No matter how slow their reaction was, they could still feel that there was a fight going on above them, and they, who were unaware, might suffer as well.

I wanted to curry favor with the Jiang family before, but now I don't dare to offend the Shen family.

Ren Hongru stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window of the study and saw the car parked outside the courtyard.

"Sir, do you want them to come in?"

"No, let them go."


The courtyard door opened and everyone came forward.

"Is Master Ren here?"

"What did Director Ren say?"

The butler waved his hand and everyone fell silent.

"Everyone, please go back. Our husband has already rested."

After a group of responsible persons left, Mrs. Fu and other ladies came forward.

The housekeeper looked at Mrs. Fu, "Mrs. Fu, the young lady has gone to bed. If there is anything else, we will talk about it another day."

"I brought some supplements to Uncle Ren and Auntie Ren, but I can't help but let others take them in. This is a little thought of mine."

The driver opened the trunk and took out many things.

The butler only glanced at it, still with a polite and distant smile on his face, "No need, Mr. Shen has already sent a lot of supplements to Mr. Shen, and there is almost no room for them in the warehouse."

What the other noble ladies wanted to say were blocked, and a group of people finally returned in defeat.

Jiang family

Jiang Xingzhou talked to Mrs. Jiang for a long time and explained the whole story clearly.

Mrs. Jiang pruned the flower branches carefully and raised her eyes to look at her eldest son, "It turns out that she is Shen Jingzhi's daughter."

"Yes. We can regard it as a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. Mom, go over and talk to the third uncle."

"You want me to be a lobbyist?"

"Mom, this matter is so serious that it's not good for both families. You are a member of the Shen family after all. The third uncle doesn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face. It would be best if the two families can resolve their differences."

"Stop talking, I won't go. Not many in the Shen family are good people."

She threw the scissors in her hand on the table and went directly upstairs.

Jiang Xingzhou looked at his mother's back and sighed helplessly.

China Media Corporation

As soon as Luo Li appeared, the staff around him whispered, and everyone looked at him with bright eyes.

Agent Li Ge stood beside Luo Li, feeling quite proud.

Mom, there is always a feeling that I am about to reach the peak of my life.

The elevator door opened, and Song Yun, the first sister of the company, walked out. When she saw Luo Li, there was a kind smile on her frosty face.

"Luo Li."

Luo Li only knew Song Yun on TV, so this was the first time he saw her in reality.

Unexpectedly, the other party was so enthusiastic. Luo Li was a little flattered, smiled and nodded, "Hello, Sister Song."

"Call me sister Duo Shengfen, just call me Song Yun."

Luo Li just smiled and didn't take it seriously.

Seniors are seniors and can’t mess around.

Brother Li asked with a smile: "Sister Song, are you rushing to make an announcement?"

"Well, there is a commercial shooting." She said, looking at Luo Li again, "Luo Li, let's talk later."


When the elevator door closed and there were only two people inside, Brother Li said with a smile: "You have to adapt to this kind of scene in the future. There will be many more things like this when you go to a banquet or award ceremony."

"I used to hear that Song Yun was very cold and hard to get close to, but I didn't expect it to be completely different from the rumors. Sure enough, the rumors were outrageous." Luo Li said with emotion.

Brother Li laughed and said, "You are wrong. People are enthusiastic about you, but not everyone."

"You have to remember that in the entertainment industry, if you become popular, you will be surrounded by good people. You have a strong background, and you will be surrounded by good people. If you are a transparent little person with no background, you will see that you are surrounded by good people. They are all malicious people who will step on you at any time. They are not even familiar with you, let alone have any grudges.”

Luo Li listened carefully.

Brother Li patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, you are surrounded by good people."

No one dares to touch the crown prince of Tenda Group.

Not to mention that Tengda is only one of the Shen family's insignificant properties.

To sway him in Beijing is because the old man hanged himself because he thought his life was too long.

"However, even so, you must be careful, someone will do something evil to you."

Luo Li nodded.

While the two were talking, Brother Li's cell phone rang. The caller was the director of a popular domestic variety show.

"Director Zhang, you want our Luo Li to be on the show... as a flying guest, do you want to record three episodes? Yes, yes. Okay, then it's settled."

After hanging up the phone, Brother Li looked at the top of Luo Li's head. The golden and dazzling title of Prince of Beijing was so eye-catching.

He couldn't even think about this show before, but now it's better and the other party takes the initiative to deliver it to his door.

"Luo Li, please be patient, I've given you another variety show."

Just when Luo Li was about to say, no need to answer, he wanted to create well, Brother Li just walked away without giving him a chance.

Luo Li was angry and funny, and ran to catch up.

"Brother Li, I..."

Brother Li directly covered his ears with his hands and muttered, "I can't hear, I can't hear. I can't hear anything."

"Brother Li, I have booked my flight tickets. My sister and I will go back to Haishi tomorrow to celebrate the New Year."

When I heard this, I immediately put my hand down.

Hi, it turns out to be this, I thought it was something.

"Okay, I understand. Just feel free to go back to celebrate the New Year. After the New Year, you will be a little more tired."


Shen Jingzhi handed a document to his subordinate. After the man left, the assistant entered the office with a document.

"Boss, 501 things have made progress."

"This is the information found by the Eagle. He needs you to make a decision before he can continue to investigate."

The assistant handed the document into his hands.

Shen Jingzhi's slender fingers gently flipped through the documents, and his brows gradually gathered in the middle.

"Let him continue investigating."

"Tell him that he can ask Tianji for help if he needs it."


Shen Jingzhi picked up the documents, put on his coat and left.

"Go to Tianhuayuan."

The driver started the car, and an hour later, the car arrived at Tianhuayuan.

The driver was waiting below, and Shen Jingzhi went upstairs alone with a cane.

Xu Zhaoyin opened the door and was stunned when he saw Shen Jingzhi.

This was the first time he saw each other so close.

This is the legendary Mr. Shen!

"Third, hello, Third Master!"

Shen Jingzhi nodded slightly, looked at Xu Zhaoyin who was blocking the door and asked, "Can I come in?"

Xu Zhaoyin woke up from a dream and said, "Third Master, please come in."

When people in the room heard the noise, they all stuck their heads out. After seeing Shen Jingzhi, one or two people stood up immediately and paid attention.

"Third Master."

Shen Jingzhi looked inside the room. A group of people gathered around the table, and the small hot pot on the table was rolling.

"Everyone, take a seat."

Ren Ran and Luo Li stepped forward. Luo Li wanted to help him, but he refused.

"Dad, have you eaten?" Ren Ran asked.

"not yet."

"How about some?"

Xu Zhaoyin wanted to yell, sister, is it appropriate for you to let the third master eat our leftovers?

Although they had just started eating not long ago.


Everyone immediately gave up their seats and gave up the main position to Shen Jingzhi.

Due to Shen Jingzhi's participation, the atmosphere at the dinner table became a bit serious, and no one could let go, except Ren Ran.

Even Luo Li was cautious. It was because the other person's aura was too strong and would invisibly affect everyone's words and deeds.

Shen Jingzhi naturally noticed it, ate a few hastily, went to the tea table to drink tea, and waited for them.

He went to the Three Treasures Hall without anything to do. Ren Ran knew that something must have happened. After eating half full, he got up.

"Dad, are you okay?"

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