She didn't expect Xiao Yi to get involved in this matter.

"Okay, I get it."

It's not his fault. Jiang Zhiyu agreed very straightforwardly this time.

After getting the reply from his cousin, He Yicheng was fully revived.

"I'll post it tomorrow morning! Let's wait for a while."

Humph, what a prince in the Beijing circle, but it's just so-so.

He Yicheng added, "Remember to kick that fan out. I don't want to see this kind of idiot again."

The assistant wanted to persuade him, but seeing He Yicheng's attitude, he didn't say anything.

When the incident of the prince in the entertainment industry intensified, Chi Juan was very panicked.

At this moment, she clearly realized that she had offended a great person.

Looking at the wind direction on the Internet, she was completely confused.

She was afraid of Xiao Yi's revenge and worried about the reputation of her idol.

When she was about to ask her sisters in the group what to do, she found that she couldn't send a message. After seeing the prompt, she realized that she had been kicked out of the fan group.

"What's the situation?"

She wanted to find the administrator, but the other party had blocked her.

Chi Juan realized something belatedly: she was rejected by her favorite idol.

Chi Juan cried on the bed in grievance.


Shen Shuyan had been following the dynamics on the Internet, and saw that the wind direction changed after Xiao Yi came on the stage.

He was very relieved.

He wanted to take action, but when he thought of Ren Ran and his uncle's instructions, he suppressed the impulse.

The pen between his fingers turned, and he thought about the purpose of Ren Ran's doing this.

The phone rang, and Mu Sanzi entered.

"Sanzi, what's the matter?"

"Young Master San, I just got the news. Jiang Zhiyu, the eldest daughter of the Jiang family, exposed Xiao Yi's affairs. By the way, I also found out one thing. It's about He Yicheng and Miss Ren Ran."

"What's the matter?"

"He Yicheng set up a trap to take down Ren Ran, but ended up losing more than he gained. The urine test has been done and it has been confirmed. In addition, the woman is also an escort. Jiang Zhiyu gave her a large sum of money to change her story and commit perjury."

"There is a strange thing here, that is, why did this escort appear in the room. Probably, maybe it was Ren Ran's handiwork."

Shen Shuyan understood in his heart.

It seems that his sister is playing a big game, but I don't know if this game is simply a PK with Jiang Zhiyu, or has other purposes.

"Whose relationship did Jiang Zhiyu leave?" Shen Shuyan asked.

Mu Sanzi reported the names of two people.

"Keep watching He Yicheng and Jiang Zhiyu."

After ending the call, Shen Shuyan wrote Jiang Zhiyu and set up a trap on a white paper.

If she didn't let him intervene in this matter, he wouldn't do it, but he could do something else.

Since Jiang Zhiyu used her own connections and didn't alarm the Jiang family, then he could "help" her.

The favor owed by the Jiang family must be repaid.

The position of this district chief seems to be a good entry point.

Shen Shuyan's pen turned quickly, and a plan slowly took shape in his mind.


The next day

Ren Ran left the bedroom and took a look at the second bedroom. As soon as she opened the door, a group of people stood outside the door.

The leading woman looked at her with a smile, "Excuse me, Ms. Ren Ran?"

"What's the matter?"

Ren Ran took a step back vigilantly, keeping a distance between them.

"Xiao Yi, is Mr. Xiao here with you?"

They came to the door, so they must have found out.

But in return for Xiao Yi's actions yesterday, she lied with her eyes open, "He's not here."


One of them blocked Ren Ran, and the others quickly entered the house and went straight to the bedroom. In less than three minutes, Xiao Yi was dragged out like a dead dog.

"Let go!"

"If you don't let go, I'll kill you!"

The leading woman stood in front of Xiao Yi's door, "The gentleman asked you to go back. If you want revenge, you're welcome anytime. He was the Sanda champion five years ago, and this one is a boxer, ranked a little lower, sixth in the country. This one is..."

As the woman introduced, Xiao Yi was speechless.

The Ren·Eat·Ran·Melon crowd swallowed silently.

Before Xiao Yi left, he looked at Ren Ran with an apologetic expression and said something to him silently.

"I tried my best!"

Xiao Yi was dragged away.

Ren Ran avoided the media and returned to school secretly. As soon as he left the department, he felt the attention from all directions.

After the last Haihou incident, many people knew her. Now that the matter of illegitimate fans was exposed on the Internet, everyone naturally recognized her at a glance, and it was difficult not to notice her.

When Ren Ran returned to the department, a familiar classmate immediately came forward.

For those who are familiar with Ren Ran, they naturally would not believe the rumors on the Internet.

Ren Ran wants any male god she wants, but she has to be a sasaeng fan, not to mention that Ho Iat Seng is not handsome.

"Ren Ran, there are reporters outside, you have to be careful."

"How did you offend Ho Iat Seng?"

"Ho Iat Seng's fans are notoriously difficult to deal with, you have to be careful."

In response to the kind reminders from her classmates, Ren Ran smiled and accepted their kindness one by one.

"Oh my god! Ho Iat Seng posted on Weibo again."

He Yicheng V: [We reserve our attitude towards the chat records sent by Ms. Ren Ran. In view of the impact of the incident, in order to avoid the situation getting out of control. I solemnly declare here that I have never seen any pursuit with Ms. Ren Ran. My WeChat account avatar is this jpg picture! ]

He Yicheng screenshots his chat records with friends and work partners.

After He Yicheng posted this Weibo, several friends in the circle came to prove his case.

Singer Ling Zhuyue V: [The girl must have been deceived. I hope everyone can open their eyes and not recognize the wrong person to avoid being deceived. ]

Yu Mian was so angry that she laughed after seeing this blog post.

"What the hell, it's just short of pointing at Ren Ran's nose and saying that she was done something by someone, it's so disgusting."

Other classmates also expressed disgust.

"Why didn't I realize that Ling Zhuyue was such a person before."

"It is said that what you see is just what others want you to see. Only when something happens can you see the truest side. This sentence is indeed true."

"Wang Dao also posted a blog to support Ho Iat Seng."

"The movie emperor Zhang Ye also posted a blog to support Ho Iat Seng."

Wang Dao V: [Since I met Ho Iat Seng, his profile picture has never changed. ]

Zhang Ye V: [There are many girls who like Ho Iat Seng, but girls must be vigilant. Ho Iat Seng is not so easily tempted. There are many beautiful women who like him and pursue him, but he doesn't even look at them. If you meet someone who comes to you in his name, it must be a liar. I hope everyone will be vigilant and not get hurt. ]

As heavyweight directors, stars, and singers testified for Ho Iat Seng one by one, the wind direction on the Internet changed again.

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