If she hadn't known that Guo Tongwen was jealous of Ren Ran, she couldn't help but suspect that this person did it on purpose.

Seeing that Kong Lian hadn't answered yet, Zhao Yi helped Ren Ran to ask, "Kong Lian, what's the name of your pastry chef? He must be a very famous pastry chef who can make desserts comparable to those of a pastry chef like Pete Joe. What's his name?"

Kong Lian didn't know any famous pastry chefs, so she could only answer vaguely, "I don't care much about these, I'll ask for you later."

I don't know if it was the influence of Ren Ran's words yesterday, or she learned micro-expressions, she always felt that Kong Lian was a little guilty.

If it was really as she thought, it would be interesting.

Zhao Yi smiled, waiting to watch the show and eat melons.

"Is Ren Ran's family so rich? Why didn't I know it before?"

"I really can't tell, Ren Ran's family is rich."

"I used to think Ren Ran's family was well off. Look at the things she uses. Although there are no logos, the texture is very good and it looks very expensive."

"Isn't there a saying on the Internet that says it well? Really rich people are very low-key, and only nouveau riche are high-profile." Zhao Yi said meaningfully.

Most of the classmates didn't think much about it, and only a few heard the connotation.

"Yes, yes, the more you lack, the more you like to show off." The heartless classmate ate Kong Lian's snacks and said something that pierced his lungs. What's more annoying is that he was just chatting and speaking from the bottom of his heart.

Kong Lian's hands unconsciously clenched into fists. Even though she knew that the other party was not targeting her intentionally, she still felt uncomfortable, as if she was being pricked by a needle. Seeing that the focus of the classmates' discussion shifted from her to Ren Ran, she even had the illusion of making wedding clothes for others.

Ren Ran and Kong Lian, the first fight.

Kong Lian KO!

Guo Tongwen seemed unwilling to see everyone's attention focused on Ren Ran, and asked, "Wow, Ren Ran, your family is so rich, I didn't know before. You don't consider us friends."

Kong Lian raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

This idiot is not that stupid, he also knows how to dig a hole, and he means something.

Zhao Yi chuckled and simply became Ren Ran's mouthpiece, "If Ren Ran said it, people who don't know would think she was showing off. If she doesn't say it, it's wrong again. Whoever puts this mouth on is the most reasonable."

Everyone understood.

Someone asked curiously, "Ren Ran, what does your family do?"

Faced with everyone's curiosity, Ren Ran replied frankly, "Yaxing Group is opened by my family."

The corner of his eye has been paying attention to Kong Lian's every move, and he clearly saw the jealousy and hatred that flashed across her face.

"Wow wow wow!!!"

A group of people exclaimed, they were too surprised.

Yaxing Group is a well-known listed company in Haishi. It is a company that ranks among the best in Haishi. How can they not be surprised to have such a rich man around them?

Ren Ran turned to look at Kong Lian, "Kong Lian, what does your family do?"

Without waiting for her to answer, Ren Ran asked and answered himself, wondering, "Your last name is Kong, and it seems that there is no family with the last name Kong in Haishi. What does your family do?"

The attention of the classmates shifted from her to Kong Lian.

"My family is from another province." Kong Lian did not dare to say it was Haishi, it was too easy to be exposed, especially since Ren Ran was still here.

There is also a risk of being exposed if you say it is from this province, so it is safest to say it is from another province.

"Is it from Shandong?" A classmate asked curiously.

"No." Kong Lian shook his head and refused to say where it was specifically from.

"What does your family do?" Ren Ran pressed on step by step.

Kong Lian almost bit her gums and squeezed out dryly, "My family has many industries under its name, and I am not sure what they do specifically."

"What is the name of your company, you must know it, right?" Zhao Yi asked.

Well, someone asked for her, so Ren Ran could save some words.

Kong Lian felt like she was being forced to walk up a cliff. She reacted quickly and immediately reported a name, "My father's name is Kong Mingcheng."

Kong Mingcheng, this name is unfamiliar to all the students present, but Ren Ran is not unfamiliar at all.

Kong Mingcheng is the chairman of the Walrus Group, a top 100 enterprise, focusing on industry, and is a long-established enterprise.

The classmates were not slow and immediately found out Kong Mingcheng's information.

"Wow, it turns out that Kong Lian is the daughter of the Walrus Group."

"Our class is really full of crouching tigers and hidden dragons."

Kong Lian smiled and enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone.

Zhao Yi was a little surprised, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Ren Ran, noticing her raised lips.

That angle, that micro-expression, why is there a sense of sarcasm.

Well, let's take a look at this matter.

Sure enough, Ren Ran opened his curious and innocent eyes and asked innocently, "Does Uncle Kong have a daughter? Why haven't I heard of it?"

The smile on Kong Lian's face froze for a moment.

The classmates who had just been envious looked at her with doubts and inquiring eyes.

At that moment, Kong Lian's expression almost couldn't hold back.

At this moment, the bell for class rang, and the conversation ended. Kong Lian was inexplicably relieved, with a feeling of surviving a disaster.

She thought carefully about Ren Ran's actions just now, and doubts arose in her heart.

Did she notice something?

Kong Lian spent the whole class observing Ren Ran's reaction, and there was nothing unusual.

It seemed to be her own illusion.

At noon, a group of people rushed into the cafeteria. This was a rare time for everyone to rest, and it was also a time for gossip.

Kong Lian and several classmates walked to the cafeteria, talking and laughing. The students in front did not notice that the people behind were talking about it unscrupulously.

"Do you think Kong Lian is the daughter of Kong Mingcheng?" Someone asked.

Do they believe what he said or what Kong Lian said? Naturally, it is the former. After all, they have studied together for two years. Even if their friendship is not deep enough to live and die together, they are still close to each other compared with the transfer students who just came.

"Kong Lian doesn't look like she is lying."

"Yes, there are luxury cars to pick her up, a special housekeeper, and a dessert chef in a five-star hotel. These are things that ordinary people can't get access to. Besides, she doesn't have to lie to us. There is no benefit."

This statement was recognized by many people.

"In this case, there is only one possibility."

"What?" The slow-reacting people have not recovered yet.

"She is a daughter who cannot be seen in the light, the daughter of the third or fourth mistress." The man said with a smile.

"Wow!" Several people exclaimed and understood it all at once.

All the things that they couldn't figure out before can be explained all at once.

"I said so. She is from another province, and she is the daughter of the Walrus Group. She didn't stay in her own province, but came to our Hai City. It doesn't make sense. If she is an illegitimate daughter who is not allowed to see the light of day, then it is normal."

"No wonder Ren Ran didn't know her and had never heard that Kong Mingcheng had a daughter."

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