"Ruan Fengru!" Ren Ran was surprised. Following her line of sight, he saw a familiar figure at the entrance of the mall.

Ruan Fengru, who had disappeared for a long time, finally appeared, and she was in the capital.

Ren Ran didn't care about anything else. After seeing the car coming from behind, she got off the car immediately, "You stay to deal with the follow-up, I'll go after her."

As soon as she got off the car, the man in the car behind got off and started to scold Ren Ran when he saw her.

"It turned out to be a female driver! No wonder she drove like this."

Ren Ran ignored her and climbed over the flower bed and headed towards the road.

"Hey, don't go!"

Gao Ying got off the car in time and called the driver who was about to stop the young lady, "Tell me if you have anything to say."

The driver saw that someone was handling it and stopped bothering Ren Ran.

"How do you drive? Do you know how to drive..."

After climbing over the flower bed, Ren Ran went straight to the direction where Ruan Fengru was. At the same time, she opened the call and asked the people behind her to help her follow Ruan Fengru.

As soon as Ruan Fengru entered the mall, when Ren Ran entered the mall, she could not find her trace.

She seemed to disappear in the crowd again.

Several bodyguards followed Ren Ran and decided to search in a direction.

From top to bottom, there are too many entrances and exits in the mall, and many shops along the street can be connected inside and outside and can be entered and exited.

Half an hour later, the four returned empty-handed.

Gao Ying handed the car to the people below and hurried over.


Ren Ran looked at the mall's surveillance. Even if she found where she went out, it would be useless.

Now is not a few years later, there are sky eyes everywhere.

Not to mention that this is the capital, not everyone can check the sky eye.

Gao Ying took a look at the surveillance, "I'll find a relationship to see if I can get the mall's surveillance and check if she has contact with anyone."

Although she felt that there was little hope, she nodded.

There is a one in ten thousand hope that must be grasped.

Gao Ying checked and said in surprise: "Miss, this mall belongs to the Jiang family."

Ruan Fengru appeared in the mall under the Jiang family. Was it accidental or inevitable?

Ren Ran was more inclined to the latter.

Someone who has disappeared for so long now appears in the capital. It must be extraordinary.

What is Ruan Fengru planning, what role does Jiang Zhiyu play in it, and what is he going to plan?

"Jiang Xingzhou has always wanted to make up for what happened last time. You can find him." Ren Ran said.

Gao Ying's eyes lit up, "If you don't say it, I almost forgot it."

On the other side, Ruan Fengru was sitting in a car, and the people in the car had cold faces.

"Who allowed you to come out?"

Facing the sinister man in front of her, Ruan Fengru lowered her head and dared not speak.

"Do you know that if I hadn't taken you away from the employee channel in time, you would have become someone else's meat on the chopping board."

She didn't expect that she would be targeted just after she came out for a while.

"If you don't want to be sent back to the mental hospital, stay in the room. After finishing the things ordered by the higher-ups, we won't stop you from going anywhere you want." The man warned with a cold face.

"Yes." Ruan Fengru responded timidly, and a trace of hatred flashed through the depths of her lowered eyes.

The man beside her glanced at her fair and slender thighs and put his hand on her leg, "I have a brother coming over today, please help me entertain him. If you make him happy, it will be easy for you to turn over."

Ruan Fengru wanted to chop off the man's hand with disgust, but she could only let him do whatever he wanted when she was under the eaves.

The man saw that she didn't respond, and he exerted force on his hand.

She gasped.

"Don't want to?"

Ruan Fengru endured the insult and responded softly, "Okay."

The man was satisfied, "That's good."


Capital University

A senior saw Ren Ran coming, jumped down from the flower bed, and walked in front of him.

"Are you Ren Ran?"

Ren Ran looked at the man in front of him, "Is there something?"

He glanced at Yu Mian and others around Ren Ran, "I want to talk to you alone about something."

Ren Ran said to Yu Mian and others, and the three left.

"Senior, tell me what you want to say."

The senior scratched his head and said with a smile: "It's not me who's looking for you, it's Shen Shuyan who's looking for you. I'll take you there."

"Shen Shuyan?" Ren Ran looked suspicious.

She had nothing in common with the god of study, so why would he look for her.

The senior seemed to see her doubts, "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

"I don't believe it."

Seeing that she didn't move, the senior took out his mobile phone directly, "I'll call him and let him tell you."

The call was quickly connected.

"You can talk to the junior girl yourself."

If other junior girls heard that Shen Shuyan was looking for them, they would definitely go there happily, but the one in front of them was so difficult to deal with.

But when he thought of what she had encountered before, he was relieved.


"Are you Senior Shen?"

"Yes." Shen Shuyan's voice was cold, like a cedar in winter, "Student Ren Ran, I need your help with something."

Hearing this voice, he confirmed that the person on the other side was Shen Shuyan.


Ren Ran followed the senior towards the laboratory with doubts.

The senior student pushed open one of the doors and said to the person inside: "Shuyan, someone has sent you there. I'm leaving first."

He wanted to stay and gossip, but knowing Shen Shuyan's personality, he didn't want to make things boring.

Ren Ran walked into the laboratory. Shen Shuyan was wearing goggles and gloves, and there were all kinds of equipment in front of him.

He didn't even raise his head, "Sit aside for a while, I'll be there soon."

She glanced and walked to the rest area nearby.

This wait lasted half an hour. Shen Shuyan took off his gloves and goggles, recorded the data, and closed the computer.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting."

Shen Shuyan sat opposite her and looked at the girl in front of him carefully. I don't know if it was a preconceived notion, but I always felt that there was a shadow of Uncle San on this face.

"Senior Shen, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Gao Ying and her, just from the age of the two, she is the most suitable.

He didn't believe that there were such coincidences in the world.

At the same time, they encountered the Yin-Yang Qisha formation, and she happened to be the main talisman, and they happened to be the secondary talisman.

Just as the greedy Taoist Liu said, how could two appear at the same time.

Not to mention that the Taoist also calculated that Uncle San had a daughter, and the one who was cursed was his daughter.

All this is too coincidental.

Of course, this is just his guess, and he has to investigate her situation to know the details.

If she is Uncle San's daughter, then what happened back then needs to be investigated.

Or maybe, this is a trap set by others for Uncle San.

His task now is to take talismans.

"Sister Ren, are you interested in Taoism?"


Ren Ran had a question mark on his face.

Are we familiar enough to talk about this topic?

"Senior Shen, if you have anything to say, just ask directly."

"Have you ever heard of the Yin-Yang Qi Sha Formation?" Shen Shuyan stared at her with deep eyes.

Ren Ran's pupils shrank slightly.

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