What should I do if someone takes away my fate? I will just kill her.

Chapter 288 It's not certain who will cheat whom

He Yicheng set up the machine, adjusted the angle, and aimed it at the bed.

If she behaved well, she would never know what was inside.

If she wanted to make trouble, then she would tear her face off and do it.

This was not the first time that this happened, and He Yicheng was not worried at all.

"Wait for me, baby, wait for me to come and pamper you."

At this time, He Yicheng's cell phone rang.

He picked up the phone, "Xiaoyu."

Jiang Zhiyu's voice came from the receiver, "Did it succeed?"

"Of course."

Jiang Zhiyu's lips rose, "Brother, enjoy it."

"It's natural."

Jiang Zhiyu reminded: "Don't forget what you promised me before."

He Yicheng was stunned and remembered.

"No problem, you tell me when the time comes, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you do it."

"You didn't forget, that's good. Don't really fall in love with her, we're just doing it for the body, not the heart." Jiang Zhiyu reminded playfully.

"She looks good, but owning a tree is more important than owning a forest. I, your brother, can still calculate this clearly."

After the two of them finished talking, he hummed a little tune and went into the bathroom, turned on the shower head, and the hot water splashed out.

Suddenly, there was a thud in the bathroom, and He Yicheng fell down.

Ren Ran heard the noise, slowly sat up, looked at the video recorder opposite, and pursed her lips.

She walked into the bathroom, and at this time He Yicheng in the bathroom was twitching, his whole body was like a zombie, and his eyes were confused.

Ren Ran glanced at He Yicheng in the bathtub and took pictures calmly.

There were three long and one short knocks outside, and Ren Ran opened the door. Professionals came on stage and erased the traces of Ren Ran in the house.

After she left, a tall, heavily made-up woman came in.

The woman lay down next to He Yicheng, messed up her clothes, and after doing everything, she took out her mobile phone and called Yao Yaoling.

"Hello, police? My boyfriend seems to have eaten something, his whole body is twitching, it feels like he is sucking..."

In less than five minutes, several police cars came.

After a while, Ho Iat Seng and the woman were taken away together.

Several reporters hiding in the flowerbed took pictures of the whole scene.

In less than half an hour, the news of the popular singer Ho Iat Seng [voting singing] was exposed.

# Ho Iat Seng is a prostitute #

# Ho Iat Seng was taken away by the police #

# Popular singer suspected of being a prostitute #

One after another, the hot search terms attracted the attention of countless people.

The netizens were shocked.

[Oh my God! Ho Iat Seng is really too bold, he dares to touch both. ]

[Is it true or false? ]

[Didn't the above see the video and the photo? ]

[This is not my brother, you must have made a mistake. Our brother is clean and self-disciplined, it is impossible for him to do such a thing. ]

[That person just looks like my brother, okay. My brother had posted on Weibo before, saying he was at home, how could he be in a hotel? Marketing accounts nowadays are too reckless. 】

【Can you please stop believing everything you hear? Did the official say so? You are all jumping up and down. 】

【Oh my god! Are all Ho Iat Seng's fans blind? You can't even recognize your brother? 】

【You are not good at whitewashing. Why don't you say you were filming? 】

【I have long ignored Ho Iat Seng's fans, who are always complaining about everything. Now your brother has fallen, it's really gratifying. 】

The public relations department of Ho Iat Seng's company immediately contacted his team, but this group of people had already drunk a lot, and fell asleep in their rooms, not knowing that the outside world had turned upside down.

The next day, Jiang Zhiyu got up happily, had breakfast, and went back to school humming a little song in a good mood.

I shouldn't see that annoying Ren Ran today.

Jiang Zhiyu entered the school happily. As soon as she reached the door, a classmate came forward to greet her.

Yang Qianrou came forward immediately when she saw Jiang Zhiyu, "Zhiyu."

Jiang Zhiyu frowned.

Yang Qianrou didn't seem to notice her impatience with her, and shared gossip with great interest, "Zhiyu, did you see the big news in the entertainment industry today?"

"What big news?" She asked casually.

Yang Qianrou couldn't wait to share, "Do you know Ho Iat Seng? He is a popular singer. He was arrested for soliciting prostitution and eating 'white flour'."

"What did you say?!" Jiang Zhiyu's voice suddenly rose.

Yang Qianrou didn't expect her to react so strongly.

"Zhiyu, you are not a fan of Ho Iat Seng, are you?"

Jiang Zhiyu ignored her and took out his mobile phone to check today's entertainment news.

What happened yesterday completely set off the entertainment industry today.

Without bothering to talk to her, Jiang Zhiyu left in a hurry.

While walking, he contacted Ho Iat Seng.

Unable to contact Ho Iat Seng, he turned around and called his agent.

At this time, the agent and others were busy and exhausted.

Ho Iat Seng's social account is in the hands of Ho Iat Seng himself. If he posts on Weibo, it will be more effective than ever to directly break the rumors.

But the company failed to contact them last night, so they could only issue a statement in the usual Guan Gong mode.

Unfortunately, the majority of netizens did not buy this statement.

This is equivalent to them missing the best time to clarify. They want to remove the hot search, and the company has also encountered resistance.

Ho Iat Seng has offended many people in the circle, and he has also blocked the way of many people.

Now that there is this opportunity, no one will let it go, and they can step on it as hard as they can, and step on it to death.

He fell, and the cake that was originally on him could naturally be divided by others. For this benefit, people who usually don't get along with each other at the same time.

The agency where He Yicheng works is naturally aware of this, but it is useless.

When the agent saw Jiang Zhiyu's call, it was like seeing a savior.

"Miss Jiang, you have to help Yicheng. If you don't help him, he will really be finished."

They still have a chance to save it now.

Because the official side has not yet issued a notice, once a notice is issued, it will really be finished.

"Tell me clearly, what happened?"

The agent carefully recounted what happened yesterday, "After we sent the person to the room, we really don't know what happened next. No one expected that things would turn out like that."

"The person who was originally in the room should have been Ren Ran, but unexpectedly became a prostitute. I got news from a friend that the police took Yicheng for a urine test. From what the other party said, it is nine out of ten correct."

Jiang Zhiyu was stunned.

"Didn't I ask you to put that stuff in Ren Ran's cup? How did he drink it?"

That stuff was the latest product she got through her mother's lover. Once you get addicted, it's hard to quit.

The agent was also confused.

"I don't know, how did Yicheng drink it."

Jiang Zhiyu calmed down. This must be Ren Ran's doing.

"Miss Jiang, you must help him."

Jiang Zhiyu responded irritably and hung up the phone directly.

This bunch of rubbish, they can't even do this.

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