"Where else can we play? It's in the Fang Hui family's villa, right at the foot of the mountainside villa."

"Where does Fang Hui and his family live?" Ren Ran asked subconsciously.

Yun Zhao smiled and said: "I just bought it some time ago. No, he invited us to play. Why do you want to come too? You are here just in time. There is a good show to watch. Come over quickly, it is in Building 78."

Even while talking to her, Ren Ran heard the faint laughter and ridicule coming from the other end of the phone.

The car quickly stopped at the door of Villa 78. The doorbell rang and the door of the villa quickly opened. It was Yun Zhao who had greeted someone.

When Ren Ran got out of the car, he asked the maid in the villa. After learning the location, he led two bodyguards and went straight to the swimming pool behind the manor.

Before reaching the swimming pool, I heard laughter and noise coming from there.

"Ah ah ah, have you taken pictures of this drowned dog?"

"The son of a mistress dares to come to the Villa in the Mid-Levels."

"He has no money to go to college, so he must have come to ask for money."

"He is quite capable. As soon as Fang Hui moved, he came smelling the smell."

"He and that mistress are really disgusting. They will do anything for money."

Someone noticed something was wrong and his head never came out of the water.

"He hasn't come out for so long. Did something happen?"

While they were still hesitating whether to send people down to retrieve people, a figure jumped into the water and swam toward the center. The eagerness in her heart made her forget her fear of water in her previous life.


Everyone was confused.

When everyone saw it clearly, everyone's eyes widened, especially Yun Zhao, who was friends with Ren Ran.

"Wocao! Am I being blinded? I seem to have seen Ren Ran."

"You read that right, it's Ren Ran."

"What's going on with Ren Ran?"

Fang Hui and Rao Xueer immediately remembered that the last time they made things difficult for Luo Li, it was she who came to help.

Rao Xueer lowered her voice, "Fang Hui, do you think Ren Ran has fallen in love with that little bastard?"

Not to mention this little bastard's good looks, he's quite likable.

Renran dived into the water, swam towards Luo Li, hugged the falling man, and dragged him upstream to the shore.

Two bodyguards also jumped down and helped Ren Ran bring the person ashore.

The bodyguard pressed Luo Li's chest and abdomen, the water came out, and the person came to life.

Ren Ran's heart relaxed slightly.

"how do you feel?"

Luo Li shook his head weakly, "It's okay."

Everyone looked at the two.

Yun Zhao couldn't help but ask, "Ranran, do you know this person?"

Hearing her voice, Ren Ran let go of his hand, stood up, and looked at Fang Hui, Rao Xueer and others.

Everyone felt that something was wrong in Ren Ran's eyes.

"Who pushed him into the water?"

No one spoke, not wanting to offend anyone.

Rao Xueer stepped forward to rescue him, "Of course, no one pushed him down. He accidentally fell into the swimming pool. We gave him a stick and tried to help him rescue him, but he didn't catch it. Then you are here. . If you don’t believe it, ask yourself?”

Luo Li didn't know who pushed him down, but a group of people surrounded him, maybe alone or in a group.

I came to the Mid-Levels Villa anxiously today. Before I could get in, my mother followed me.

When she saw that the place she came from was a wealthy area, she thought it was his father looking for him. She was very happy and dragged him inside.

No matter what he said, she just didn't believe him that he was coming to a friend's house.

Just as his nominal father's car arrived, his father was afraid that his mother would cause trouble, so he took them into the villa.

As soon as he entered the villa, his mother left with his father, leaving him in the courtyard.

Fang Hui and other people gathered around him when they saw him. He didn't want to have any contact with this group of people, so he stayed away and walked toward the backyard. Unexpectedly, this group of people didn't want to let him go and followed him.

Luo Li looked coldly on this group of people. Growing up, he hated rich people and felt that they were cruel and unkind.

But he didn't expect that his real relatives were also the people he hated before.

This made him feel unspeakably awkward.

Looking at his sister's back in front of him, at that moment, the superman who had fantasized about protecting him every day as a child appeared.

At that moment, the dislike for rich people that had been accumulated in my heart for many years disappeared.

Perhaps, they are different from these people.

Luo Li's eyes softened when he looked at Ren Ran, and a trace of warmth surged in his heart.

It feels so good to be protected!

Seeing that Luo Li didn't dare to speak, everyone immediately became angry.

Rao Xueer said: "Look, he didn't even say that we pushed him into the water."

Fang Hui then spoke, "Ren Ran, I'm glad you came, but you can't slander our innocence just for the sake of your little lover."

Just as Ren Ran was about to speak, he felt the strength coming from his arm and looked sideways at Luo Li.

Luo Li stood up and walked towards Fang Hui.

When Fang Hui saw this little bastard walking towards him, he frowned slightly, his eyes were cold and stern, and he looked at him with a warning expression, as if to say, 'Don't say things you shouldn't say'.

Suddenly, a fist hit him directly in the face.

This punch came so unexpectedly that not only Fang Hui didn't expect it, but also everyone else.

Fang Hui's head was knocked crooked.

He just turned his head, with anger in his eyes, "You bastard..."


Another fist hit him in the face.

When other people saw this, some wanted to step forward to stop him.

Ren Ran and two bodyguards stood directly in front of them.

"This is a grudge between the two of them, and it's best for others not to interfere."

"You..." Rao Xueer was very anxious.

At this time, Fang Hui, who finally came to his senses, began to fight back and punched Luo Li in the face.

Luo Li was hit hard in the face, but he took the opportunity to grab his hand, threw it over his shoulder, and threw Fang Hui to the ground. When he was wailing, he stepped on his foot. On his back, just like in previous years, he would often step on his back to laugh and insult him.

"Fang Hui, I have tolerated you for a long time."

Luo Li hit him with fist after fist, turning the hatred of so many years of bullying into this one fist.

Rao Xueer saw Fang Hui's lip bleeding, "You guys rush over to help him."

But someone was still blocking it, and no one dared to step forward.

They don't want to offend Fang Hui or Ren Ran, so it's best to sit back and watch.

Rao Xueer looked at Ren Ran angrily, "Ren Ran, are you crazy? What does this little bastard have that deserves your protection..."


A clear and loud slap sounded, and everyone gasped again.

Yun Zhao was dumbfounded.

Is the person in front of her still someone she knows?

Rao Xueer covered her face, looked at her in disbelief, and pointed at her angrily, "You dare to hit me?"


The other side of the face is also patronized.

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