What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 181 She must have not held her fart well

Kong Lian had been asking for leave for the next semester, and then it was revealed that she was actually the illegitimate daughter of Ren Ran's father, which caused an uproar in the school.

At that time, it was rumored that she had dropped out of school, but now she suddenly came back at the time of the college entrance examination, and everyone was naturally very surprised.

"Didn't she drop out of school?"

"Can she do well in the college entrance examination if she comes back now?"

"I was wondering why she targeted Ren Ran before, it turned out to be an illegitimate daughter versus a legitimate daughter."

"Before, I thought she was studying to avoid us and prepare to repeat the year next year, but now it seems that I was superficial. She is so thick-skinned that she is not afraid at all."

Listening to the discussions and contemptuous looks from everyone, Kong Lian turned a deaf ear and walked towards Ren Ran.

"Sister." Kong Lian called her sweetly.


Ren Ran spit it out to her directly, "My mother only gave birth to me as a daughter, don't get involved, thank you!"

Kong Lian smiled indifferently, "Although you and I have the same father but different mothers, we are still a family after all."

"Some people are really thick-skinned." Zhao Yi mocked.

"Some people say that they are sisters, but in the end they are here to fight for the family property." Guo Tongwen said with a smile.

Lin Xiaoyi followed and said, "Unfortunately, the family property belongs to Ren, not Kong."

Faced with the ridicule of the crowd, Kong Lian did not shrug, refute, or get angry, but walked past them and returned to her seat.

This move made Lin Xiaoyi and the other two feel like they were punching cotton.

After class, they thought Kong Lian would pester Ren Ran, but she didn't, and everything was very normal.

At noon, Kong Lian went to the cafeteria alone to get food and ate alone. The little followers who followed her before stayed away from her.

Zhao Yi looked at Kong Lian who was eating alone in the corner, and nudged Ren Ran with his elbow, "She has really changed."

"Yeah! It seems to have changed a lot..." Lin Xiaoyi didn't know how to describe it, "It feels like a tiger without claws and fangs, a poisonous snake without venom, and the whole person becomes cowardly and without brilliance."

Guo Tongwen frowned and reminded: "Ren Ran, I always feel that Kong Lian is holding back something good."

Ren Ran also knew it and nodded to her.

On the rooftop, Ren Ran was wearing a Bluetooth headset, and Gao Ying's voice came to her ears.

"Miss, Kong Lian was taken away by Ruan Fengru's parents. Yesterday, they met Ruan Fengru and Kong Liji at the Fourth Hospital, and came out of the Fourth Hospital an hour and a half later."

Gao Ying thought about it and explained, "This matter has been reported to Director Ren yesterday. Director Ren asked me not to use these insignificant things to disturb my studies for the time being, so I..."

The college entrance examination will be in another week, and I am afraid that she will be distracted by disturbing her with these things.

Ten years of sharpening a sword, just look at these few days.

"If there is anything to come, tell me directly. As for my grandfather, keep it a secret for now and don't tell me the situation."


"How is my brother?"

"According to the news from the private detective, Yao Qingyin has met with Ho Iat Seng. Yao Qingyin is seducing Ho Iat Seng intentionally or unintentionally."

"For my brother's creations, you should quietly register the copyright for him and don't let anyone know."


After explaining what needed to be explained, he left the rooftop.

Everyone thought Kong Lian would do something naughty, but she was very quiet. No matter how people outside talked about her, she was like nothing happened, quiet and peaceful.

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