That's good now. People who had believed in everything before now believe it completely.

The Ren family is not stupid, and they will not recognize a completely unrelated child for no reason to compete with their granddaughter for property.

Uncle Lin stepped forward and said with a smile: "Congratulations, I will ask your grandfather for a glass of wedding wine later."

The other uncles and aunts were all smart people and began to congratulate.

In an instant, Ren Ran and Luo Li were surrounded by a group of big men, and the other young people could only envy them.

Among this group of people, Fang Hui was the most aggrieved and uncomfortable.

What is this?

Was he beaten for nothing?

Fang Hui felt aggrieved, "Mom."

Madam Fang glared at him fiercely, "Shut up!"

Luo Ying was pushed to the back by the crowd, and she stared blankly at her son who was surrounded and flattered by people.

Such a scene is what she dreams of, but now she is still in the quagmire, but he has escaped from the quagmire and flown onto the branches.

No, no!

Luo Ying's mind was in a mess. Suddenly, she pushed through the crowd, rushed to Luo Li, and reached out to grab him.

"He is not the child of the Ren family. He is my son. None of you can take him away from me."

Luo Ying looked at Luo Li with expectation. There was only the fear of losing in her eyes, but no love. "Son, go home with your mother."

Luo Li looked at his mother who stretched out her hand to him.

The moment he knew that he was not her son, he felt relieved.

It turned out that it was not that he did not deserve his mother's love, but that she was not his biological mother.

But when he knew that he survived after exchanging with her son, he felt sad and helpless, and more guilty, a strong guilt.

It felt like his life was given by her son.

He owed her son a life.

This guilt made him unable to return to the Ren family with peace of mind and leave her alone in the quagmire.

He could let her drag him into the quagmire, but he was unwilling to drag his family, who loved and protected him wholeheartedly, into the quagmire.

Seeing that Luo Li had not responded, Luo Ying's heart sank a little bit, his expression became distorted, and he stared at him with a cannibalistic look, "Are you coming back?"

The voice was sharp, as if she was going crazy.

Fang Binsheng saw that she was not right, and hurried forward, pressing his hand on her shoulder with great force, and warned in a low-pressure voice, "Luo Ying, pay attention to the occasion."

One sentence, like pressing a button, instantly made her calm down, and a smile appeared on her face.

"Binsheng, listen to you."

I don't know if she is too suspicious, she always feels that Luo Ying has some problems with her nerves, or maybe she is really too suspicious, there is nothing wrong with her brain, but she cares too much about Fang Binsheng.

Ren Ran said to Fang Binsheng: "Mr. Fang, I will take my brother home first. Grandpa will come to talk to you about the next matter."

After saying that, Ren Ran turned his head and looked at the people who bullied his brother before. After noticing Ren Ran's sight, those people did not dare to look at him one by one.

Ren Ran took Luo Li's hand and took him away from this unpleasant place.

Luo Ying wanted to stop him, but was held down by Fang Binsheng. She looked at his back unwillingly.

Uncle Wang was very surprised when he saw the young lady holding the boy's hand, and the boy was wet.

Ren Ran happily introduced to Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, this is my brother, the kind that I kiss."

Uncle Wang was so scared that he almost stepped on the brakes, his eyes widened, and he was extremely surprised, "Brother?"

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