The simple treatment method temporarily suppressed the fire in her body.

Ren Ran restrained herself from making any inappropriate sounds.

"If you can't help it, just bite this." Shen Shuyan handed a clean towel to her.

She wanted to say thank you, but she couldn't open her mouth, fearing that it would be inappropriate to speak.

Shen Shuyan received the meaning in her eyes, "It's just a little effort."

120 came quickly, and the medical staff carried her on the stretcher.

Xi Yun brought a cup and accompanied Yu Mian to the car.

After arriving at the hospital, Ren Ran's heart was half relieved.

With the intervention of the doctor, Ren Ran finally suppressed the anger in her body. In the ward, Ren Ran was on an IV drip and finally able to communicate normally with others.

"Where are the things?"

"Here." Xi Yun took out the cup from his bag.

Yu Mian followed and said, "I have notified Luo Li, he should be here soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Li and Zhao Yi hurried over, and they were sweating profusely.

"Sister, how are you?"

"Of course." Zhao Yi stepped forward and held her hand.

"I'm fine."

Ren Ran looked at Xi Yun and Yu Mian, "You've been busy all day and you're tired. Now that Luo Li is here, he'll take care of you. You can go back. If you don't go back, we'll have to close."

"Are you really okay?" Xi Yun was worried.

Yu Mian also looked at her eagerly, with worry in his eyes.

Luo Li said, "Sister Xi, Sister Yu, I'm here. I'll take good care of my sister. You can go back and rest."

"Okay, if you have any questions, be sure to tell us."

After the two left, Ren Ran picked up the cup on the table, with a slight trace of her lipstick on the edge of the cup.

"Take it for testing."


Zhao Yi was surprised to hear this, "Of course."

"It's okay."

What's coming will come sooner or later.

Ren Ran took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Qing Xuan.

[The other party made a move. ]

She sent messages to Gao Ying and Xu Zhaoyin at the same time, notifying them to come and assist her.

Ren Ran was not afraid of them taking action, but was afraid that they would not take action.

Only by taking action can they reveal their true colors. The more times they take action, the more chances they have to reveal their true colors. Only then can they follow the clues to catch the mouse hiding behind.

During this period of time, they have been waiting for the other party to take action, but they did not expect that the place where they took action would be in the territory of the Jiang family.

However, from this, we can see that the other party's hand is very deep.

Perhaps the other party has a deep relationship with the Jiang family, or perhaps that person is a member of the Jiang family.

Qingxuan: [Fly to the capital tomorrow. ]

Gao Ying: [Arrive tomorrow. ]

Xu Zhaoyin: [I'm coming, I'm coming at full speed. ]

On the taxi back to Capital University, Yu Mian was still chattering with lingering fear, and Xi Yun did not respond for a long time.

"Xi Yun, did you hear what I said?"

Xi Yun came back to his senses, "Yu Mian, let's stay away from them in the future."

"From whom?" Yu Mian was confused.

"Jiang Zhiyu, Ren Ran."


Under Yu Mian's shocked eyes, she said calmly: "You should have heard this saying, when gods fight, mortals suffer. Our family and theirs are like heaven and earth, do you understand?"

Yu Mian understood what she meant, "Jiang Zhiyu is unattainable, but Ren Ran, I feel..."

"Do you think she was caught in the crossfire this time, or was she deliberately targeted?" Xi Yun had been thinking about this question.

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