classes liked her.

Everyone thought she was beautiful and kind.

It took her only two weeks to win everyone's love. Even if someone didn't like it, they wouldn't show it in front of her.

As a beautiful and kind person, she naturally wouldn't isolate a licking dog who was despised by others.

She took the initiative to approach her and often talked to her.

When someone laughed at her for being a licking dog behind her back, she would stand up and defend her.

When someone wanted to isolate her from behind, she would stand up and take the initiative to join her.

When someone advised her not to get too close to her, so as not to be implicated by her reputation, she stood in front of her without hesitation and protected her under her wings.

At that time, she was wary of Kong Lian, no, to be more precise, she was wary of everyone.

Even if she did this, she still did not let down her guard and accept her.

Until that time, the school organized a relaxing activity and went into the mountains for a spring outing. Unfortunately, they encountered a mountain flood. The teacher organized everyone to retreat, but no one came to notify her.

In that emergency, Kong Lian came alone regardless of the danger.

The two were trapped in the mountains and almost died.

This courage, not to mention women, even men may not be able to do it.

It can be said that Kong Lian has a gambling element. If successful, she can gain her trust. If not, then it's cold.

Kong Lian completely inherited the ruthlessness of Kong Liji and Ruan Fengru in his bones.

It was because of this life-saving grace that she gradually let go of her worries and treated her as a friend.

From that day on, the relationship between the two became very good, and she gradually became cheerful.

Seeing that her condition had improved, her mother was very grateful to Kong Lian, and often bought her clothes and bags, and treated her very well.

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