Yu Mian looked back and forth between the two, and finally looked at Xi Yun. The two looked at each other and tacitly pretended that nothing had happened.

The four of them listened to the class very seriously.

After class, Jiang Zhiyu took Ren Ran to a secluded place.

"Ran Ran, I didn't tell you the truth before." Jiang Zhiyu said with a tangled and apologetic look.

"What?" Ren Ran pretended not to understand.

Jiang Zhiyu thought for a moment and said, "Actually, the fruit drink you drank... Let's put it this way, this fruit drink was not made by the chef accidentally. It was made by a famous playboy in our circle who bribed the waiter and made it while Yu Mian and the others were not paying attention. He saw that you were good-looking and had no background, so he wanted to..."

"The reason why my brother didn't tell you the truth is that he was afraid that you would fight against the stone with an egg, and the only people who would be hurt would be you and your family."

"But don't worry, my brother has already warned the other party severely, and he promises that he won't dare to make plans against you again."

Fake at first, and true later, this sincerity is easy to confuse people.

I have to say that Jiang Zhiyu's words are very convincing.

If he hadn't heard the conversation between the two waiters, he might have really believed it, even if he didn't believe it completely, but he would have believed it a little.

"Who is the other party?"

Jiang Zhiyu shook her head, "I can't tell you. It will hurt you if I tell you. My brother strictly forbade me to tell you, but I don't want to hide it from you. I'm telling you now, but I'm taking the risk. You can't let my brother scold me."

"Really can't tell?"

Jiang Zhiyu shook her head, "Ranran, don't ask. The other party is very powerful. Even our Jiang family can't do anything about them, so you'd better not ask."

Ren Ran seemed to be convinced by her and compromised helplessly, "Okay."

The four of them had no classes in the afternoon, and Ren Ran suggested, "We didn't celebrate Zhiyu's birthday properly last time. To apologize, I'll treat you at noon today. Zhiyu will choose the location."

Jiang Zhiyu did not refuse and directly chose a five-star hotel. The food is very famous, and the consumption is naturally very high.

The four drove to the five-star hotel. When the hotel staff saw Jiang Zhiyu, they greeted him warmly, and the restaurant manager even served him personally.

Yu Mian and Xi Yun watched this scene silently, feeling that no matter how many things happened to Jiang Zhiyu, it was normal.

"Miss Jiang, we have Jinxiu shrimp today. Would you like one?"


The manager continued to recommend a few more dishes, and Jiang Zhiyu ordered them one by one. After ordering for a long time, he seemed to remember something, "What do you want to eat?"

Yu Mian and Xi Yun shook their heads, "Just order it."

"Ran Ran, what about you?"

"All of what you ordered is fine."

Jiang Zhiyu ordered red wine and a few snacks, and then stopped eating with satisfaction.

The guests and hosts had a great meal.

When Ren Ran went to pay, he was told that Jiang Zhiyu had already paid.

"Zhiyu, this is your fault. We agreed to treat you, why did you pay?"

Jiang Zhiyu smiled and said, "This hotel is owned by Brother Shen's family. Every time I come, the manager will automatically put the bill in my brother's name. I forgot about this. How about this, you treat me next time."

"I agreed to apologize, but it didn't happen. This is not okay." Ren Ran smiled and said, "How about this, I'll give you a gift."

Jiang Zhiyu smiled and said, "Okay."

"Wait a moment, I'll have someone send the gift over."


The four of them went directly to the hotel's tea bar, ordered a pot of tea, and waited for Ren Ran's gift.

At the same time, Gao Ying received the message from the young lady and turned her head to look at Taoist Qingxuan.

"Taoist, it's our turn."

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