After seeing Shen Jing off, the party continued.

This was probably the last carnival of the year.

The next day, Shen Jingzhi sent someone to pick up the two siblings. This time, in addition to Gao Ying, Xu Zhaoyin and other people who were originally from Haishi, Zhao Yi also followed them back to Haishi.

After arriving at the airport, a special person took them to the VIP lounge.

After passing through the VVIP channel, they took a special car and arrived in front of a private plane.

Zhao Yi looked at the private plane and hugged Ren Ran's arm, "Sister, I will be your doorman after graduation."

"Don't be poor." Ren Ran said with a smile.


Everyone got on the plane with laughter.

"Your father is really considerate." Zhao Yi touched the leather sofa, drank a bottle of red wine worth more than 100,000 yuan, and sighed with envy.

After flying for about two hours, they finally returned to Haishi.

Zhao Yi declined the kindness of sending her back and took a taxi back by herself.

As soon as he got home, Ren Ran rushed forward to give Ren Suya and her grandmother a bear hug.

"Grandma, Mom, I miss you so much."

Grandpa patted Luo Li's shoulders, "Your songs are very nice."

"Thank you, Grandpa." Luo Li smiled shyly.

"I'm starving." Ren Ran touched his belly.

"I've prepared it for you a long time ago, all your favorite dishes."

Grandma stepped forward and held Luo Li's hand, "Child, let's go."

Family members always have endless things to talk about when they meet again after a long separation. Luo Li and Ren Ran picked out fun things to talk about, and neither of them mentioned the bad things they encountered.

After talking about gossip, Ren Hongru said, "Before, your grandfather called and discussed holding a family recognition banquet for you after the New Year, and officially bringing you into the Shen family. What do you think?"

Luo Li looked directly at her sister.

Ren Ran thought for a while, "No problem."

"That's fine. I'll make a deal with them later. We'll go there by then, and the two families should get to know each other."


After the New Year, I'm another year older.

This year, there are more people visiting than in previous years. Even people you had to be careful to please before have condescended to come and wish Mr. Ren a happy new year.

All these changes come from the Shen family.

On the sixth day of the first lunar month, the family arrived in the capital on the Shen family's private plane. As soon as they landed.

Shen Jingzhi and Shen Shuyan stood outside waiting.

Ren Suya looked at the man in front of her who was leaning on a cane and still had the same momentum.

Shen Jingzhi stepped forward, "Old man."

Ren Hongru smiled, "I've heard about your deeds before, but I didn't expect that we would have such a fate."

After greeting each other and introducing each other, they got in the car and headed to the old house of the Shen family.

At the same time, the Jiang family.

Jiang Zhiyu looked at the invitations posted by her besties in the circle of friends, and listened to the discussion of the recognition of Mr. Shen San in the small group. She felt like a heavy stone was pressing on her heart and couldn't breathe.

Everyone knew that she and Ren Ran didn't get along. Now that Ren Ran had become Mr. Shen's daughter, the people around her before could clearly feel that they were perfunctory and indifferent to her.

Not only them, but even at home, she could feel that her family no longer spoiled her as much as before.

Jiang Zhiyu walked into the kitchen, made a cake, and walked towards the study with the cake.

Her hand was about to knock on the door, but suddenly stopped in mid-air and didn't move for a long time.

"What do you think of Fan Peng?"

"Fan Peng, that child is gentle and elegant, a pretty good child, worthy of Xiaoyu."

Jiang Bingrong nodded, "I remember that too. Let the two children get engaged first, and when they reach the legal age, let them get the marriage certificate."

"Yes." Mrs. Jiang did not object.

"You should tell the child when the time comes."

Mrs. Jiang seemed to have thought of something, "What if the child disagrees? I think she likes Shuyan very much."

"Shen Shuyan?! Hey." Jiang Bingrong snorted coldly, "If she can be with Shen Shuyan, I will agree to everything I say, and I will also give her a generous dowry so that she can marry in style."

"She has been following the Shen family kid's ass for so many years, but she still hasn't won his heart. She is even said to have offended the Shen family so much that the Shen family will let her go."

Speaking of this, Jiang Bingrong was angry.

Because of this, he was severely extorted by the old fox Shen Jingzhi. When Jiang Bingrong thought of the benefits he had given up, he felt pain.

"The Jiang family has cultivated her for so many years. If she is grateful, she will agree. If she is not grateful, hum..."

Mrs. Jiang knew what that cold snort meant, and Jiang Zhiyu, who was eavesdropping outside the door, also knew it.

Jiang Zhiyu's heart trembled, and her hands trembled slightly. She held the tray tightly with both hands, biting her lower lip to prevent herself from crying.

"Okay, I'll talk to her later."

Jiang Zhiyu turned around and left in a hurry, put her things in the living room, ran to the backyard, squatted in a corner, and cried silently.

She didn't want to marry Fan Peng, absolutely not!

Who is Fan Peng? Everyone in this circle knows that he has a tendency to be tyrannical and is an absolute eccentric who likes to abuse.

No woman who is favored by him can escape his clutches.

Superficial girls are easily confused by Fan Peng's gentle appearance and superior family background, and thus fall under his trousers.

Once the girl surrenders, Fan Peng starts to play SM games.

As long as he is not tired of playing, the girl cannot escape his clutches.

Over the years, several girls have been tortured by him, and one of them even committed suicide because she could not bear the pressure.

Once she saw Fan Peng abuse people with her own eyes, and the bloody and unbearable scene made her have nightmares for three days.

Fan Peng is a scumbag, an absolute scumbag and a scum.

Once she marries such a person, her second half of life will be completely ruined.

If he knows that the Jiang family does not care about her, she will definitely live a life worse than death.

No, she must not marry Fan Peng, she can't just sit there and wait for death.

She must find a way to get rid of this matter.


The voice from behind made her thoughts return instantly. She raised her eyes and looked at the other person, with tears in her eyes, but her eyes were cruel.

The maid was frightened by that look, and her voice tightened unconsciously, "Miss, the master is looking for you."


She sorted out her mood, wiped away the tears in her eyes, and opened the door of the study.

"Dad." Jiang Zhiyu's voice was gentle, as if she was attached to her father.

"Sit down."

Jiang Zhiyu sat opposite him.

"Tomorrow the Shen family will hold a family recognition banquet on Banshan Island. You can go with them tomorrow."

She nodded obediently.

"Tomorrow when I see Ren Ran, I will apologize to her and ask for her forgiveness."

She wanted to say no, but under Jiang Bingrong's sharp eyes, she didn't dare to say it, so she could only nod, "Okay."

Seeing that she was obedient, Jiang Bingrong smiled a little more and touched her head, "Xiaoyu, you have grown up, you must know how to share the burden for your parents, understand? Your mother has something to ask you, you go."


Jiang Zhiyu stood up and turned to leave.

When the door closed, the dark eyes surged with strong hatred.

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