"I have to experiment with it myself. I can only give it to you if I think it works well."

"You are..."

The assistant smiled obscenely, "I have tried it on my girlfriend. She didn't realize it at all and praised the dog for being cute."

"You are promising, kid. I will gladly accept this thing. How much is it? I will transfer it to you."

"How can I ask you to pay? This is my way of honoring you. You are so good to me on weekdays, it is only right for me to give you some gifts."

"Not bad, quite decent." He Yicheng was very satisfied.

After he left, the assistant breathed a sigh of relief.

It is still easy to deal with this idiot.

He will finish it sooner or later, so you can't blame him for being cruel.

Bar No. 5

In the 201 box, the assistant turned on the equipment and made an OK gesture to He Yicheng.

He Yicheng nodded, "When she comes later, search her thoroughly. She can't wear any jewelry on her body, understand?"


When the agreed time came, Ren Ran appeared outside the 201 box on time.

The assistant and his men blocked the door.

"Miss Ren, please take off all your jewelry and other things?"

"What if I say no?" Ren Ran pretended to resist.

"Then please go back."

Ren Ran struggled for a few times and took off all her jewelry obediently. Another girl came over to search her carefully to make sure she didn't carry anything.

"I must take the phone. Otherwise, I will leave directly."

The assistant nodded and indicated that she could be let in.

After entering the room, I saw He Yicheng leaning on the sofa like a master, with his legs crossed.

The assistant said: "I let you bring the phone in, but let me check if there is any video or audio recording."

Ren Ran handed the phone to the other party.

After the assistant looked at it, he did not forget to show it to He Yicheng. After confirming that there was no problem, he put the phone on the table with confidence, not giving her the opportunity to touch it secretly.

"You go out first."

The assistant went out quickly, and before going out, he quietly turned off He Yicheng's phone.

At the same time, a group of people gathered in the room next to them.

Xiao Yu's hand was on the computer, and everyone could clearly see the screen projection in front of them.

"Don't synchronize now, wait until the young lady makes a gesture, then synchronize." Song Lian ordered.

"Understood." Xiao Yu nodded, and as long as he pressed a confirmation button, the picture here could be synchronized to the screens of major shopping malls.

This card is worthy of He Yicheng, a popular singer.

At this moment, He Yicheng was holding a shelf and looking at Ren Ran with a look of looking at goods.

"Miss Ren, I thought you wouldn't come."

Ren Ran looked at him coldly.

"It seems that you don't understand what your situation is now?" He Yicheng seemed very dissatisfied with her attitude, his eyes turned cold, and he began to threaten, "I'll give you a general legal education."

Ren Ran directly pulled over a footstool and sat down.

He Yicheng was displeased with her familiarity, but he didn't object.

"According to Article 217 of the Criminal Law of my country: For the purpose of profit, if there is any of the following infringements on copyright or rights related to copyright, if the illegal income is large or there are other serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and shall be fined or fined alone; if the illegal income is huge or there are other particularly serious circumstances, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall be fined."

When he said this, Ren Ran made a gesture to them.

After receiving the signal, Xiao Yu pressed the confirmation button.

At this time, the large screen billboard of the shopping mall with people coming and going suddenly changed its style and directly changed to the picture of the KTV box.

Some pedestrians walking on the road soon noticed this scene.

"What's going on? Why did the ad suddenly change?"

"Look, isn't this Ho Iat Seng?"

"Who is the woman with her back to him?"

"Ho Iat Seng seems to be popularizing the law."

"The other person seems to be a woman? Are they talking about plagiarism?"

"Fuck, I feel that the screen today is a bit unusual!"

"Is this a novel ad?"

Many pedestrians stopped to watch, and some even took out their phones to take pictures.

The abnormal behavior of these people made other passers-by curious, and they followed their sight and looked up at the screen.

After seeing the content played on the screen, one or two people stopped.

Everyone showed curiosity on their faces.

"My brother's sales are very small, so he can't be sentenced." Ren Ran said.

Ho Iat Seng sneered, "Hahaha, you shouldn't know yet? I have asked people to buy it in large quantities, and I guarantee that its sales are huge. Want to take it off the shelves? Don't worry, Tianheng Entertainment dare not take it off the shelves."

"What do you want to do?" Ren Ran's voice was a little angry.

"What do I want to do? I just want to fuck you." Ho Iat Seng showed a lewd and greasy smile.

This scene was synchronized on the screens of major shopping malls.

"Oh my god! I'm so sick!"

"How can Ho Iat Seng be so greasy! Such a greasy man can actually create such a beautiful song, it's really unfair."

"Oh my god! This man is so cheap! Is he committing a crime?"

"I didn't expect Ho Iat Seng to be such a person! I became a fan after listening to his songs yesterday, but I didn't expect to be a fan of this kind of thing."

"I feel that plagiarism is not that simple. Looking at Ho Iat Seng's appearance, he looks more like a plagiarist."

"Hey, are you a fan of Ho Iat Seng? You can't just spray dirty water like that."

The man left embarrassedly when he saw the girls around him with bad eyes.

Many pedestrians in the square took out their mobile phones and recorded this scene.

At this time, Ho Iat Seng was still producing continuously and steadily.

"Are you shameless?"

Ho Iat Seng sneered, "If I wasn't shameless, how could I get you! I let you escape last time, but it won't be so easy this time. Now take off your clothes and please me. Maybe, if I'm happy, I won't pursue your brother's plagiarism."

"My brother didn't plagiarize!" Ren Ran said with a gloomy face, "You plagiarized his work."

"I plagiarized him? Do you have evidence?" Ho Iat Seng said arrogantly, "I worked hard to create those four songs independently. I don't know what method your brother used to get them from me."

"Do you believe what I said?"

I didn't expect this guy to admit it directly without being arrogant, and he laughed at their incompetence complacently. Instead, she insisted that she was the original author.

It was a pity for Ren Ran!

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, the judge will believe it, the people will believe it, and you are not the one who is wrong. You came here today to beg for mercy for your brother. Okay, stop talking nonsense. The night is short, don't waste time."

Ren Ran was unmoved.

"Do you want to watch your brother go to jail?"

Ren Ran didn't say anything.

He Yicheng looked at her angry and struggling appearance, knowing that there was hope, and then continued: "As long as you serve me well and make me happy, everything can be discussed. I, He Yicheng, keep my word."

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