
"Your old lover Ruan Fengru was picked up by someone. She left you and went out to have fun by herself."

Kong Liji was stunned, as if he was hit hard by the news, "Impossible, how could she leave me! You are lying to me."

Ren Ran just looked at him, his calm and indifferent eyes drained his energy and spirit bit by bit.

"Kong Liji, look at how much of a failure you are. You can say that you gave up everything for this woman, but in the end she never took you to heart. Is it worth it?"

Her mother was such a good person, if she hadn't met him, she might have met a man who truly loved her.

Kong Liji looked dazed, and this blow seemed to have crushed him in an instant.

Suddenly, he raised his head, his eyes eager, "Ran Ran, Dad knows he was wrong, Dad is willing to change, let's be a family again, okay?"

"No! Not interested!"

"I know the news about the person who changed your fate. If I tell you, can you let me go?"

Ren Ran was interested, "If your information is accurate enough, I can consider letting you go."

Kong Liji said, "When I was chatting with Ruan Fengru before, I learned from her that the person who changed your fate was very famous among the dignitaries. Such a person cannot be unknown. You can follow a line and should be able to find the other party."

After saying that, he asked eagerly, "Can you let me go now?"

"What you said is the same as not saying anything." Ren Ran raised her legs and left.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Kong Liji became anxious, "Dad really knows he was wrong, Dad kneels down for you, okay? As long as you can forgive Dad, I can do anything."

As he said that, he broke free from the control of the bodyguard and knelt down with a "thump".

"Can I kowtow to you?"

Kong Liji kowtowed to Ren Ran frantically, his head banging on the ground, not feeling any pain at all, and within three kowtows, his forehead was flushed.

Looking at him like this, Ren Ran just felt bored and walked away directly.

Kong Liji, she will never forgive him in this life.

In the previous life, even if you had left me a bit of love, I would not do this.

In this life, I will never forgive.

Kong Liji saw her leave and wanted to chase her, but was immediately tied up by the nurses.

He struggled and shouted in the direction she left: "Ran Ran, just forgive Dad this time, just forgive me."

The nurse disliked his noisyness and directly stuffed a rag from somewhere into his mouth to stop him from shouting.

Just as he reached the door, Ren Ran glanced at Brother Lin and the young man next to him.

Before getting in the car, Brother Lin was still apologizing for his poor work.

Back in the car, Gao Ying said, "That young man is Brother Lin's cousin. He just graduated and studied with Brother Lin. He thought that he could keep an eye on two mental patients for so long, so he asked his cousin to come back and sent another colleague away. Miss, I was not doing the right thing this time. I didn't notice the problem at the first time."

"Follow the rules and regulations." Ren Ran said calmly.


Ren Ran closed his eyes and analyzed the whole story in his mind.

Under surveillance, leaving without anyone noticing, it must be impossible for Ruan Fengru to do it alone. Who is helping her behind the scenes?

The person who changed her fate?

Did Ruan Fengru use the secret to threaten the other party?

The information that Kong Liji just said cannot be said to be completely useless. At least we know that Ruan Fengru is not looking for those masters hidden in various villages.

If there are masters hidden in various villages, it will really be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Now at least we have an accurate direction.

Who is that person?

Could it be that he was the one who took Ruan Fengru away?

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