Jiang Bingrong's ugly expression made Jiang Zhiyu instinctively feel his heart tremble.

He used to be very majestic, but in front of her, he was always kind, but she knew very well that it was just an appearance.


Before the last word was uttered, a fiery slap came down and knocked her head sideways.


The loud slaps made the surrounding air freeze.

Jiang Zhiyu tilted his head, his slightly lowered eyes were full of insult and hatred. When he raised his eyes, there were only grievances and tears in his eyes.


Another slap fell on her face, and there were five red marks on her fair cheek.


When he raised his hand again, Jiang Zhiyu turned his head away in fear, and put his hand on Mrs. Jiang's sleeve.

Mrs. Jiang seemed to have just woken up from her husband's behavior and said: "Husband, if you have anything to say, please tell me. No matter what, you can't hit anyone."

Jiang Bingrong pointed at Jiang Zhiyu with an angry look on his face, "Do you know what she has done?"

"What happened?" Mrs. Jiang asked with concern.

"This girl actually found someone to smooth the relationship with her cousin without permission, and she found a fool who couldn't even wipe his butt. That fool had a lot of stains on his body that no one else dared to touch. It was good for her to show him off. This is to drag our Jiang family into trouble."

The matter of Boga Issei is not a big deal, but if it is involved with a dirty person, the people above will definitely think that the Jiang family will be involved.

Jiang Zhiyu was forced to lower his head and did not dare to look at them.

Mrs. Jiang said: "Jiaoyu, why don't you tell your parents if you have something to do? You are making the decision without permission and letting the family fall into the quagmire. It's really... ugh!"

"Dad, Mom, I was wrong." Jiang Zhiyu's voice choked with sobs, "I really didn't know, I didn't know it would be like this. I won't dare to do it again next time. I will never care about my cousin's affairs in the future."

Jiang Bingrong snorted, "You contact your mother privately and help her. I don't care. It doesn't mean I don't know. Since you like to get involved with people over there, you can live with them from now on." "

Jiang Zhiyu's pupils suddenly widened, his heart trembled, his face turned white, and his whole body trembled with fear, "Dad, I was wrong. My daughter will never dare to do it again. Dad, please forgive me this time."

She must not leave the Jiang family or leave the Jiang family.

Once he loses the protection of the Jiang family, those who he once bullied will definitely not let him go.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyu was really scared. He no longer had the confidence and assurance of victory before. It seemed that things were starting to deviate from his imagination and control.

Seeing that Jiang Bingrong was unmoved, Jiang Zhiyu hurriedly grabbed Mrs. Jiang's sleeves and begged, "Mom, please help me. I don't want to be separated from you. I am the daughter of the Jiang family, and I don't want to leave." "

Mrs. Jiang hesitated to speak. Under her pleading, it seemed that she couldn't bear to see her sad, so she held her hand and patted it gently.

Jiang Zhiyu let go of his hand.

Mrs. Jiang stood up and walked to Jiang Bingrong, "Husband, my daughter knows she was wrong, please forgive her this time. Her mother treated her like this, but she can still ignore her past grudges, which shows that she is a filial and kind-hearted child. After this incident, she will definitely know her mistake and will change it.”

Jiang Zhiyu on the side kept nodding, biting his lower lip, looking at Jiang Bingrong with tears in his eyes, aggrieved and flattering.

If she had known that Wang Jinghua was in such trouble, she would not have accepted them in the first place.

Back then, when Wang Jinghua came to see her, she wished that woman would die so that she could truly become the daughter of the Jiang family.

However, when she heard her brothers and mother discussing whether a person's badness was caused by genetics or the living environment.

She heard everything they said.

In their mouths, biological mothers are bad seeds and biological fathers are great heroes.

And she must not inherit the bad genes. She must inherit the genes of her biological father, so she wants the Jiang family to know that she is kind and repays her kindness.

She just started to accept Wang Jinghua.

They can help her with a lot of things, but these same people also have a lot on their hands.

But once it gets stuck on Wang Jinghua’s piece of dog-skin plaster, it can’t be removed.

At this moment, Jiang Zhiyu hated Wang Jinghua and He Yicheng.

Jiang Bingrong looked at his wife, then at Jiang Zhiyu, who was bandaged and covered in injuries. He turned and left without saying anything.

Jiang Zhiyu naturally noticed the way Jiang Bingrong looked at her injuries. After he left, Gao Xuan felt relieved.

She made the right bet!

Jiang Bingrong was the most arrogant person, but he didn't dare to drive out his daughter who was covered in injuries and was also her savior.

Otherwise, the good reputation he has worked so hard to build will be ruined.

Jiang Zhiyu gathered his thoughts and raised his eyes to look at Mrs. Jiang.


Mrs. Jiang held her hand and said, "Don't worry, mom is here. Alas, you really did something wrong this time. Your dad is very angry now. When it passes, everything will be fine."

"Mom, you are the best."

"Silly girl." Mrs. Jiang gently stroked her cheek and asked distressedly: "Does it hurt?"

Jiang Zhiyu nodded aggrievedly, "It hurts."

"Remember this pain so that you don't do it again in the future." Mrs. Jiang tapped her forehead with her hand and said lovingly.

Seeing Mrs. Jiang getting up, Jiang Zhiyu was very nervous and said, "Mom."

Seeing her uneasiness, Mrs. Jiang's voice was gentle, "Xiaoyu, you rest here, I'll go back and make soup for you. I don't trust what Auntie and the others are cooking. Two caregivers will come to take care of you later. What do you have? You can tell them to do things, don’t move yourself and take good care of them.”

Jiang Zhiyu wanted to say that there was no need to make soup, but when he saw his mother's smiling eyes that could not refuse, he could only nod obediently, "Yes."

As soon as Mrs. Jiang left, the smile on Jiang Zhiyu's face faded, and he put his hand on his cheek, his eyes full of resentment.

The mobile phone on the bedside kept vibrating, so she just glanced at it and turned it off.


He Yicheng Studio

The assistant said: "Brother Wang, three more brands have informed us of the termination of their contracts. All their official advertisements about Brother Cheng have been removed."

"Brother Wang, Brother Wang, a brand has sent a letter of understanding and a compensation bill." The life assistant followed.

Someone immediately said, "Brother Wang, a large number of fans of the Backyard Fan Club have quit the group, even the senior fans have quit the group."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were only a few hundred people left in the group that had only been a few thousand people.

It is estimated that these hundreds of people are still not online.

"Brother, several support groups have officially announced their disbandment."

"Brother, another brand has sent a compensation bill."

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